My Way Back to You. Pamela Hearon
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Название: My Way Back to You

Автор: Pamela Hearon

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474031578


СКАЧАТЬ hit that it was his voice ringing in his ears. Mags still held her head and neck in a stiff arch, and he could feel her muscles clenching him in their spasms. He pushed tighter against her, wringing every drip of pleasure for her he could.

      Her eyes were squeezed shut, her breathy panting coming in spurts from her sensuous open mouth.

      Nothing was more beautiful than a woman enjoying multiple orgasms.

      Correction—nothing was more beautiful than Mags enjoying multiple orgasms. He’d never been with another woman who’d had them.

      He watched the tension leave her body, mesmerized by the sight. Slowly, her head and neck relaxed, her mouth closed and her eyes fluttered open as if she’d been in a trance. He saw her eyes draw into focus and the languid, sexy smile form on her lips. “Mmm.” Her eyes closed and opened in a dreamy blink.

      Jeff relaxed, too, lowering himself to the bed, on his side but still snuggled against her. He pinned her right arm under him where it had slid onto the pillow and propped his head on his hand so he still had a good view of Mags’s face. He traced her features with the tip of his finger. “God, you were good.” He kissed the end of her nose, then her mouth.

      Her smile widened, but her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she groaned. “Four years was too long to go without that.”

      Jeff shifted to let her move her arm, then slid down to rest his head on the pillow, drawing her against him.

      He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then let his cheek rest on the spot.

      “Sixteen years was too long to go without that,” he whispered.

      * * *

      JEFF’S WORDS CROUCHED in the front of Maggie’s mind, ready to pounce as soon as she came fully awake.

      Of course, she’d heard him when he spoke them, and her heart palpitated, trying to conjure a reaction. But her body was so mellow after the amazing release she couldn’t get worked up about it. Sleep came quickly, hard and deep—mimicking what she’d experienced with him.

      But morning broke through the parted drapes, bringing her to full consciousness, and her heart twisted in her chest as soon as she opened her eyes.

      What did he mean, sixteen years was too long to wait?

      Surely, he wasn’t having second thoughts about the divorce.

      Oh, good Lord, what had she done?

      The two of them still lay as they had fallen asleep. Sometime during the night, she’d turned more toward him, and now his dark chest hair tickled her nose. His free arm draped across her, hand resting at the small of her back.

      Mmm—it all felt so good.

      Too good.

      Memories of what Jeff had done—and what she’d done in return—swirled through her emotions, mixing them into a strange morning brew.

      She moved to sit up, but the arm that rested across her tightened.

      “Where you going?” He pulled her tighter against him and she became aware of the erection pressing on the upper thigh that she had wedged between his.

      She glanced at her watch. “It’s almost nine. Time to get up.”

      “I’m already up.”

      She heard the grin in his voice. “So I noticed. You always were a morning person.” She wiggled her leg only the slightest but felt his immediate response. His grunt of approval made her grin, too.

      “And you were always an anytime person.” He nuzzled his nose into her hair, his warm breath warming her all over.

      He was right. She had always been ready for him—anytime, anyplace. Things had been different with Zeke. Once, sometimes twice a week. She’d accepted the decline in her libido as part of the normal aging process. That theory didn’t seem to hold up, though, as she was already feeling vibes from simply waking in her ex’s arms.

      “Do you have anything pressing today?” He humped her leg playfully, emphasizing his word choice.

      She chuckled at his movements, but then sobered. “Only the long drive home.” She sighed. “And starting the process of getting used to being alone in the house for longer than two months.”

      His hand caressed her rear, fingers dipping low enough to elicit a guttural sound from her. “See there. Nothing that can’t be put off for a little while—or until they run us out of here at checkout.”

      He was spot-on. She had nothing she needed to get home to. But what would another round of sex with Jeff do to her emotionally? Send her into that battle again—the one she’d fought so long to win?

      No. This time his leaving wouldn’t be a surprise. It was inevitable. She was forewarned and prepared.

      And the time to think about the emotional impact of sex with Jeff had passed, barely heeded, hours ago. What difference would one more time make?

      Or two?

      “You’re right.” She withdrew her leg long enough to sling it across his and roll on top of him to a seated position. The sheet fell away, and the morning sunshine dispelled any chance of hiding under the cloak of darkness. But she didn’t care. She was who she was. And the way his eyes devoured her at that moment made her think who she was was pretty darn hot.

      And so was he.

      Despite his look of pleasure and surprise, sleep still lay heavy in his eyes and a thick growth of black stubble coated his lower jaw and mouth area. She well remembered the beard burn she used to get from their morning trysts.

      So worth it.

      She brushed the tousled hair off his forehead and patted his bristly cheek, which did indeed scratch when he turned to kiss her palm. “No use of the mouth until you shave,” she instructed.

      He sat up, locking his hands behind her back. “Oh, really?” Using his tongue, he teased the tender area along the line of her jawbone.

      A delightful shiver coursed through her. “So not fair.” She sighed, but leaned her head back farther.

      “How about this?” He nibbled along the same path. “Is this okay?”

      It actually was quite pleasant, since his tongue had already moistened the area. She moaned in response and dragged her long nails up his back, drawing a satisfying shiver from him. Other areas were becoming moist without any direct touch.

      He loosened his grip enough to lean her back slightly, and nipped his way to the peak of her breast.

      She arched her back, thrusting a nipple toward him to meet the sweet assault that never came.

      He stopped, and the pause lasted long enough to make her aware something was up. She straightened and found him frowning at her chest. “Did I do that?”

      She followed his gaze to the red splotches marking each place where his whiskers had made contact with her fair skin. She shrugged. “No biggie.”