In His Eyes. Emmie Dark
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Название: In His Eyes

Автор: Emmie Dark

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472027283



      It’s not like Mack will know. And even if he did—she imagined him peering down at her from the clouds, that familiar disapproving frown etched on his face—why do you care?

      Zoe sat on the back step of the farmhouse, her hands clasped around her mug of tea for warmth and comfort.

      She shivered as a gust of wind whooshed through the yard, making the shed door bang and a tangle of litter rise in a dusty whirlwind before settling back over the unkempt ground.

      Zoe drained the last of her tea, standing up and wrapping her cardigan tighter around her as she headed back inside the dilapidated house.

      Decision made. She’d instruct Stephen Carter to sell up, pay out Waterford’s debts and give anything left over—however measly—to charity. Something to support teen mothers, just for the hell of it. And she would book a plane ticket back to California and leave all of this behind. In the past. Where it belonged.

      * * *

      ITWASANORMALDAY on the Lawson Estate, which meant that by midday Hugh had already been working for more than six hours.

      He started the morning checking his stocks on the internet and talking with his trader in Sydney. At eight, Morris and the operational crew for the vineyards held their weekly meeting—this morning the hot topic was security, and how to stop enthusiastic and/or drunken visitors from wandering around the vines, potentially damaging them or, worse, introducing pests to the vulnerable plants.

      Then his advertising agency had come to present a campaign for the new Lawson Estate sparkling rosé—a light and pretty wine they were targeting squarely at the female market. The hope was to have it out in time for the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival, when the whole country gorged itself on celebratory bubbles. After that there’d been a distribution bungle to sort out, a complaint from one of their largest buyers—an airline—about lopsided labeling on the last shipment. And, just now, an intoxicated winery visitor angry about being refused service.

      Hugh headed back to his office after escorting the staggering man out to the car park. The man’s friends had been embarrassed, and once Hugh had been sure that he wasn’t driving, he’d left them to sort it out.

      Usually Hugh strode through the day with energy and confidence, seeing any challenge as a hurdle to be overcome with perseverance and charm.

      But not today.

      He’d yelled at the trader for missing a deal, dismissed the concerns of the operational staff with a wave of his hand and sent the ad agency back to the drawing board. He’d left the bottling company in little doubt as to his fury about the labeling mistake, and had barely managed to rein in his temper when dealing with the visitor. Drunk before noon from wine tasting—Hugh had trouble hiding his disgust for the guy.

      He sank into his executive leather chair and let out a sigh. Someone had placed a steaming caffe latte on his desk and disappeared—apparently word about the boss’s foul mood had circulated fast.

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