Jackson Hole Valentine. Cindy Kirk
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Название: Jackson Hole Valentine

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472004505


СКАЧАТЬ he owns the whole company,” Ryan said. “Tell her your success story. Local boy makes good and all that.”

      Cole shot Ryan a warning gaze. “I’m not a trick pony that will perform on command.”

      “Duly noted,” Ryan said, appearing not at all repentant. “Tell her anyway. It’ll be a good way to update her on what’s been going on with you since high school.”

      Cole knew his friend too well. Ryan was like a dog with a bone. He wouldn’t move on until he got his way. Cole shifted his gaze to Meg.

      “I earned a degree in entrepreneurship from the University of Texas then opened my first coffee shop shortly after graduation,” he said matter-of-factly. “We now have forty franchises in seven states.”

      “But not one in Wyoming,” Ryan interjected.

      A smile played at the corners of Cole’s lips. “Not yet.”

      Meg’s heart dropped. Instead of finding the rags-to-riches story inspiring, all she felt was depressed. And scared. No wonder Cole had attorneys at his disposal and could afford to rent a house like this without batting an eye.

      “I think I will take you up on your offer,” Ryan said to Cole. “I’d love some coffee.”

      When the attorney made no move to get up, Meg rose to her feet. “I’ll get it.”

      Cole leaned back in his overstuffed chair like a sovereign on his throne. A rich king who could have anything he wanted… including a little boy who needed a mother.

       A little boy who needs me.

      The fact that after all these years it took only one look from Cole’s baby blues to make her heart skip a beat made Meg even angrier. At herself. At the situation. At him.

      “Thank you,” he called out when she reached the doorway to the kitchen.

      “No thanks necessary.” She turned and shot him an imperious gaze. “I don’t want to see you fall and have to pick up the pieces.”

      Pick up the pieces. Like he was some loser who couldn’t pull his own weight.

      Cole fumed as Meg disappeared into the kitchen, her boots clicking on the hardwood.

      He resisted the urge to call her back, to tell her to keep her hands off his coffee. But that would be childish, so Cole kept his mouth shut and spent the next few minutes listening to Ryan discuss current ski conditions. Not that Cole would be out on the slopes anytime soon.

      Still, it beat worrying about how he was going to care for Charlie and wondering what he’d done to make Meg so bitter.

      She returned moments later with a tray holding a carafe of coffee and three mugs. It didn’t surprise him that she’d remembered to bring the cream and sugar. She’d excelled at anything she’d set her mind to do. Unlike him, who’d struggled through life for years.

      When she bent to place the tray on the coffee table, he reluctantly admitted that the plaid skirt and green sweater suited her coloring. He even liked the way she’d pulled her hair to one side with a large tortoiseshell barrette.

      Cole glanced down at his shirt and running pants. Ryan had told him the meeting today would be casual. Either Meg hadn’t received the message or she’d decided to dress up anyway.

      Ignoring his gaze, she filled a cup with the steaming brew then handed it to him, her fingers accidentally brushing against his.

      A spark of electricity traveled up Cole’s arm. His gaze shot to hers to see if she’d felt it, too. But she’d already turned away to fill Ryan’s cup.

      By the time she sat down, Cole’s leg had begun to throb and all he wanted was to get through the discussion and ice his knee.

      “My attorneys say the will is well crafted and completely enforceable.” Cole shifted his gaze to Meg. “I assume that’s what you discovered, as well.”

      “Unfortunately yes.” Meg’s lips pressed together for several heartbeats. “I still can’t understand what Joy and Ty were thinking, but it is what it is.”

      “Which means we’ll have to come to a consensus on how to split custody,” Cole said. “For now at least.”

      “For now?” Meg asked.

      Cole took a sip of coffee. “Until I discover a way to obtain sole custody.”

      “I don’t understand.” Meg placed her cup down with a clatter. “Even your attorneys said the terms of the document are completely enforceable.”

      “I crafted it carefully,” Ryan said in a defensive tone. “There is no way around the stipulations.”

      “Perhaps.” Cole raised the mug to his lips. “But I learned long ago that everything is not always as it appears. Given time I will find a way to obtain sole custody. I feel it’s in Charlie’s best interest to have a single stable home… and I can assure you that home will be with me.”

       Chapter Four

      By the look of shock on Ryan’s face, Meg knew the attorney was as stunned as she was by Cole’s bold assertion.

      “I have to tell you, buddy. I have real concerns about your ability to care for a kid right now.” Ryan spoke before she had a chance to respond.

      Her spirits rose at the look of shock on Cole’s face. Apparently he’d finally remembered the stipulation that gave the attorney the ability to declare either of them unfit.

      “If I discover that I need help,” Cole said, “I’ll hire a live-in nanny to help me until I’m able to care for him by myself.”

      “You’d bring another new person into Charlie’s life?” Ryan’s tone made it clear what he thought of the idea.

      Meg sipped her coffee, waiting to see where the conversation would lead.

      “You have a better suggestion? One that doesn’t involve—”Cole’s gaze shifted briefly to Meg “—giving her sole custody?”

      Her. As if she didn’t have a name. But Meg was too interested in how Ryan would respond to interrupt.

      “As a matter of fact, I do.” The attorney leaned back in his chair, a smug smile on his face.

      “Are you planning to share that suggestion with us?” Cole spoke in a slightly mocking tone.

      “Meg moves in with you,” Ryan said. “In exchange for free room and board she helps you care for Charlie and does therapy on your knee.”

      Had Ryan really suggested she and Cole live together? Meg bolted upright in her seat. “No way.”

      “Absolutely not,” Cole echoed.

      She exchanged a glance with Cole. She’d never thought this day would come. They finally agreed on something.

      “I СКАЧАТЬ