The Doctor's Baby. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Doctor's Baby

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408978658


СКАЧАТЬ knife to her heart. Saying them brought the pain flooding back. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t America’s Next Top Model, but she’d been told many, many times that she was “cute” and had beautiful eyes.

      “July. Listen to me.”

      “All I’m asking is that you think of your wife’s feelings.” She maintained an even tone. Goodness knows, she’d had a lifetime of practice. “I want you to realize that if news of the DNA test gets out, she will be hurt by the scandal. And all for nothing because Adam is not your son.”

      Some of the light in his eyes dimmed at her words. It was almost as if he wanted Adam to be his. Which was insane. What married man would welcome a baby from a one-night stand?

      “We need to clear one thing up right now,” David said in a firm voice. “I. Am. Not. Married.”

      When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up a hand.

      “Please let me finish. I was married but my wife died the year before you and I met.” His gaze met hers. “I’d never have slept with you if I’d been married. For Celeste and me, those marriage vows were sacred.”

      July’s head spun like an out-of-control Tilt-A-Whirl while her mind wrapped itself around the words. Everything from David’s posture to his facial expression to his intonation said he was telling the truth. But yet she had a reliable third party with no stakes in the matter who said differently. “Dr. Countryman knew you,” she finally managed to sputter. “How could he not have known your wife had died?”

      “I knew Kevin back in residency.” David’s eyes never left hers. “It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to him. Celeste must have been still alive the last time we talked.”

      “I don’t know. That seems—”

      “You still don’t believe me.” David rose and paced the room, frustration written all over his face. “Ask anyone. Ask Lexi or Dr. Fisher. They’ll confirm that what I’ve told you is true.”

      A cold chill stole over July. Relief that she hadn’t slept with a married man was miniscule compared to the stark realization that the tables had turned. She was now the one who needed to apologize. She’d told David to his face that Adam wasn’t his son. Not just once. Many times.

       Tell him you’re sorry. Tell him you made a mistake. He’ll understand. You thought he was married.

      July opened her mouth but the words wouldn’t come. Her heart pounded hard and fast in her head, making it impossible for her to think, much less form a coherent sentence.

      “July.” David’s voice, soft but insistent, broke through the maelstrom in her head. “Will you consent to the test?”

      She tried to speak but settled for a jerky nod.

      “The test is easy.” Though his tone was professional, she could hear the undercurrent of excitement and relief in his voice. “A simple buccal swab. One to Adam’s cheek, one to yours.”

      “Mine?” Her voice broke on the word.

      “It’s recommended,” he said quickly. “But if you don’t want—”

      “No problem.” July took a glass of water from the tray table and chugged it past her dry throat. “Just give me a call when—”

      “We can do it now.” He pulled two vials from his pocket along with an official-looking paper. “But first I need your signature.”

      The room closed around her neck like a noose. She took the paper from his hand and sweat trickled down her back. “Once we do this, how long before you get the results?”

      “Three to five days.”

      The noose tightened.

      July pretended to study the consent form but the words blurred. After a moment, she folded the paper in half and dropped it into her purse.

      “What are you doing?” Confusion blanketed his face. “You said you’d do it.”

      Though her heart now beat like a trapped butterfly in her chest, she somehow managed a nonchalant air. “I’m sure you understand wanting to read a legal document. I’ll be in Jackson Hole for at least another month. We’ll definitely do the test before I leave.”

      “Why wait so long?” His brows pulled together. “It doesn’t take a month to read the authorization.”

      “Because I know what the answer will be, and I’m in no hurry.” Because I need to tell you the truth before you get the results.

      “But you’ll have it done before you leave.”

      “Absolutely.” July wished she could bring herself to tell him the test wasn’t needed. After all, he was the only one she’d been with in over three years. But every time she tried to bring the words forth, tentacles of fear slipped around her, squeezing out the air.

      She would tell David. In her own time. In her own way. But it had to be soon. Before the DNA test. Before he became even more suspicious. Before he found out the truth on his own….

      David left July’s room, feeling more unsettled than when he’d walked through the door. Last night, while tossing and turning in bed, he’d considered his options. He could take July at her word that Adam wasn’t his son. But if she was lying, once she left Jackson Hole she’d be taking his flesh-and-blood out of his life forever. Or he could be proactive and find out for sure if that baby in the nursery was his.

      He’d told himself her response to his request for a DNA test would reveal the truth. If she refused, it’d confirm his suspicions that she was lying. But she hadn’t refused. At least not directly.

      “Can I help you, doctor?”

      David looked into the eyes of Rachel Milligan, the emergency room nurse who’d been at July’s side during the delivery. He glanced around the nursery. “What are you doing here? This isn’t the E.R.”

      “Very perceptive.” Rachel smiled. “It was slow downstairs so they sent me up here to help out.”

      He didn’t know Rachel all that well—she’d only started in the E.R. several months ago—but like everyone in Jackson Hole, he knew of the tragedy that had rocked her world a couple of years earlier. Since she never mentioned the murder of her husband and death of her baby, he hadn’t felt comfortable bringing up the subject.

      “What brings you to the nursery?”

      David glanced around. He hadn’t consciously planned to make a detour to this part of the hospital but now that he was here he might as well assuage his curiosity. “I stopped by to check on the Greer baby.”

      “Of course.” Rachel smiled and he suddenly realized with her honey-blond hair and big blue eyes she was quite pretty. But it didn’t matter. There was no sizzle. Not like there was with July….

      While she was retrieving the baby, David scrubbed his hands and put on a gown, wondering why he insisted on tormenting himself. For all he knew this little boy was someone else’s son.

      “Here СКАЧАТЬ