Married To The Mum-To-Be. Helen Lacey
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Название: Married To The Mum-To-Be

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474059565


СКАЧАТЬ happen.

      And although she didn’t like the way they’d ended their telephone call earlier that afternoon, she was too tired to ring him back and go over the same old ground. She knew what he wanted...and on one level she agreed with him. She simply didn’t know how to give it to him without hurting the people who loved her most in the world.

      Of course a baby would change everything. Her child would come first, there was no question about that. She simply wasn’t going to be in some great hurry to tell everyone.

      “No,” Kayla said to her friend. “I’m not up for that...not just yet.”

      Ash sighed and offered a gentle smile. “I know what it is to feel trapped by...” Her friend’s words trailed off before she spoke again. “By obligation. But when you’re ready, you know I’m on hand to listen.”

      Ash was a good friend and had been through a lot over the years, particularly when it came to her young son and ex-fiancé. And Kayla knew her friend understood loyalty and family commitment. If she was going to unburden herself, she would be exactly who Kayla would talk to. With Lucy and Brooke so blissfully in love these days, Ash was the only one of her friends who would understand what she was feeling.

      There was a knock on the door, so Kayla excused herself, got to her feet and headed down the short hallway. Thinking it might be Lucy or Brooke or even Dane stopping by for a chat, she swung the door back on its hinges and smiled. But it wasn’t one of her friends on her doorstep.

      It was her husband.

      Her gaze was instinctively drawn to his broad shoulders. How many times had she rested her head there? How many times had she gripped his arms and back and every other part of him. Countless. For the past five months they had shared a bed and she’d been privy to the real Liam O’Sullivan. Not the arrogant and indifferent man he was thought to be. She’d seen his other side...the tender and passionate man who always talked to her softly after they’d made love. The man who was generous and kind and adored his nieces. The man who teased her about her bad cooking. The man who made her mindless and breathless with just the barest kiss.

      “Liam,” she whispered the word as though it was her last. “What are you doing here?”

      He still wore his suit, so he had obviously come directly from the hotel. “You didn’t text me,” he said flatly. “And I wanted to see you.”

      Kayla glanced over her shoulder. “Ash is here,” she said quietly. “So it’s not a good time to have a—”

      “Ash is just leaving,” her friend’s mellow voice announced as she made her way up the hall. “Hi there, Liam,” Ash then said cheerfully. “Good to see you. I’ll talk with you soon,” the other woman said and gave Kayla a brief hug. “About everything,” Ash whispered close to her ear before she brushed past Liam and headed through the door.

      Once her friend had disappeared down the stairs, Kayla turned her attention to Liam. “Really?”

      He half shrugged. “What?”

      She glared at him. “Since when do you turn up here unannounced?”

      “Beats waiting for an invitation,” he said as he crossed the threshold and walked down the hall.

      Annoyance snaked up her spine as she followed him into the living room. “We talked about this, Liam. I told you Ash was going to be—”

      “We talked about a lot of things,” he said, terser than usual, his blue eyes so dark they were almost black. He stood by the sofa, hitched his hands on his hips and stared at her. “And yet, here we closer to sorting it out.”

      “Did you come here just to rehash the same old argument?”

      He stilled, his jaw clenched and then he exhaled heavily. “I came here to see you. To talk to you. To be with you.”

      Shame pressed down on her shoulders. Of course he’d want to talk. And she did, too. “I’m sorry... I know this must be hard for you, too. But we both know this situation can’t be resolved easily. At least not without a whole lot of people getting hurt.”

      He met her gaze. “People get hurt, Kayla. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do to stop that.”

      She swallowed hard. “I can. I have to try... I can’t simply—”

      “Please come home with me tonight,” he said, cutting her off, his voice raw. “You’ve spent the last five nights at your apartment. You spent three nights here last week. It’s becoming something of a habit. And I...I miss you.”

      She blinked at his honest admission. “I miss you, too. But...”

      He let out an impatient sigh. “But obviously not enough to come home?”


      His home. Technically her home, too...but she could never quite bring herself to say it out loud. “With Ash stopping by to show me the flyers for the benefit it was just easier to stay at the apartment to avoid too many questions.”

      He shrugged loosely. “I know how much the museum means to you Kayla...and I support your work and all you do and how passionate you are about the hospital benefit. But I don’t want to get used to sleeping alone.”

      Her back straightened. “So this is about sex?”

      His gaze narrowed instantly. “What?”

      “Sex,” she said again. “You know, that thing we do when we’re together.”

      “This isn’t about sex,” he assured her, his voice so husky it warmed her through to her bones. “It’s about you and me. It’s about our relationship...our marriage. And we can’t have a marriage if you’re holed up here in your old apartment every chance you get.”

      It was the same old song. Her apartment. His house by the river. Kayla had been dividing herself between the two places for months. More so since their spur-of-the-moment wedding. “We’ve been through this before, Liam. You know how I feel and I can’t simply switch myself off from the rest of my life.” Emotion thickened her throat. “I know what you want from me, but I can’t break my father’s heart because it suits me to do so.”

      “Are you so sure that you will?”

      “Yes,” she shot back quickly. “I know my father. And I know he will have trouble accepting this...accepting you...accepting us. You’re J.D. O’Sullivan’s son and I’m Derek Rickard’s daughter. In his eyes it will be...impossible.”

      He frowned a little. “Nonetheless, it’s a fact. One that can’t be avoided forever.”

      “I can’t do it,” she insisted. “Not yet. I know I said I would...but I need more time, especially now that I’m possibly pregnant. You know my grandmother hasn’t been well and I don’t want to make things worse for my parents. Not right now. Please try to understand.”

      Thinking about her ailing grandmother made her ache inside. She loved her family dearly. But she loved Liam, too. And to her parents it would be seen as the worst kind of betrayal.

      But if there is a baby...

      She СКАЧАТЬ