The Baby Bargain. Wendy Warren
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Название: The Baby Bargain

Автор: Wendy Warren

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408960325



      “With a great hairdresser.”

      “She looked good, because advertising works when it makes the consumer believe you have what they want.”

      “Studies tell you this?”


      “Well, I don’t know about your studies. I’m a doula. I coach women through labor and I run the new single moms’ group at the Children’s Connection. The women I work with are worried about fluctuating hormones and how to find trustworthy, affordable child care on a single person’s income. They’re mighty concerned about having to go back to work on four hours of sleep a night. Their challenges will not be appeased by a thirty-second sound bite, and I would hate to have them assume we don’t understand their struggles. Or that we think their journeys will be smooth sailing once they choose our clinic. That’s a lie.”

      The edge of LJ’s smile twitched with the effort to maintain it. “I’m not suggesting we lie to anyone. But we’re not going to draw new clients to the Children’s Connection by enumerating all the gory details of parenthood.”

      The gory details?

      Why hadn’t the Logans hired someone who understood the desire for children? Someone who valued family? LJ’s blood connection to the other Logans was not reason enough to put all their fates—those of their past, current and future clients, too—into his hands.

      “I was drawn by the center’s forthrightness,” she told him. “Even forthrightness about the mistakes that have been made.”

      “Kidnappings? Mix-ups in the sperm bank? Rumors of a black-market baby ring?” Emphatically, he shook his head. “The public doesn’t need to be reminded about those matters. They’re thinking about them already. That’s why I’m here—to make them think about something else.”

      “The Children’s Connection took responsibility wherever they were culpable. The way to calm doubts is to address allegations, not gloss over them.”

      They both sat on the edge of their seats now leaning over their legs. Eden enjoyed the opportunity to say exactly what she thought to this supremely confident businessman. He didn’t seem to mind mixing it up with her, either.

      “Fine. I understand your point of view, Eden, but—and I don’t mean this in a condescending way—you’re an employee who uses the day care center. The need for additional comfort and positive imaging will be far greater for single women who come to the center to find…” He frowned, losing momentum as he searched for a word. “When they need, uhh…”

      Eden frowned, not knowing at first what LJ was trying to say. “Single women who need…?” She shook her head.

      And then she understood.

      “Oh, my God. Sperm?” She started to smile. “Are you trying to say ‘sperm’? ‘A single woman who comes to the center to find a sperm donor’? It’s okay. I know that word.”

      “Obviously.” Handsomely flushing because he hadn’t said it, LJ straightened then leaned back in the chair. “You won’t tell me how long you’ve been single, you refuse to use my first name, but you can say ‘sperm’ three times in two sentences?”

      Eden tilted her head, pondering the thought. “It is ironic, isn’t it?” She picked up her glass and swirled the iced tea. “Then again, I do work in a clinic that offers alternative insemination. A man’s contributions to the process isn’t something we romanticize.”

      “That information should render every man in Portland impotent,” he grumbled, crossing his legs. The action looked so self-protective Eden nearly spewed her sip of iced tea.

      LJ watched her. The smile she’d withheld from him before emerged freely now as she laughed. Her impossibly thick hair brushed her shoulders. Everything about her was generous—eyes, nose, lips and shoulders as gorgeously round and curving as her bosom.

      He certainly didn’t consider himself old fashioned, but he couldn’t comfortably discuss sperm with a woman whose presence reminded him of sex every time he looked at her. So sue him.

      Why was he here, anyway? He wasn’t convincing her of a thing.

      Mystified, he shook his head. It wasn’t like him to chase after approval. And, really, he didn’t need hers. It would make his job easier, yes, but he didn’t need it. He should leave.

      “What is it about you?”

      She blinked the huge, heavily lashed blue eyes he kept losing his way in. “What do you mean?”

      “I want you to support my plan for the Children’s Connection. I’m not sure why.”

      His candor threw her off, which afforded some satisfaction. His ego had taken a bruising with her.

      After a pause during which her brows almost touched, she repeated the reason he’d offered earlier. “Because you like me.”

      “I guess I must,” he murmured.

      LJ had studied body language in his determination to be the best salesman of his business. A firm, well-grounded stance communicated confidence, strength and assurance. He never fidgeted. Except now.

      Moving to the edge of his seat again, even though he’d just relaxed back, he searched her baby-blue eyes. “How long have you been single?” he asked quietly.

      Her full lips parted. Her breath quickened. Just a bit, but he noticed.

      “What does this have to do with business?”

      “Absolutely nothing. How long?”

      If she’d chosen not to answer, he wouldn’t have been surprised. He was beyond pleased when she did.

      “I’ve never been married, Mr. Logan.”

      “LJ,” he corrected calmly. “Is your son—Liam, isn’t it?” She nodded, still wary. “Is Liam’s father involved in his life? Or are you truly flying solo?”

      Her breath had been shallow. Now she released a long sigh. “I’m truly flying solo. But I knew I would be. I planned for it. When I say single parenthood is difficult, I’m not complaining. It’s simply a fact.”

      “Why did you plan for it?” His frown moved from the inside out. “Did the father walk out while you were pregnant?” He’d never had children and never intended to. The thought that she’d been left high and dry by someone she’d trusted annoyed the hell out of him. He’d long ago given up unprotected sex. As he saw it, no one in any relationship should enjoy that privilege if he didn’t plan to stick around for the consequences.

      Her long hair swung as she shook her head. “Nobody walked out. I told you, I don’t just work at the Children’s Connection. I’ve used their services.”

      It took a moment to compute that properly. She’d already mentioned that she had Liam in the child care center. The Children’s Connection also had an adoption division. But except for darker, curlier hair, the baby looked just like her. So that left—


      “It’s СКАЧАТЬ