The Daughter Dilemma. Ann Evans
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Название: The Daughter Dilemma

Автор: Ann Evans

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472025821


СКАЧАТЬ realize you didn’t want…I guess what I’m trying to say is…I apologize.”

      He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head at her. “Why would you feel the need to do that, Miss Churchill?”

      Her cheeks went a pretty shade of pink under the harsh hospital lighting. “You know perfectly well why,” she replied.

      “You mean, because you managed to talk my sister into taking you up? Because your determination to get your own way nearly got the both of you killed? Yeah, that might be a reason to apologize.”

      The pink turned to red, twin flags of annoyance. “Now wait just a minute,” she said. “I admit I shouldn’t have coerced your sister into taking me. I feel horrible about that. But she’s a grown woman. I didn’t trick her into anything.” She chewed her lip a moment, then, as if deciding what she’d been thinking deserved to be said, she gave him a hard, hostile look of her own. “Did it ever occur to you that if you weren’t such an overbearing dictator, Addy might not have felt the need to prove herself? She did great up there. Even after the lightning hit us, she was in control. You underestimate your sister, Mr. D’Angelo. If you treated her with a little respect, she might surprise you.”

      He stared at her, letting the words settle in his gut. It would serve no good purpose to heave into further argument. Truthfully, he couldn’t say that he totally disagreed with her. But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

      Expelling a slow, deliberate breath, he came around the end of the gurney and approached her. She watched him move without flinching, chin tipped up, and if it hadn’t been for her white-knuckled grip on the sheet, he’d have bought this defiant, steely charade.

      “I’m not here to talk about my relationship with Addy,” he said in a quiet, terse voice. “I’m here to make sure you’re all right.”

      “Yes, I can see you’re eaten up with anxiety,” she snapped.

      He counted to ten and tried to wrangle his patience under control. “As the head of Angel Air, I’m naturally interested—”

      “Oh, I think I understand what you’re interested in,” she cut in, giving him a narrowed glance. “What you’d really like to know is if I intend to take this little accident any further. Like to court.”

      “Do you?”

      She looked away for a moment. He had to admit, she had a damn fine profile, all haughty elegance and sleek lines.

      “I don’t think…” She took a deep breath, turning back to look at him with cold disdain. “I like your sister very much. I don’t want to hurt her by causing trouble for her family. My injuries are minor, so there’s no reason to blow this out of proportion. Accidents happen. Why don’t we leave it at that?”

      The words were flat, though heat wove through them like a thin ribbon. He stared at her, wondering if he could believe her. No way to tell, really. As sneaky as she’d probably been with Addy, he wasn’t sure her signature in blood would suffice.

      And then she did a strange thing. She laughed.

      Nick frowned at her.

      She shook her head. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever met a man as openly skeptical as you are. If I told you the sky was blue, would you insist on going outside to check?” Without waiting for a response, she waved a slim hand toward the outer corridor. “Find a lawyer out there. As busy as this place is, there’s bound to be some ambulance-chaser hanging around who can draw up an affidavit for me to sign.” She cocked her head at him. “Just tell me one thing. Are you like this with everyone, or is it just me?”

      It was crazy, considering the fact that he was being insulted, that he felt the urge to smile. In spite of the fact that she’d been trouble from the get-go, she had a lively, sharp assertiveness that made him realize that her strong chin and intense gaze weren’t to be taken lightly.

      Definitely not a desirable response. He searched through the debris of his anger to find a more comfortable reaction. He knew one thing. He wasn’t about to discuss his character traits—good, bad or otherwise.

      “Let’s just agree that this entire experience has been…unpleasant for everyone concerned,” he said, trying for a reasonable tone. “But it’s over and we can all move on. My company will take care of the hospital bill, of course. If you’ll leave word where you’d like your things sent, I’ll have them delivered to you first thing in the morning. Will that suffice?”

      She looked as if she might object, then took another deep breath. “Fine.”

      “Good. That should be about it, then.”

      “Any reason why I can’t stop in to see Addy before I leave?”

      “I’m sure she’ll want to say goodbye. But not too long, if you don’t mind. She’s very tired.”

      She frowned, clearly annoyed that he would think her that insensitive. “Of course.”

      He held out his hand. “I hope the rest of your trip to Colorado is enjoyable, Miss Churchill. Good luck.”

      She lifted her chin again and took his hand. “Thank you, Mr. D’Angelo,” she replied in a tight tone that bore no warmth. Not a flicker. “I’m sure whatever happens during the rest of my stay, it can’t possibly compare to what I experienced today.”

      Nick had a feeling she was referring to more than just the accident, but he wasn’t about to comment. He nodded and made his escape.

      KARI HAD JUST SLIPPED into her jeans when the nurse came back to the room. Except for a killer headache and some stiff muscles in her back, she felt fine. Maybe a little drained from the ordeal she’d been through, but who wouldn’t be? The fact that both she and Addy D’Angelo had managed to come out of the crash in one piece was pretty amazing.

      Even more amazing was the fact that she’d kept her conversation with Nick D’Angelo semi-civil. If ever there was a man who could make a woman scream in frustration, he was it.

      Of course, she had to concede that he had some right to be angry with her. She had taken advantage of Addy, and that knowledge had left her struggling with enough guilt to choke a horse. Her mother had always complained that she was too much like her father. When Madison Churchill set his sights on something, he went barreling in and damned the consequences. Kari had certainly inherited that trait.

      The nurse who’d assisted the doctor came into the room. She handed Kari a prescription for a muscle relaxer and a mild pain reliever. “You’re all set to go,” she said. She handed Kari a third piece of paper. “Nick said to give you this. It’s the phone number for a couple of motels down by the interstate.”

      Kari slipped the prescriptions and the phone numbers into the back pocket of her jeans. She realized suddenly that the nurse, a pretty brunette about her age, had used D’Angelo’s first name. “You know Mr. D’Angelo?” she asked.

      The woman had already begun to strip the hospital gurney of its sheets. She glanced back over her shoulder. “Everyone around these parts knows Nick. He’s been baby-sitting Lightning River Lodge for his family for five years now.”

      “Has he always been so…”


      “No!” СКАЧАТЬ