The Second Family. Janice Carter
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Название: The Second Family

Автор: Janice Carter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472026217


СКАЧАТЬ up things at the kitchen counter and, in spite of dark circles beneath her eyes, gave him what could have passed for a friendly greeting in the real world. A spark of indignation fired deep inside Alec as he wondered if her improved mood had anything to do with the fact that they’d all be out of her life in a few short hours. Or maybe he was ticked off because the greeting wasn’t quite as friendly as he’d have liked it. He dismissed the notion at once. Wanting to establish a warmer relationship with the woman was natural, given his objective of bringing her around to taking the kids. It was just that a small part of him—a part he was unable to ignore the more he was in Tess’s presence—wanted her to like him.

      “Hi,” she said. “We had cereal, but it was first thing this morning.”

      Alec set the purchases down on the counter and looked across the room at the two kids, huddled together on the couch. Molly was sucking her thumb and Nick looked as though he’d been up most of the night. He glanced back at Tess. Matter of fact, they all did.

      “What’s happening here? You all look like zombies.”

      Tess managed a wan smile. “We didn’t get much sleep.”

      He frowned, but waited for her to continue.

      “Molly had a nightmare and Nick spent a long time getting her back to sleep.”

      Alec wondered what Molly would do when Nick wasn’t around. Resisting the thought, he shoved it aside at once. Part of him wanted to blame Tess, who stood there, calm and detached. As if she didn’t hold the solution to all their problems. But he knew that was unfair. She’d made a successful life for herself and, even though it wasn’t one he envied in any way, he couldn’t fault her for being reluctant to change it. Still…

      “These look good,” Tess said, opening the box of doughnuts.

      Alec bet she’d never tasted one. He watched her plop one on a plate, lick her fingers and pick up one of the coffees.

      “Thanks for the treats,” she said and wandered to the easy chair. “Better get one before I eat them all,” she warned the kids. They stared at her with the same openmouthed surprise that Alec had. “I don’t always eat granola,” she said by way of explanation.

      Molly was the first to bounce up and run to the counter. Alec second-guessed her request for juice and poured a glass. Nick was a bit slower rising to the bait, suspecting what the treats were all about, but eventually sauntered to the counter and deposited two doughnuts on his plate.

      “Hey!” Molly gave a weak protest, not really minding.

      “Growing boy,” Alec said and winked at Nick, provoking a semblance of a smile. He retrieved his own coffee and perched on a bar stool with it.

      “No doughnut?” Tess commented.

      “Have to watch my waistline,” he said, suppressing a grin at her chagrined expression. So, she’d taken one to be a good sport. Great show of unanimity, he thought, even if it was completely meaningless.

      He sipped slowly on his coffee, trying not to be too obvious about his study of her. She was a ringer for Molly, but her skin coloring was paler. Molly had inherited her Italian mother’s olive tones while Nick, with his father’s paler skin and mother’s chestnut hair, was a different blend. He wondered if Tess’s iron will and fierce determination was from her father or her mother. Whatever, he just hoped she could be bent.

      When everyone had finished eating, Alec got off the stool and said, “How would you two like to go down to the lakeshore, check out the park?”

      “We went there yesterday,” Nick said. The look in his face defied a suggestion to return.

      Alec shrugged. “Okay. What about a movie?”

      “At ten in the morning?”

      Alec figured the kid was doing his best to rein in his attitude. He had guessed where Alec was going with this and wanted none of it. No amount of entertainment and junk food could make up for the hard fact that he and Molly were heading back home—mission unaccomplished.

      “What time does your flight leave?”

      Startled, Alec turned sharply toward Tess. Jeez. Did she have to be so blunt about it? No subtle whisper to him when they were alone?

      All eyes in the room were riveted on her face. At least, Alec noticed, she had the grace to seem embarrassed.

      “Because I—I’ve been thinking maybe I should go back with you. Just, you know, to make sure the kids are settled and check out this Jed Walker. Make sure he’s doing right by the kids.” Flushing, she stared down into her coffee cup.

      Alec was speechless. He tried to process what she’d said. Not a commitment to anything, that was for certain. He wondered what had made her change her mind. Whatever it had been, luck was now on his side. The door had opened a crack and she’d stuck her foot through. And he’d do his damnedest to make sure the door was wide-open very soon.

      Molly was thrilled, unaware of the nuances of what Tess had said. “I can show you my room and my pet hamster.”

      Nick was more doubtful. “How do you know you can get a flight?’ he asked.

      “I can try.” She looked over at Alec.

      “I’ll call the airline right away,” he said before she could change her mind. Fifteen minutes later, thanks to a last-minute cancellation, she was confirmed. “We should be at the airport by two, at the latest,” he said.

      She rose from her chair. “Then I’d better get busy with the phone calls I need to make.”

      But she stood there, as if the reality of what she’d promised had just hit home. Alec quickly filled in the gap. “Guys, how about if we go for a walk while Tess makes her phone calls and gets ready?”

      Molly skipped around the room while Nick, feigning indifference, shuffled toward the door.

      Alec couldn’t blame him for being skeptical about the whole thing, but the kid didn’t realize what an opportunity Tess had given them. All they had to do now was to persuade her—somehow—to stay in Boulder. Not an impossible task, Alec decided. But, surveying the upscale loft that represented her success as he joined Molly and Nick at the door, definitely a challenging one.

      AS SOON AS the door closed behind them, Tess sank back into the chair and trembled all over. The emotional drain of last night had ceded, and she couldn’t help thinking that she could just as easily have made a different decision. She could have simply accompanied them to the airport and waved a goodbye with promises to visit soon. In time, she knew that squirm of guilt inside would have disappeared and she could resume her normal life again with a vow to keep in touch.

      She’d made her move—no turning back now. She decided that she’d make it clear from the start that her trip to Colorado was only a visit, to ensure the children were dealt with fairly by the lawyer and the authorities. And surely there must be one family in all of Boulder willing to foster two children!

      She got up and headed for her computer to e-mail Carrie, but realized a phone call would be necessary after all so that Carrie could reschedule an early Monday meeting. She started the conversation off with an apology for calling on a Sunday afternoon, then explained what she’d decided to do.

      “No СКАЧАТЬ