In Love with John Doe. Cindy Kirk
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Название: In Love with John Doe

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408978696


СКАЧАТЬ used the past tense. “Was?”

      “He was killed in a car accident five years ago.” Lexi’s voice was matter-of-fact but her fingers had the steering wheel in a death grip. “Icy roads.”

      “Did it happen around here?”

      “In Ohio.” Lexi shook her head. “That’s where I’m from originally.”

      “Jackson Hole is a long ways from Ohio.” John kept his tone light. “How’d you end up here?”

      “The job brought me here. I’d never been to Wyoming, but once my dad was gone there was nothing keeping me in Ohio.” Lexi smiled. “Enough about me. Tell me what you remember about your family.”

      “Absolutely nothing.” He leaned back in his seat and massaged the bridge of his nose with two fingers.

      Lexi slanted him a sideways glance. “Headache?”

      He shrugged. “Comes and goes.”

      “It’s not much farther,” Lexi said. “You look so good it’s easy to forget what you’ve been through.”

      She thinks I look good. For some reason the thought buoyed his flagging spirits.

      Lexi turned the car onto a graveled drive and John’s gaze was drawn to the large log home at the base of the mountain, tucked away in a forest of trees.

      “Is that Wildwoods?”

      Lexi smiled. “Home sweet home.”

      “It’s huge,” John said.

      “It’s pretty big.” A smile tipped the corners of Lexi’s lips. “Last summer we began doing weddings.”

      “Weddings?” Unexpectedly and without warning, an image of him in a tux standing in front of an altar filled with flowers surfaced. But it was gone so quickly he couldn’t be sure it ever existed.

      “Destination weddings are all the rage and you couldn’t ask for a more beautiful venue,” she said. “In the summer the wildflower garden is perfect for outdoor ceremonies. We also do quite a few inside in the great hall. Most of those couples exchange vows in front of the stone fireplace.”

      Her expression turned dreamy and the attraction he’d felt at the hospital slammed into him with all the subtlety of a ton of bricks. However, for all he knew this woman he found so attractive could have a boyfriend or be married. And … so could he.

      “How does your husband like living at a bed-and-breakfast?” he asked in a casual tone.

      “I’m not married.”


      “Never married.”

      “I’m surprised.” He was also relieved, but saw no reason to mention that fact. “A woman as pretty as you … I’d have thought you’d have been snatched up long ago.”

      “I’m too busy to date.” Lexi pulled the car to a stop in a small parking lot adjacent to the side of the house.

      John glanced out the window, but the blowing snow made it difficult to see much. “Looks like we got here just in time.”

      “I’m glad I got off at noon.” Two lines of worry appeared between her brows. “If it continues falling at this pace, we’re going to have a real blizzard on our hands.”

      “I guess that means we better get inside.” He leaned over the seat and grabbed the bag stuffed with underwear, jeans, shirts, sweaters … and all the necessary toiletries.

      He’d tried to give the older woman who’d brought the bag to his room some money for the items. She’d refused to take anything from him, but her warm generosity wouldn’t be forgotten. He’d find a way to repay the hospital auxiliary for their kindness.

      Lexi secured the top button on her coat and pushed open the door. “Race you to the front door.”

      John shoved open his own door and ducked his head. The wind blew sideways with such force it made walking difficult and running impossible. Though he didn’t want to overstep, when Lexi slipped and almost fell, he took her arm. The heels she wore were more suited to a night on the town than a slick walkway.

      She smiled her thanks and he tightened his hold as together they climbed the steps of the massive porch. They’d barely reached the front door when it flew open.

      A middle-aged woman with salt-and-pepper hair and a worried expression motioned them inside. “I’m so glad you left when you did. They just announced on the radio that the roads in and out of Jackson have been closed.”

      “The snow isn’t the only problem,” Lexi said. “It’s the ice under the snow and the visibility that makes driving treacherous.”

      The woman hung their coats on an elaborately carved coat-tree in the spacious foyer and she and Lexi spent a couple more minutes discussing the weather. John lifted his gaze, taking in the high open ceilings and the large windows.

      “How’s Addie?” Lexi asked.

      “Much better,” Coraline said. “Whatever she had must have been one of those twenty-four-hour bugs.”

      John wondered if Addie was yet another patient from the hospital. Whoever she was, by the look of relief on Lexi’s face, it was apparent she’d been worried about her.

      “By the way, I’m Coraline Coufal.” The older woman held out her hand. “Welcome to Wildwoods.”

      “I’m Jack,” he improvised, taking her hand. “Jack Snow.”

      Lexi raised a brow but didn’t say a word.

      “Well, Mr. Snow. It’s a pleasure having you with us.” Her gaze was curious but she asked no questions. “I’ll get your key then show you to your room.”

      As she hurried off, Lexi leaned close. “Jack Snow?”

      “Better than John Doe.” He inhaled the intoxicating scent of her perfume. “Snow seemed appropriate given the current weather conditions.”

      “We’re in business.” Coraline swept into the foyer holding up a large brass key.

      “Nice meeting you, Jack.” Lexi held out her hand.

      His fingers had barely closed around hers when a dark-haired child in a flannel nightgown bounded down the stairs and flung her arms around Lexi. “Mommy. Mommy.”

      Lexi released his hand and her lips lifted in a smile. She lifted the child off her feet and spun her around. “I’m so happy to hear my girl is feeling better.”

      “Your girl?” Jack sputtered.

      Lexi planted a kiss on Addie’s hair then turned the child in her arms to face him. “Jack Snow, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Miss Addison Brennan.”

      Lexi hadn’t been sure how John, er, Jack, would react СКАЧАТЬ