Sheriff Needs a Nanny. Teresa Carpenter
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Название: Sheriff Needs a Nanny

Автор: Teresa Carpenter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408919699


СКАЧАТЬ shifted in her seat, smoothing a hand down a cotton-clad thigh, and then completely changed the subject on him. “I understand you’ve already had two nannies come and go in the past week. What was the problem with them?”

      He frowned. “Why do you want to know?”

      “It’ll help me to know what you’re looking for.”

      “Right. I guess that makes sense. The first couldn’t handle the schedule. She was too concerned with disruptions to her time off and the distance from San Diego. The second seemed set in her ways. She had tried-and-true doctrines and regimens, and she made it clear it would be her way or no way. I chose no way.”

      “Good for you.” Approval beamed at him from across the room, making him feel twelve feet tall. She was a pretty woman, with even features, a plump mouth and a peaches-and-cream complexion, but what really made her attractive was her animation. This woman lived life; it showed in her perpetual smile and those amazing amber eyes.

      She lit the room with energy, just sitting on his slate-blue sofa. He watched as she tossed a flow of honey-brown hair over her shoulder. A slight frown created a furrow between slim dark brows.

      “Sadly, a lot of parents want just such an arrangement. It’s almost as if they prefer to be visitors in their children’s lives rather than participants.” Her tone made it clear what she thought of those misguided parents.

      Must be nice to live in her merry little world. He knew the truth. “I’m in law enforcement, Ms. Rhodes. I can tell you parents often cause less damage to a kid just by virtue of their absence.”

      “You’re right, of course. But that’s not what I meant.”

      “I know what you meant. I’ve been a visitor in my son’s life for more than a year. But that’s over. I’m responsible for him now. I’ll decide what’s best for him.”

      And chatting up a kindergartener teacher, no matter how blunt and vivacious, wasn’t going to get the job done.

      Was she the nanny for him?

      On the surface she was too young, too overqualified, too inexperienced. It didn’t take a master’s degree to change a diaper, but it took someone who’d been around babies to know the difference between a fever due to teething or an illness. Something he’d learned just this week.

      On the other hand it was a job, and the budget cuts did have a lot of teachers looking for employment.

      “Ms. Rhodes—”

      “Please,” she interjected, “call me Nikki.”

      “Ms. Rhodes.” It was better that way. Better to keep everything professional. “When can you start?”

      Chapter Two

      “WHEN can you start?”

      As soon as Trace said the words the cell phone on the coffee table rang and a cry echoed from down the hall. He stopped and reached for the phone.

      “I’m sorry,” he said. “I have to get this. Do you mind checking on the baby for me?”

      “Right.” Nikki surged to her feet and tugged on the short hem of her vest. She had the job! So she wasn’t keen to be working for a control fiend—she’d get to stay close to Amanda, and that was what mattered. Nikki could hardly wait to tell her sister. “Which room?”

      He nodded toward the hall. “Last door on the right.”

      Turned out Nikki needed the directions, because the crying had stopped. She found that odd. In her experience babies wanting attention usually got louder, not quieter.

      She pushed open the half-closed door and peered inside. The room held only a crib and a dressing table/dresser set made of fine oak. The walls were white, the sheets and blankets a dark navy. There were no toys in sight.

      A brown-haired, solemn-eyed baby sat quietly in the crib.

      Nikki’s heart wrenched. She’d never seen such a sad child in her life. Poor baby. He must really be missing his grandmother.

      “Hello, Carmichael,” she greeted him softly as she approached the crib. “I’m Nikki.”

      She rested her forearms on the wooden railing and smiled, prepared to chat for a moment before plucking him from his bed.

      He watched her with those big sad eyes—green, like his father’s—but made no move toward or away from her.

      “Carmichael is a lot of name to live up to. Someday I’m sure you’ll rate every syllable.” Letting him get used to her, she reached out and wiggled his little nose. “In the meantime, you look more like a Mickey to me.”

      The corners of his mouth turned up in a tiny smile.

      Pleased by his reaction, she asked, “You like that? You like the name Mickey? I like it, too.” She gave his nose another wiggle. “Are you a fan of the mouse? He’d certainly bring a little color to the room, wouldn’t he?”

      The boy rolled over and crawled to the side of the crib, using the rails to climb up. Once he stood opposite her, he turned shy again, eying her warily. She kept her smile in place, showing him he had nothing to fear.

      Her patience was rewarded when he suddenly poked her in the nose.

      “Uh-oh,” she said in mock alarm. “You got my nose.”

      He grinned and poked her again.

      “Oh, look at you—you got me again. I’m going to get you back.” She wiggled his nose one more time.

      And he giggled.

      The happy sound sent a buzz of triumph through Nikki. She’d made him laugh! The poor baby needed joy in his life, especially with a father ready to control his every move. Nikki readily admitted over-controlling parents were a hot button for her. If the location and the live-in facilities didn’t make this the perfect job she’d be tempted to turn it down. She didn’t look forward to working for a man with no give in his life.

      Mickey raised his arms for her to pick him up, and her heart twisted in her chest. Here was another reason for her to stay. One smile made it worth her while.

      She lifted him into a huge hug. One arm went around her neck and he laid his head on her shoulder. A lump grew in her throat. There was no feeling in the world like the soft weight of a baby cuddled trustingly in your arms.

      She turned and found Trace framed in the open doorway.

      Nikki met his green gaze over the baby’s head. From the raw emotion in the jade depths she knew he’d heard Mickey’s laughter.

      “He likes you.” Trace came no further than the threshold, his gaze locked on his son in her arms. “Good. That was Dispatch. There’s been an accident. I have to go in. Can you start now? I tried Russ again, and he’s still not answering, so I need a sitter.”

      When he raised his glance to her, his expression was closed again. СКАЧАТЬ