The Doctor's Not-So-Little Secret. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Doctor's Not-So-Little Secret

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472004628


СКАЧАТЬ His muscular thigh pressing against her bare leg ignited feelings that had no place in a house of worship.

      Joel’s gaze lingered on her earrings—or was it a bit lower, say on her breasts?—before turning his attention back to the hymnal.

      While slip dresses were popular and no more revealing than a skirt and tiny tee, Kate suddenly felt exposed. As though she was caught in one of those horrible dreams where you leave the house in your underwear and only later realize you’d forgotten to put on the rest of your clothes.

      It didn’t help that someone had set the air conditioning on low and she was freezing. Or she would be if Joel wasn’t beside her. The guy was like a blast furnace and the warmth radiating from him made her yearn to throw caution to the wind and cuddle close.

      It took every bit of control to ignore the spicy scent of his cologne and his heat, that wonderful heat that wrapped itself around her like a favorite blanket, tethering her to him.

      Still, she remained in firm control of her emotions until it came time to share the hymnal with him and Chloe. Standing beside the tall, broad-shouldered man and the girl with a ribbon tied awkwardly around her ponytail felt a little too much like heaven. Or was it hell?

      Regardless, it was a vivid reminder of what she’d given up all those years ago. Breathing became difficult and tears stung the back of her eyes.

      The only way she held it together was by focusing on the letters and notes swimming on the pages before her. And by ignoring the man next to her and the child in the pink jersey dress with the crooked smile on his other side.

      By the time they rose for the closing benediction, Kate’s emotions were raw and bleeding and too close to the surface for comfort.

      She needed to put some space between her and Joel.

      Between her and Chloe.

      The second the minister quit talking she’d say a quick but polite goodbye, then sprint for the exit. Unfortunately her escape plan didn’t include Lexi Delacourt appearing out of nowhere to block her way out of the pew.

      “You look absolutely gorgeous, Kate.” The social worker gave her a quick hug, then shifted her gaze to the man now trapped beside her. “Doesn’t she look nice, Joel?”

      “Beautiful,” came the deep rumble behind her.

      Something in the way he said the word sent a shiver of awareness up her spine. Or maybe it wasn’t the word so much as his warm breath against the back of her neck. Yes, it was definitely time to put some distance between her and the sexy contractor. If only Lexi would move….

      “We’re all going to The Coffeepot for breakfast while the kids are in Sunday school,” Lexi announced, her feet firmly planted in front of Kate. “I hope you two will join us.”

      “I don’t thi—”

      “Sure,” Joel said at the same time. “I’d like that.”

      A moment of silence followed. Kate wished sinking through the floor were an option.

      “Dr. Kate doesn’t want to go with you, Daddy.” Chloe’s voice came from behind her father. “I don’t think she likes you.”

      “Apologies, Kate,” she heard him say and the hitch in his voice made her heart twist. “It wasn’t my intent to answer for you.”

      Lexi’s amber eyes remained riveted on Kate, her expression watchful.

      Kate swallowed hard. While she’d vowed to keep her distance, she could not, and would not, embarrass this fine man. Besides, it wasn’t as if this was a date. Lexi had said a whole group was going. It wasn’t as if she had to even sit by him.

      She turned and met Joel’s gaze over her shoulder. “Breakfast sounds wonderful.”

      Her heart tripped over itself as a smile spread across his face. Kate then focused on Chloe. “Everyone likes your father. He’s a great guy.”

      “Including you?” the girl asked, surprising Kate with her boldness.

      Kate didn’t even hesitate. “Including me.”

      “Well, then.” Lexi’s smile broadened. Relief filled her eyes. “Sounds like we have a plan. July and David are already on their way to nab our usual table at the back. We’ll see you two at the café.”

      As Kate walked down the aisle smiling and saying hello to patients and their families, she felt Joel’s hand on the small of her back. Of course, that was only because it was crowded and he was behind her. The gesture was oddly intimate and yet, she found she didn’t mind it at all.

      When they reached the foyer, Chloe headed downstairs to her Sunday school classroom, leaving Kate alone with Joel. They walked in silence to the parking lot.

      “May I give you a ride downtown?” he asked, obviously not wanting to take anything for granted. “Because of the limited parking, it makes sense to take one car. Unless you have somewhere you need to go right after breakfast.”

      He’d graciously left her an out. All Kate had to do was say the word and she could drive separately. If things were different, she’d be thrilled at the thought of spending some one-on-one time with the handsome contractor. But before making the decision to move to Jackson Hole, Kate had promised herself that she’d keep her distance. From Joel. And from Chloe.

      Yet in her deliberations, she’d never considered the possibility they might end up running in the same social circle or have mutual friends.

      This is only breakfast, she reminded herself, nothing more.

      “We might as well go together,” Kate said, stumbling a bit over the last word. “I hope your truck isn’t far because I’m starving.”

      Joel noticed café patrons casting glances their way as he and Kate wove through the crowded dining room of The Coffeepot.

      They weren’t looking at him. It was Kate. She turned heads wherever she went. She was so pretty. Today, her multicolored silky dress showed off her long slender legs to full advantage. She was wearing her trademark heels. Instead of the black ones she’d worn the other day, these were red with a little strap around her ankle.

      Even though it wasn’t fair, Joel couldn’t help comparing her to his deceased wife. Fashionwise, Kate and Amy were as different as night and day. His wife had always preferred simple attire, dresses that showed very little skin and serviceable shoes with only a slight heel. Her taste in jewelry had been equally conservative. All she’d ever worn was her wedding band and tiny gold hoop earrings.

      Amy would never have worn bright dangly ones that couldn’t help but draw a man’s attention to a woman’s slender neck and creamy skin.

      Joel shoved the image of Kate aside and replaced it with a vision of Amy with her short curly blond hair and broad smile. His wife hadn’t needed jewelry; she’d had a natural glow that made everyone sit up and take notice.

      His lips curved upward. Amy had loved people. Loved finding out what made them tick. It didn’t matter who: sales clerks, meter readers, the person standing in front of her in the grocery line. She’d start talking and by the end of the conversation, she had a new СКАЧАТЬ