That Night With The Rich Rancher. Sara Orwig
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Название: That Night With The Rich Rancher

Автор: Sara Orwig

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474038379


СКАЧАТЬ fancy, beautifully crafted dishes that they both ignored because they were more interested in each other.

      “Would you like to dance again?” he asked when she sat back.

      “Of course.”

      The piano player had been joined by four more musicians, and the group played a ballad that allowed him to hold Lindsay close in his arms.

      “Remember,” he whispered in her ear, “for tonight, we’ll forget our battles.”

      “I already have,” she said, squeezing his hand lightly and making his breath catch.

      The band changed to a fast number and he released Lindsay reluctantly. Instead of returning to her seat, she began to dance in front of him, and he followed suit. As he watched her, he could feel his body heat rising. She was like a flame, her hips gyrating sensuously, her blue eyes languid and heated as if thoughts of making love were inspiring her every movement. She was sexy—another shocking discovery. She had to know the effect she was having on him. While her eyes glittered, a faint, satisfied smile hovered on her face. He wanted to yank her into his arms, lean over her until she held him tightly and plunder her soft mouth.

      He danced near the wide glass doors overlooking the veranda. He opened the doors and whirled her through them onto the patio, where warm night air enveloped them.

      “We can dance out here?”

      “The night has cooled enough and we have this to ourselves,” he said, moving to the music that was only slightly muted. He danced out of the light spilling through the glass doors, into the shadows and stopped, looking down at her as she tilted her face up.

      She was taller than most women he had gone out with, but still shorter than he was. His eyes adjusted to the August night and he could see her looking up at him as he tightened his arm around her, feeling her softness press against him.

      “Ever since you walked across the stage at the country club, I’ve been wanting to do this.” Slowly, inch by inch, he leaned in closer, taking his time to steal the kiss he craved.

      He wondered if it would be worth the wait.

      As Lindsay gazed into Tony’s eyes, her heart thudded—and not just from desire. Wanting his kiss disturbed her because it was not part of her plans for enticing him. Still, there was no denying it. Some crazy chemistry burned between them. Actually being attracted to Tony Milan had not even occurred to her as a remote possibility when she’d initially come up with her plan to get him to be friendly and to influence him to stop overpumping his groundwater, which was taking water from her wells. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a question formed in the sultry haze. Could he have been truthful when he said he wasn’t using bigger water pumps?

      From the first encounter they were at odds. The initial confrontation was over the boundary between their neighboring ranches. Each had come armed with over a century’s worth of documents to prove their property lines. Tony had been the condescending Mr. Know-It-All, telling her she was wrong and how to run her ranch. He’d changed little since that first meeting. He was still a classic alpha male who had to control everything and when it came to ranching, that attitude was annoying. Tonight, though, was a whole different matter.

      She was in control.

      Or so she planned.

      Right now she had to admit she was nearly speechless, because she had never planned or considered an attraction to Tony. She thought she could have a fun, pleasant evening and get on better footing with him. He had lots of friends, so she figured he had to have a nice side and that’s what she hoped to get to know tonight with her bachelor-auction ploy.

      She had hoped to entice him, make him see her as a desirable woman, have fun and maybe even share some kisses with him so their battles would not be so bitter and he would stop doing annoying things. Instead, she was breathless around him. An attraction between them that she had not expected had flared to life.

      How could he be so attractive to her? She knew already that it was because of his charm, his seductive ways, his same alpha male that annoyed her with his know-it-all, take-charge attitude, but now it thrilled her. It was aimed at her, like a missile locked on its target, and, incredibly, she found it appealing...and sexy. She was definitely seeing him in a whole new way tonight.

      Still, she couldn’t help feeling her carefully laid-out plan was going off the rails a bit. Now wasn’t the time to analyze her feelings, though. Not while she was in his arms. She knew this could never continue past tonight. Feelings for Tony Milan could complicate her life big-time. But for one night only, she would go where her heart and body led her. She could only tilt her head back and go with them. And right now they were taking her closer and closer to Tony. She wanted his kiss.

      Her heartbeat raced as her gaze lowered to Tony’s mouth, and she closed her eyes when his lips finally touched hers.

      All thoughts fled and her heart slammed against her ribs as Tony’s warm mouth moved on hers. His lips brushed hers lightly, a tantalizing touch that heightened her need for his kiss. Every inch of her tingled as desire electrified her nerves, hot and intense.

      Another warm brush of his lips and she tightened her arm around his waist, sliding her hand behind his neck to wind her fingers in his thick, short hair. Every contact was unique, special, something she’d never expected and would never forget.

      His mouth settled on hers, parting her lips as his tongue thrust deep and stroked hers, slowly. It was a kiss to make her moan and cling to him, to make her want him more than was sensible and beyond what she had set as limits for tonight’s “date.” His kiss set her ablaze with desire, making her quiver for his touch and dare to touch him in kind. How could Tony’s kisses do this to her? How could he cause responses that no other man ever had?

      Her knees felt weak while desire was too strong. Her heart pounded and she moaned softly against his lips. She felt as if she could kiss him for hours and still want so much more from him. As her hand slipped down over his arm, she felt the hard bulge of solid muscle even through the sleeves of his tux and shirt. The feel of that strength, that powerful maleness, rocked her. She felt as if she was hanging on to her senses by a thread.

      What she was doing? Somewhere in her mind the question formed, but her thoughts were too scrambled and hungry with need to articulate an answer.

      Nearby voices dimly reached her ears, barely registering in her thought processes. Tony released her slightly and for a few seconds they stared at each other. He looked as dazed as she felt, his half-lidded eyes smoky and dark, his lips wet and smeared with her lip gloss.

      His voice was thick and deep when he finally spoke. “Damn, Lindsay, there’s another side to you I never knew. You’re a stranger that I’ve never met before tonight.”

      “I think I can say the same thing about you,” she whispered. “All I hoped was to get you to talk to me.”

      He dragged his eyes away from hers and cast a glance to the side of the veranda. He frowned slightly as voices grew louder.

      “We’re not alone out here anymore,” he whispered, still studying her solemnly as if she were the first woman he had ever kissed. But she knew better than that.

      “Logic says we should go inside,” she replied without moving. For seconds they continued to stare СКАЧАТЬ