The Boy is Back in Town. Nina Harrington
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Название: The Boy is Back in Town

Автор: Nina Harrington

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408920114


СКАЧАТЬ but sat back down and looked at Mari sheepishly over the rim of her mug before shrugging a little as she replied. ‘It seemed like such a good idea at the time. He was in town ordering building materials and hanging out at the yacht club just after he arrived. We got talking and it was pretty obvious that Ethan might be brilliant at carpentry and the like but he had no clue whatsoever about colour charts or layouts. So I sort of took pity of him and traded a week’s work for two days of his time in July. His folks will be here over the summer and he’s happy to have his photo taken for the TV cameras and the whole media circus. The publicity would be amazing. Swanhaven needs celebrities like Ethan more than ever. And the sailing club needs a boost.’

      Mari sat back on the arm of the sofa, stunned. ‘Rosa the interior designer? Well, this day is turning out to be full of surprises. I think I need to sit down.’

      The doorbell sounded. ‘Who can that be at this time of night in this weather?’

      Mari stood to clear away the cups as Rosa chatted to someone at the door, then turned at the sound of footsteps.

      ‘I can always make myself scarce if it’s a customer or one of your new boyfriends,’ she said, and turned to find herself staring into the chest of Ethan Chandler, who was grinning down at her.

      Mari crossed her arms and glared at Ethan, stone-faced.

      The sheer bulk of him seemed to fill all of the space in the cosy living room, and she had to fight the urge to step back into a corner so that she had room to breathe.

      He was overwhelming in every way possible.

      This was not helped by the fact that Rosa was peeking out at her from behind Ethan’s shoulder and nodding with her head towards Ethan, flapping her face with her hand and fluttering her eyelids. Oh. Yes. Apparently she had to be polite. She could do polite.

      ‘Hello, Ethan. Nice to see you again so soon. Is there anything that we can help you with?’

      He bowed slightly. ‘First, I just wanted to make sure that you got home safely. And secondly, the snow is still falling and I’m on my way to the clubhouse. Thirdly, I’m here to warn you that you may be accosted by the local TV station on your way out. So, if my favourite two ladies require an escort, personal security or a lift home, I am at your service.’

      He raised his head and glanced around the room, inhaling appreciatively. ‘And what is that fantastic smell? Blueberry muffins? Or cinnamon?’

      Rosa groaned and rolled her eyes. ‘Two. That’s all I can spare. Blueberry and cinnamon. And I do have to get to the club early so a lift would be great.’

      Ethan responded by lifting the back of Rosa’s hand to his lips. ‘I would be delighted to have your company.’

      ‘Oh, you are terrible.’ Rosa grinned, then looked from Ethan back to Mari, then back to Ethan again, her eyes wide. ‘Dress. Coat. I’ll be five minutes. Maybe ten.’ With a quick nod, she turned around and fled upstairs.

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