Mommy For A Minute. Judy Christenberry
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Название: Mommy For A Minute

Автор: Judy Christenberry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408960110


СКАЧАТЬ was just giving Ally a way to be comfortable. She’s still in the room with you.”

      “Fine! Ally, stay there. I’m bringing in a lot of material and I don’t want you getting hurt.”

      “I won’t, Daddy.” Before he could leave the room, she added, “But I wish I could watch Sesame Street.”

      “Ally!” he exclaimed.

      “I’m not using the television right now. I’d be glad to put on Sesame Street.” Lauren held her breath. Not that it really mattered to her, but she wanted Ally to be happy. Besides, Sesame Street was educational.

      “Well, as long as you’re not watching it, I guess that would be okay.” He turned to his child. “Sit on the floor. I don’t want you messing up that white couch.”

      When Lauren held out her hand, Ally took it and slid out of the desk. Together they left the office.

      “You did eat breakfast this morning, didn’t you, Ally?” Lauren asked after Jack went outside again.

      “Daddy got me a biscuit. We were running late.”

      “Oh, my, I’ll fix you some scrambled eggs and toast. You do like scrambled eggs, don’t you?”

      “I think so,” Ally said, her eyes wide.

      After turning on the television, Lauren hurried to the kitchen to make the child some breakfast. She’d always made sure her siblings had a good meal to start the day. Ally was just as appreciative, eating well.

      After Sesame Street was over, Lauren invited Ally to the kitchen to make cookies. They had a great time, chatting and making chocolate-chip cookies. As Lauren had suspected, Ally’s father had forgotten all about her, having gotten so engrossed in his work.

      With the cookies cooling on the racks, Lauren made sandwiches for lunch.

      “I think Daddy made lunch for us,” Ally said after Lauren had finished preparing the sandwiches.

      “He brought lunch for both of you?”

      “He bought us some sandwiches from a store.”

      “Ah, I see. Well, I think these sandwiches will be better. They’re bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Let’s go get Daddy.”

      When they reached the office, Jack frowned. “Is Sesame Street over?”

      “Yes, Daddy. Lauren made us lunch.”

      He looked at his watch. “No. I bought us lunch, remember?”

      “But I’ve already made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Can’t you save those for tomorrow?” Lauren waited for his answer.

      “No. We’ll go sit in the car and eat.” Jack began putting away his tools.

      “But, Daddy—” Ally began.

      “You could at least eat in the kitchen so Ally will be able to eat a proper lunch.”

      “And, Daddy, we made cookies,” Ally said as part of her plea.

      “You what?” Jack asked. “I thought you were just watching Sesame Street?”

      Lauren stepped in to protect Ally from her father’s irritation. “Sesame Street ended hours ago. I asked Ally if she would help me make cookies. I didn’t see any harm in that.”

      “Ally, sit in the desk and don’t leave it!” Jack ordered.

      “She’s to sit there instead of having lunch? I think that’s rather severe punishment for a small child.”

      “Who asked you, lady? You’re not a mother. You’re a lawyer! It’s none of your business.”

      “I am too a mother! I know about—”

      “You are not! You have no kids!”

      “Yes, I do. I have six kids!” she yelled back, determined to win this argument.

      “You’re lying. Judge Robinson said you didn’t have any kids.”

      “Well, he’s wrong!”

      “So where are these six kids? The oldest couldn’t be more than twelve, if he’s that old!”

      “He’s twenty-eight!” she snapped.

      Jack stared at her. Finally, he said, “That’s impossible.”

      She looked away. Her voice was lower when she explained. “My children are my brothers and sisters. My mother died when I was twelve. I became the mother. Dad hired someone to come in and do the housework once a week, but I was responsible for cooking meals and overseeing homework. I was the mother.”

      “My apologies. I didn’t mean—Obviously, you have the experience of being a mother. But that doesn’t mean you should take over my child. She’s mine, and I make the decisions.”

      “I’m not trying to be her mother. I’m offering to help a little. It’s easy to be a mommy for a minute. Being mommy for the long haul is your job.”

      “Yes, it is. And we’re having lunch in the car.”

      Lauren raised her chin. “My sandwiches are very good.”

      “I’m sure they are.”

      “They’re much better than sandwiches prepared two days ago.”

      “You don’t know when they were prepared.”

      “At least let Ally have her choice.”


      “Then bring your sandwiches to the table and she can choose.”

      They all went down the hall, Ally holding Lauren’s hand. When they went into the kitchen, Ally asked how many cookies she got if she ate all her sandwich.

      “Three, just like yesterday, but I’m not cutting your sandwich into soldiers today. It would fall apart.”

      “Okay. Does Daddy get cookies, too?”

      “If he wants them. He seems a little out of sorts.”

      “Daddy doesn’t usually yell at me. I think he’s been working too hard.”

      “I see. Well, I hope he feels better soon.” While she talked, Lauren was serving lunch. She set a plate out for Jack, also, even though she thought he deserved to eat his prepackaged lunch.

      He came into the kitchen with a brown paper bag. Taking the two sandwiches out, he stared at the sandwich already on a plate in front of him. Then he looked at his purchases. “Look, you can’t keep making lunch for us.”

      “It’s not a problem.”

      “Yes, СКАЧАТЬ