Unexpected Attraction. Stella MacLean
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Название: Unexpected Attraction

Автор: Stella MacLean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474068369










      ANDREA TAYLOR’S SUV swerved as she swung the wheel, changed lanes then headed down the exit ramp. She was late for an appointment to show a house to a new client. She had loaded her smartphone with a tentative viewing schedule for other properties to discuss with the young couple when they met at this first house, which would be in a few minutes if all went as planned.

      Because she’d grown up in this small town off I-94 near Kalamazoo, she had personal knowledge of this house, knew its interior features and its beauty. It had belonged to a family whose parents were employed at one of the subsidiaries of a large cereal production company. They had been transferred earlier in the year, leaving behind a spotless, well-staged home that Andrea was certain would appeal to the young doctor and his wife.

      Yet what excited her most about this appointment today was personal. She was on track to be the top salesperson at her real estate firm if she made this sale. Reaching her sales goal would boost her confidence, make her feel more a part of the real estate business as an accomplished professional in her own right. The money would be a great bonus, as well. She wanted to take her daughter, Shannon, on a nice vacation as soon as she could afford it.

      While waiting for the light at the bottom of the ramp to turn green, she glanced at her face in the rearview mirror, touched up her lipstick and then checked her cell phone for messages. The client had said he’d call when he left his office to pick up his wife. He’d been so insistent that they look at this house today she’d arranged to have her real estate partner, Gina Dowd, take Shannon to her hair appointment.

      Andrea glanced again at her phone when she realized Shannon hadn’t responded to any of the messages she’d left, which was odd. Shannon usually returned her calls. Knowing her daughter, she was probably talking to her friend Chloe about their sleepover. That probably explained the silence. Shannon, her sixteen-year-old daughter, was considerate and respectful—the best daughter any mother could ask for.

      Andrea turned right into the gated subdivision just as her cell phone rang. It had to be either her daughter or her client. Relieved, she checked the caller ID.

      Cambridge High School? She hit the answer button. “Andrea Taylor speaking.”

      “Mrs. Taylor, this is Mrs. Barton, Shannon’s homeroom teacher. Your daughter has been taken to the hospital.”

      Panic pushed against her ribs. “Hospital? What’s she doing there?” she asked, easing her foot off the gas pedal. A horn blasted behind her.

      “She’s been...injured.”

      Injured? Who would hurt Shannon? It wasn’t possible. She pulled over and put the vehicle in Park. “What do you mean?”

      “You need to get to the hospital.” Mrs. Barton hesitated. “I can meet you there if you’d like.”

      Andrea couldn’t take in the woman’s words. Shannon couldn’t be hurt. “Was she in an accident?”

      “I—I’m not sure. Shannon is in the emergency room,” the teacher said. “They need you there now.”

      Emergency room?

      “I’ll—” She took a deep breath. “Tell them I’ll be there right away.” Stunned, Andrea ended the call, only to have her cell phone ring again.

      “Is this Shannon Taylor’s mother?” a very cool, professional voice asked.

      “Yes. Who’s this?” Tension climbed Andrea’s shoulders.

      “My name is Karen. I’m calling from the hospital. Shannon has been injured.”

      Andrea held the phone closer to her ear as though that could stop her hands from shaking. “Her teacher just called me. Please tell me what’s going on.”

      “Your daughter was brought in with abrasions on her arms, face and knees from a fall onto the sidewalk, or so we believe. The doctor is doing a few tests and a chest X-ray for possible injury to her rib cage.”

      There had to be some mistake. “Are you sure?”


      Andrea glanced at her watch. Shannon should have been at the hairdresser an hour ago. She would never change her plans without calling first. Andrea had to call Gina to find out what had happened after the salon appointment. “Who is there with her?” she asked, her mind fumbling for an explanation.

      “Kyle Donahue. A classmate, I believe.”

      Kyle was in Shannon’s class and was her math tutor. He was always polite and kind when he came to the house. Andrea liked him mostly because Shannon was always happy to have him around. Shannon never discussed the boys in her class other than Kyle, leading Andrea to wonder if they were more than friends. “I don’t understand. My daughter is supposed to be at—”

      “Mrs. Taylor, we need you here now.”

      “I’m on my way,” she said, her heart racing as she tried to remain calm. She shoved the gearshift into Drive, turned the wheel sharply and did a U-turn in the middle of the street.

      She sped toward the interstate as she dialed Gina. When it went to voice mail, she left a message asking Gina to call her immediately. Her friend would be able to fill her in. The accident must have happened after Gina dropped Shannon off at home.

      Andrea called her client, explained the situation and promised to set up another appointment as quickly as possible. Fortunately, as a doctor, he understood the urgency. She called her mother’s house. Edna, her mother’s housekeeper, picked up. “Is Mom there?” Andrea asked without preamble.

      “Carrie is landing in Chicago as we speak. Can I give her a message?”

      “Tell her to call me as soon as she can.”

      “I will. Anything wrong? Anything I can do?”

      Andrea hesitated. Edna had been her mother’s housekeeper and a part of Andrea’s life for as long as she could remember. Edna loved Shannon as if she were her own granddaughter. “Shannon’s been hurt. I don’t know the details. I’m on the way to the hospital now.”

      “No! That can’t be. I’ll come СКАЧАТЬ