Unexpected Attraction. Stella MacLean
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Название: Unexpected Attraction

Автор: Stella MacLean

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474068369


СКАЧАТЬ eased her fear a little bit, although she couldn’t say why. “Please come in.”

      They all settled in the living room. The bright sun streamed in through the large windows facing the back lawn, warming the space.

      “Shannon left a note saying she was going to her father’s in Phoenix. But I don’t believe she would leave me without saying goodbye. And I can’t imagine her going to her dad’s, despite the fact she talked about it last night.”

      “Why not?” Jake asked.

      “Because she hasn’t seen him for months. He has a new family, and she has always felt uncomfortable even talking about him, let alone going to visit him. He’s never made any real attempt to see her, except in the summer for a couple of weeks. After the big deal he made at the custody hearing, he’s basically left Shannon alone.”

      Kyle cleared his throat, glancing from Gina to Andrea and Jake. “Shannon told me she’s had several calls from her dad in the past few weeks.”

      “I didn’t know that.” Andrea caught the understanding look in Jake’s eyes. “Well, if my daughter was going to visit her father, she would need more than just her babysitting money—Oh, wait. I forgot something.” She went to Shannon’s room and checked the old-fashioned jewelry box where Shannon kept another stash of money. Empty.

      When she returned, Jake and Kyle were deep in conversation.

      “Kyle has something to tell you,” Jake said.

      “What is it?” She perched on the sofa. That Kyle seemed to know more about her daughter’s life in recent weeks than she did chilled her.

      “I’m really sorry. I should have said something sooner, but I promised Shannon.” Kyle scrubbed his face with his hands. “She said her dad was sending her an open plane ticket to Phoenix.”

      “When?” Andrea demanded. When had Shannon’s feelings about her father changed? When had they started communicating so regularly?

      “Did she mention which airline?” Jake asked.

      “No, she didn’t. I’m sorry, but she didn’t tell me anything other than the fact she expected the ticket to arrive soon.”

      “There can’t be that many airlines operating out of the Kalamazoo airport, and unless she had the money or a vehicle, she wouldn’t be able to get to Grand Rapids or Detroit,” Jake offered.

      “I don’t know what’s going on with her anymore,” Andrea said, her head clogged with the extent of Shannon’s secrecy.

      “If it helps any, Shannon felt pressured by her father to go to Phoenix,” Kyle offered apologetically.

      “That miserable man. I’m going to call Scott. He’s got a lot of explaining to do.” Andrea stood to get her phone.

      Jake held up his hand. “That can wait. First, let’s find Shannon. Why don’t we go to the airport and see if she’s there?”

      Again Jake’s calm demeanor eased her panic. “You’re right. I’m just so angry and afraid and mixed-up and hurt.”

      “I know,” Gina said, her voice gentle. “We’ll find Shannon before she gets to Phoenix. She couldn’t have left the house much before you got home.”

      Jake stood. “Let’s go now.”

      “You’re coming with me?” Andrea asked, surprised.

      Jake’s expression was resolute. “You asked for my help. I’m giving it.”


      GINA HAD VOLUNTEERED to stay at the house in case Shannon returned. The other three took Jake’s car to the airport.

      “Let me out here,” Andrea said when they approached the departures area, impatient to get inside.

      “I’ll come with you,” Kyle said from the backseat.

      “I’ll park the car and be right in,” Jake said.

      A rush of cool air enveloped Andrea as they strode through the doors of the Kalamazoo airport and toward the gate area. “Only four airlines are showing on the board, none going to Phoenix,” Kyle said.

      Andrea searched the terminal for any sign of Shannon. “I don’t see her.”

      “Let’s start with the first airline listed,” Kyle said, heading toward the check-in desk. As they moved closer, Andrea spotted Shannon standing in line.

      Letting out a strangled cry, she strode toward her. “What are you doing here?”

      Shannon glanced up, a forced smile appearing. “I could ask you the same thing.”

      “Don’t be smart, Shannon. Answer the question.”

      “As I said in my note, I’m going to Dad’s house.”

      “You are not. You’re coming home with me. You and I have a lot of talking to do, and I’m tired of waiting around for your explanation. So get your bag and let’s go.”

      “No. And for your information, I don’t have a bag. Dad said he’d buy me new clothes when I get to Phoenix. He’s even taking me shopping for anything I want.”

      Fury at Shannon and Scott blindsided Andrea. Yet before she could give vent to the toxic emotion, she sensed Jake’s presence behind her. She turned toward him, saw the compassion in his eyes, and the intensity decreased until she could breathe again.

      Shannon followed her gaze. “I remember you, Mr. Polegato. You told me about playing volleyball when you were in high school. You were really kind to me. But why are you here?”

      “I was invited,” he said.

      “I guess I should thank you for bringing Mom out here so she could be angry with me.”

      Jake didn’t respond, but Andrea was stunned at Shannon’s words and tone. After all they had been through together, after all their closeness, how could Shannon want to be with Scott? She’d shown so little interest in visiting him, so why the sudden change? How could she treat Andrea this way? Was this some sort of punishment for all the hours she put in at the office and showing houses? While she acknowledged those absences could make Shannon question her place on Andrea’s priority list, at the same time the job provided Shannon with the lifestyle she enjoyed. So if that was Shannon’s motivation, this immature little stunt needed to end now.

      “Let’s go, Shannon. We’re going home,” Andrea said, her patience with her daughter tenuous. When they were in the privacy of the house, they would have this out. She was tired of the hiding and lying.

      “Mom, I’m about to check in. We’ll have to have this conversation another time.” Shannon glanced from Andrea to Kyle. “Hi,” she said, a welcoming smile on her lips.

      “Hi,” Kyle said, going to stand beside her. “Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?”