Cocktails in Chelsea. Nikki Moore
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Название: Cocktails in Chelsea

Автор: Nikki Moore

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008114770


СКАЧАТЬ here.’ Without taking his eyes off Sofia he handed over a plastic beaker of juice from beneath the bar.

      ‘Thanks,’ Nathan replied, rolling his eyes at his colleague’s obviousness as he poured the OJ into the cocktail shaker. ‘Do you want to add a bit of a twist and have pineapple juice in it too?’ he asked Sofia, adding a double measure of vodka to the shaker along with some cranberry juice, before pouring some Peach Schnapps in freehand, not bothering to measure it.

      ‘Sure,’ she agreed. ‘I can be adventurous.’

      ‘Really?’ he drawled, sloshing in the pineapple juice from a jug.

      ‘Yes!’ She propped her chin on one hand to watch him work. ‘You don’t believe me?’ She scrunched her feet up inside the high heels, toes starting to hurt from standing for so long.

      ‘I guess I’m just surprised,’ he pulled a mock shocked face. ‘Girls like you usually like it straight up.’

      ‘Girls like me?’

      But he didn’t answer, instead he started vigorously shaking the container full of mixture up and down, arm moving so fast it was just a blur.

      She forgot what they’d been talking about as she gazed at him. His movements were easy and super-confident and her heart pounded, hands going clammy, mesmerised by the way he flipped the shaker over his shoulder and caught it underarm before spinning it in a circle on his fingertips, as if by magic. Tom Cruise, you’ve got competition. It was a shame Nathan seemed to have taken a dislike to her. He really was bloody sexy.

      Slamming the container down, he grabbed the glass he’d put aside and threw the ice chips into the sink. ‘Chills it,’ he explained when she frowned.

      She nodded slowly, mouth dry. ‘Uh-huh.’

      Straining the mixture into the glass, he twisted a slice of orange onto the rim, and then garnished the cocktail with a maraschino cherry. ‘There you go,’ his mouth quirked in a lopsided smile, ‘worth waiting for; Sex on the Beach.’

      Yes, please. Sofia thought hazily. Clearing her throat, she managed a croaky, ‘T-thank you.’

      Quinn sauntered up with a circular tray in his hand, sliding her drinks onto it. ‘I’ll carry this over for you.’

      ‘I’m okay, thanks,’ Sofia took a step away from the bar and stumbled. It was embarrassing how badly the heels were crippling her, she was usually quite tough. There was no point being an idiot about it though. ‘I mean, that would be helpful, thank you.’ Spinning around, she walked carefully across the room to Tori and Christie, a little part of her hoping that Nathan was watching. But when she glanced over her shoulder he had already turned his back on her.

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