Patchwork Family in the Outback. Soraya Lane
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Название: Patchwork Family in the Outback

Автор: Soraya Lane

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472005267


СКАЧАТЬ the back door and waited. It didn’t take long for the black cat to sniff the air and decide it was worth coming in, placing one white paw on the timber floor, looking around and then walking to the saucer.

      Poppy shut the door and relocked it. The cat was skinny, and she wasn’t going to turn him out if he had nowhere to go.

      “Want to sleep on my bed?”

      The cat looked up at her as he lapped the milk and she went back to stirring her own, adding some chocolate to melt in the pot with it.

      “I think we’ll get on just fine, you and I,” she said. “Unless you go shack up with someone better looking or younger than me down the road. Then I’ll know my life’s actually over. Okay?”

      The cat stayed silent.

      Black cats were supposed to be bad luck. Heaven help her if there was any more of that coming her way. Because she’d had enough bad luck lately to last her a lifetime and then some.

      “Come on, kitty,” she said, pouring her hot chocolate into a large mug. “Let’s go to bed.”

      * * *

      Harrison pulled onto the dirt road that led to Black Station and glanced in the rearview mirror. Katie and Alex were both asleep in the back, oblivious to everything going on around them, and he didn’t mind one bit. All he wanted was for them to be happy, because if they were happy, he was happy.

      And they had had a pretty nice evening.

      He pushed all thoughts of their new teacher from his mind, but struggled to keep her out of it. She’d been kind, sweet, polite—not to mention the fact that she was the prettiest woman he’d seen in years—but there was still something about her niggling away at him. Something that meant he didn’t believe she’d be able to stay. Or maybe it was just that he didn’t believe anyone could stick it out here unless they’d been born and bred in a rural town.

      His wife sure hadn’t. And part of him believed that if a mother couldn’t even stay to care for her own children, then Poppy Carter wouldn’t stay for other people’s children. Maybe he’d expected someone older, someone less attractive. Not a woman in her late twenties with long, straight hair falling down her back and bright blue eyes that seemed to smile every time she looked at his children. Not a beautiful, modern woman who looked as if she should be lunching with friends or shopping in her spare time.

      But then, maybe he was being unfair. Just because she liked to look pretty and wear nice clothes didn’t mean she wouldn’t be able to make a life here for herself. For all he knew she could have her own personal demons that had sent her scurrying away from her former life.

      Harrison pulled up outside the house and went to open the door before going back to the truck to carry his children one at a time into their bedrooms. They might be five and seven years old now, but they were still his babies. He’d raised them himself and he was determined to fight to keep their school open. Because he wouldn’t ever let them feel as if they’d been abandoned, and that meant boarding school wasn’t an option he was willing to consider, not until they were ready for high school.

      Their mom had walked out on them, and he didn’t ever want them to think he’d do the same. They were his children, his flesh and blood, and he would do anything in his power to protect them. No matter what.

      But if he could fix up the teacher’s house and make life a little easier for her here in Bellaroo Creek, then he would do it. Because instead of pushing her away, he was going to do everything within his power to convince her to stay.

      He’d like to think that his reasons were based purely on keeping his children happy. He had a feeling that part of him, some deep, dark part that was hidden away under lock and key, liked the look of Poppy. A lot. Even if he wouldn’t ever be ready to admit it.

      Old Mrs. Jones had been right. Poppy arriving in their town was like a beaming ray of sunshine descending upon the place, and they were long overdue for someone like her to be their lucky charm. It wasn’t just his children at stake here, it was the future of their entire town.

      Poppy Carter was going to keep Bellaroo Creek alive, or she was going to be the final straw that closed the area for good. He just had to believe that she was going to be their falling star—the once-in-a-lifetime teacher that they had only ever dreamed of.

      Harrison shook his head and flicked the television on, falling onto the sofa. Maybe he’d been reading too many fairy tales to Katie. Because he was actually starting to believe that maybe Poppy was that person, after all.

      * * *

      Poppy’s stomach had a permanent flutter in it. She’d barely been able to eat any breakfast, she was so nervous, and now she was sitting in her chair, thrumming her fingers across the timber surface of her desk.

      She sat and stared at the wall they’d decorated the night before, smiling as she thought of big, gruff Harrison using her fairy glitter so they could finish up and head home. She’d met lots of great dads in her time as a teacher, but even she hadn’t expected him to volunteer with glitter.

      The slam of a car door made her snap to attention. It was happening. Her first day as sole teacher of Bellaroo Creek School had officially begun.

      Poppy stood and crossed the room, pinning the door back to welcome the first of her pupils. A smiling mom was headed her way, three children running ahead of her, straight toward Poppy.

      “Slow down!”

      She grinned as their mom yelled at them. They skidded to a halt in front of her just before they reached the door.

      “Hi, kids. I’m Ms. Carter, your new teacher.”

      The three boys looked up at her, not saying a word, but she could tell straight away from their cheeky expressions that they were going to be a handful.


      Poppy held out her hand. “You must be pleased school’s starting,” she said, touching the mother’s shoulder before stepping back. “I know how exhausting three boys can be.”

      “I just hope they don’t send you running for the hills. Twenty kids each day would drive me crazy.”

      Poppy shook her head. “I do this because I love it, so don’t worry about a few rowdy children scaring me away.” She looked across the yard and saw a familiar truck pulling in close to the curb. “Besides, I’m told the lovely Mrs. Leigh volunteers one day a week as teacher aide.” Poppy waved a hand. “Here are the Black children, nice and early.”

      The other woman followed her gaze. “You’ve met the Black family already?”

      Poppy couldn’t look away if she tried. She could see Harrison turn in the driver’s seat, talking to his children, before he pushed open his door and went around to help them out.

      “I haven’t met Mrs. Black yet, but the children seem lovely.” She couldn’t drag her gaze from Harrison as he strode toward them, schoolbags slung over his shoulder, eyes locked on hers. Katie skipped along ahead of him, little Alex at his side.

      “Honey, there is no Mrs. Black,” the other woman teased. “Harrison is dad of the year in Bellaroo. His wife left him with the kids when Alex was a baby, so he’s kind of a legend around here. We call him Mr. Sexy and Single.”