Blame It on the Champagne. Nina Harrington
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Название: Blame It on the Champagne

Автор: Nina Harrington

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472039606


СКАЧАТЬ and I booked the waiting staff last week. All I have to do is enjoy myself.’

      ‘Um. Yeah. Right,’ Kate replied and looked over the top of her spectacles at her. ‘And exhaust yourself in the process of getting everything ready up front so it looks easy on the day. Who is kidding who here? We know you far too well, girl.’ Kate smiled and gave her a one-armed hug. ‘Now, let me see that list again. Aha. Thought so. You have missed out a crucial item. Tut tut.’

      ‘What?’ Saskia glanced at the screen in disbelief and then back to Kate. ‘I spent most of my Sunday double-checking the plan. Out with it. What have I missed?’

      Kate slid out of her chair and came around to stand in front of Saskia. ‘Wedding date for a very picky hostess to be provided by her pals. Tall, dark and handsome. Dancing skills an advantage but will settle for extra hot. And you’re not typing that in.’

      Saskia sat back in her chair and lifted both hands into the air. ‘Trust you to find me a date? Oh no. I still remember that graphic designer who offered to paint my portrait if I stripped down to earrings and a cheeky grin.’

      Kate fluttered her eyelashes and tugged down the hem of her perfectly fitted jacket over her petite curves. ‘We do such good work.’

      Saskia snorted and turned back to the laptop. ‘Thank you for the offer but the last thing I want is a boyfriend. You do know that this is the first wedding that Elwood House has ever seen, so no pressure at all.’

      Kate waved her arms around and then cocked her head on one side and pushed out her lips. ‘This house is gorgeous and that curvy staircase was made for a bride to walk down on her father’s arm. It is going to be fabulous, even if we do feel guilty about leaving you to do most of the work.’

      Saskia took a breath then shrugged off the lingering disquiet by tapping her wristwatch with her home-manicured fingertip.

      ‘And I feel bad that I am making you late for your sexy lingerie fitting appointment. You know, the one that you booked three weeks ago.’ She waggled her fingertips at Kate. ‘Go. A new wine merchant and his sales team will be here soon and the last thing they want to see are you two drooling over wedding brochures. Scoot. And have a great time!’

      Kate gasped, whooped, flung the magazines onto the table and ran out to grab hold of Amber’s arm. Two minutes later all that was left of Amber and Kate were empty coffee cups and plates, a whiff of couture perfume, lipstick on her cheek and a smile on Saskia’s face that only spending breakfast with her two best friends in the world could bring.

      They had known each other since high school. Totally different in every way and yet she could not want better pals. They might only have reconnected at a high school reunion that May, but now it felt as though they had never been apart.

      Had it only been May? Wow. So much had happened in the past few months. Amber was engaged to Sam and spending most of her time living the dream in India, while Kate was sharing her home with Amber’s stepbrother Heath only a few streets away. They were both so happy… and off to be fitted with sexy lingerie by the most famous bra shop in London.

      Suddenly the wedding planning spreadsheet lost its appeal and Saskia sniffed and sat back in her chair. She envied them the luxury of having time to spend comparing fine lingerie, while she was sitting here trying to decide on whether to have background music in the bathrooms. Or not.

      Ah. The joys of running your home as a private meeting venue.

      A whisper of self-pity flitted into her mind but she instantly pushed it to the back of her brain in disgust.

      She had so much to be grateful for. Her friends Kate and Amber were the perfect pretend family who knew her a lot better than her absent parents. And then she had her home, Elwood House the architectural masterpiece which she had shared with her Aunt Margot until last year.

      A gentle breeze wafted in from the garden outside the conservatory room and Saskia smiled out at the hardwood planters overflowing with autumn blossoms.

      She had spent so many summer evenings with her aunt in this very room, talking and talking about their grand plan to transform Elwood House into a fabulous private dining venue. Her aunt had been the acclaimed wine expert with superb taste in interior design who was happy to leave Saskia to work on the details and business plans. Together they had been a genius team who had started the project together.

      It was so sad that her aunt had never seen those plans come to fruition.

      Shuffling to her feet, Saskia gathered up the breakfast dishes and loaded the dishwasher. Clasping hold of the marble worktop, she let her arms take the weight and closed her eyes for a second and took a couple of breaths.

      The past six months had been harder than she had expected.

      A lot harder and much more expensive. But she could not think like that. She had to make her home into a successful business because the alternative was too terrible to think about. A day job in the city would not come close to meeting the running expenses of a house this size.

      Elwood House had been the home of the most famous wine merchants in London for over one hundred and fifty years. It was strange to think that she was the last in the line and responsible for preserving the heritage of the house the first of the Elwood clan had built in this smart part of London.

      It was her safety net. Her home. Her sanctuary. And her security.

      Saskia inhaled deeply and waggled her shoulders to release the tension.

      No matter what it took or how many hours she had to work, Elwood House was going to pay for itself.

      Patience. That was what she needed. Patience and a lot of new bookings.

      She had only been going a few months and it took time to get a private meeting venue like hers off the ground. Reputation spread by word of mouth and she was already attracting repeat clients, but it was a mightily slow process and she had a big gap to fill before the Christmas party season started. Maybe Amber’s wedding would turn things around and she could start the New Year with hope and excitement burning in her heart?

      And as for a date for Amber’s wedding? That was so not going to happen. She had served meals and coffee to an awful lot of businessmen over the past few months but she had not the slightest interest in dating any of them. Just the opposite. She had learnt the hard way the cost of giving up your independence and she had no intention of repeating her mother’s mistake any time soon.

      Her gaze fell onto one of the wedding magazines that Kate had brought for Amber to look at and a headline on the cover leapt out at her.

      Read all about the huge rise in Civil weddings at home. Celebrate your wedding in the intimate and private venue of your own home.

      A spark of an idea flashed bright. Civil weddings. Now that was a thought. Amber’s wedding might be the first wedding reception that Elwood House had seen. But it need not be the last… Um… Perhaps there was a market for small private house weddings in a city this size. Not everyone wanted an extravaganza of a huge hotel banqueting suite.

      The idea was still rattling around inside her head a few minutes later when the telephone rang. Saskia barely had a chance to pick up the handset and say the words ‘Elwood House,’ before a transatlantic female voice belted out down the line at such a rapid-fire pace that she had to hold the phone away from her ear for a second.

      ‘Oh, СКАЧАТЬ