Doctor And Son. Maggie Kingsley
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Название: Doctor And Son

Автор: Maggie Kingsley

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474066365


СКАЧАТЬ was why Gideon had hospitalised her.

      ‘I’m afraid I don’t know why you’ve been affected like this,’ Annie said. ‘Some experts think it’s because the placenta is producing very high levels of a hormone called chorionic gonadotrophin. Others believe the baby itself could be raising your oestrogen levels. The only thing we know for certain is that it tends to be more common in women carrying twins or triplets.’

      ‘Mr Caldwell’s done all the tests, and I’m only carrying one.’

       ‘I know.’ Annie nodded. ‘Which seems to suggest you’re just one of nature’s unlucky ones.’

      Tears welled in Sylvia’s eyes. ‘I don’t want to be one of nature’s unlucky ones. I want you to do something—give me something—to make me feel better. I’m only twenty-four, but I feel a hundred and four.’


      ‘My husband said that if you give me drugs it might be harmful to the baby, but do you know something, Dr Hart? Right now I don’t give a damn about side-effects. Right now I don’t give a damn about anything—including this baby. All I want is for you to stop me feeling so awful all the time.’

      It was an understandable request, Annie thought as she walked slowly back down the ward. OK, so the actuality of being pregnant rarely mirrored the glossy pictures in the mums-and-babies magazines, but to be constantly sick for seven months, then hospitalised, and having to exist solely on electrolyte replacement and enriched fluids through an IV line couldn’t be much fun.

      ‘Any word of when I’m going to get something to eat, Doctor?’ Kay Wilson shouted from her bed by the window. ‘Giving birth is hard work, you know.’

      Annie smiled back. ‘Sorry, but it’s nil by mouth for you for the rest of the day. We want to find out if the high levels of sugar which appeared in your urine when you were pregnant have disappeared now you’ve given birth, or whether they’re still there.’

      ‘You mean I’m not even going to get a cup of tea?’ Kay protested. ‘Doctor, I’ll fade away.’

      It was highly unlikely, Annie thought with a wry, inward chuckle. By any definition Kay was a seriously big girl.

      ‘Hey, look on the bright side,’ she said encouragingly. ‘Think how wonderful food is going to taste when you finally get it.’

      ‘I’d far rather taste it now than think about it,’ Kay complained, and Annie laughed, but her laughter died as she glanced back down the ward at Sylvia.

      She hadn’t heard the girl laugh once since she’d been admitted, but what was even more worrying was that she was clearly starting to resent her baby. If the resentment continued after the child was born…

      ‘Problems?’ Helen asked, seeing her lost in thought.

      ‘It’s Mrs Renton,’ Annie replied. ‘She’s feeling really wretched, and I can’t say I blame her. Seven months of morning sickness would depress anyone.’

      ‘The trouble is, we’ve got to balance the benefits of giving her drugs to stop the sickness against the possible damaging side-effects to the baby,’ Helen replied. ‘The last thing we want is a repetition of the thalidomide disaster.’

      Annie nodded. There wasn’t a doctor in the UK who didn’t know about that particular catastrophe, when pregnant women had given birth to babies with stunted and deformed limbs after they’d been treated for hyperemesis gravidarum.

      ‘Something wrong?’ Gideon asked, glancing from Helen’s pensive face to Annie’s worried one as he joined them.

      ‘It’s Sylvia Renton,’ Helen replied. ‘Annie thinks she’s getting very low psychologically.’

      Gideon bit his lip and frowned. ‘I’ve been half expecting this, but…How often does her husband visit?’

      ‘Every day,’ Annie answered, ‘but she scarcely says more than two words to him.’

      Gideon’s frown deepened. ‘How do you get on with her?’

      ‘Me? OK, I guess,’ she said uncertainly. ‘I mean, we talk a bit, and I think she likes me—’

      ‘Good. Keep on talking to her. Give her as much emotional support as you can. It looks as though I’ll have to perform a Caesarean eventually but I’d like to wait as long as possible to give the baby the best chance of survival.’

      ‘Do you want me to report to you if I think there’s any further deterioration in her mental condition?’ she asked, and Gideon shook his head.

      ‘If you tell either Helen or Tom, that will be fine.’

      Well, what had she expected? Annie thought as he walked away. Considering she’d all but thrown him out of her flat last week, she could hardly expect him to want to spend any time in her company now.

      Which was just fine. After all, it wasn’t as though she wanted to spend time with him. A simple boss and junior doctor relationship suited her just perfectly. It did. And if she found herself missing the smiles he’d greeted her with before, well, that was just plain stupid.

      ‘Gideon’s a very decent bloke, you know.’

      Helen was gazing at her thoughtfully, and Annie said nothing. She thought plenty. She thought of telling the SHO that decent blokes didn’t waltz into people’s houses uninvited. Decent blokes didn’t interfere where they had no business to interfere. But she said nothing.

      ‘He met his wife at the Belfield,’ Helen continued, as she led the way into the staffroom and switched on the kettle. ‘Susan was an SHO in Paediatrics, and he was a specialist registrar in Obs and Gynae. He was absolutely devastated when she died. In fact, there was a time when Tom and I really thought he might not make it through.’

      ‘Did you?’ Annie murmured noncommittally, wondering why on earth the SHO was telling her all this.

      ‘He desperately needs someone in his life again,’ Helen commented, spooning some coffee into two mugs, ‘but the trouble is, he’s got right out of the habit of talking to women. Oh, he’s great with our female patients, but in a personal situation…’ She shook her head. ‘He puts himself down too much, and I don’t think he realises how attractive he is.’

      And I still don’t know why you’re telling me this, Annie thought, accepting the mug Helen was holding out to her. It’s none of my business. If Gideon can’t string more than two words together when he’s alone with a woman, it would still be none of my business.

      Neither was he attractive. OK, so he had a nice face and a nice smile, but he wasn’t attractive. Nick had been attractive. Actually, Nick had been totally gorgeous. And fickle, and disloyal, and a louse.

      ‘Annie, the very girl I’m looking for.’ Liz beamed, bouncing into the staffroom. ‘I just happen to have a few tickets left for the St Valentine’s Ball a week on Friday—’

      ‘A few?’ Annie exclaimed, her eyes widening at the bundle Liz had produced from her pocket. ‘Good grief, it’s not exactly the hottest date in town, is it?’

      Liz grimaced. ‘OK, so you’ve rumbled me. These tickets are СКАЧАТЬ