A Stranger In The Cove. Rachel Brimble
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Название: A Stranger In The Cove

Автор: Rachel Brimble

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474081023


СКАЧАТЬ bother you?”

      “He’ll be here any second, I’m sure.”

      “You’re sure? But you’re due on in minutes.”

      Joe winked. “Relax. Everything will be fine.”

      She opened her mouth to protest, but he jumped onto the stage and proceeded to talk with the drummer. Kate took a deep breath. She had people to greet, donations to lock in the safe as well as a hundred and one other things to check on. If Joe Masters said his band would be ready, she’d have to trust him. But if a new musician didn’t show up in the next ten minutes, she’d be on the phone to every local band she could think of to ask if their guitarist would spare a night to play with an up-and-coming band for charity.

      Stopping to chat and greet people as she went, Kate made slow progress toward the food stand. where Dave, the Coast’s landlord, was, happily cooking burgers in a closed, mobile oven.

      Kate leaned on the counter beside him. “It’s going well, isn’t it?”

      “Never had a doubt.” Dave pointed his tongs toward the main bar inside. “There’s plenty of people in there who will make their way out here once the Shadows start.” He frowned as his attention landed on something over Kate’s shoulder. “He’s a strange one, that Mac Orman. Not sure what to make of him, even though Vanessa, God love her, tries to convince me he’s all right.”

      Kate turned and her heart kicked. Dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt beneath his ever-present leather jacket, Mac looked just as ridiculously hot as he had when she’d seen him in the bakery a couple of days before. She thought over Vanessa’s observations, interested to hear Dave’s take. “What do you mean by strange?”

      “Well, the guy clearly isn’t lacking in the looks department, if the way Vanessa was watching him earlier is anything to go by. He seems pretty sure of himself, but...”

      She faced Dave, pleased she wasn’t the only one impervious to Mac’s charms. “What?”

      He turned back to the oven. “Something tells me that guy is here with an agenda. I don’t like strangers with agendas.”

      Kate looked at Mac again. He stood near the band, wearing a stony expression and holding a bottle of beer. “No, me neither. Maybe I should try to uncover that agenda. What do you think?”

      “By all means, if you think you can. Just do me a favor?”


      “If anyone asks, this little bit of digging was all your idea, not mine. Okay?”

      Kate smiled. “You’re not actually scared of Vanessa, are you?”

      “’Course not, but if she thinks I’m causing trouble, I’ll be sleeping on the couch. At my age that doesn’t do my back any good, if you understand what I’m saying.”

      “Understood. I’ll keep my investigating to myself.”

      He nodded and Kate took a deep breath before she headed toward Mac. He turned as she neared, almost as though he sensed her approach. He clearly struggled to change his expression into something less hostile as his slow study drifted over her body, seeming to assess every part of her.

      Kate’s stomach knotted with attraction. But there was no way of knowing who Mac was, or what he was capable of. Her guard needed to be in place at all times.

      She forced a smile as she stood in front of him. “Mac, nice to see you again.”

      His gaze lingered on her mouth before he met her eyes. “I’m surprised to hear you say that, but thanks.”

      Deciding she would make a better detective if she smoothed the tension between them, she laughed. “Just because I’m concerned why you’re here doesn’t mean I don’t like you. You seem pleasant enough. So, did you come in for a look around? Or do you plan on staying awhile?”

      “I thought I’d check out the band. The Moon Shadows are pretty good.”

      She glanced at the band, more than a little concerned that the guitarist hadn’t shown up. “I’m not much for country rock, but from what I’ve heard, they aren’t half bad.”

      “What sort of music do you like?”

      She shrugged. “Acoustic, Ed Sheeran, that sort of stuff.” She faced him. “And I’m partial to some ballads and smooth jazz on occasion.”

      He nodded, his gaze intense on hers. “Good choices.”

      Their eyes locked, and the noise around them faded. Kate struggled to look away, struggled to speak. “Any more luck finding the person you’re looking for?”

      “Not yet, but it’s early days.”

      “Early days?” She faced him. “You plan on staying longer than a week?”

      He took another gulp of his beer. “If I have to.”

      “But you can’t.”

      His blue eyes brightened with amusement. “Why not? I thought it was Marian who was the boss around here. So far, no one named Marian has tried to push me out of town like you are.”

      “I’m not trying to push...” She glared. “Stop doing that.”

      “Doing what?”

      “Tormenting me.”

      He raised his eyebrows. “I torment you?”

      “No.” Her cheeks burned. “You infuriate me.”

      “Then my aim has been met.”

      She opened her mouth to respond when the leader singer from the band joined them. “Kate? Could I have a word?”

      Grateful for the interruption, she faced the singer. “Sure. What can I do for you?”

      He grimaced. “Bad news. I just called the replacement guitarist. He can’t make it.”

      Her stomach dropped. “And he’s only told you now? Can you get by without him?”

      “No can do, I’m afraid. Can’t play our songs without a lead guitarist.”

      “Then what am I supposed to—”

      “I’ll help you out.” Mac stepped forward and extended his hand to the lead singer. “Mac Orman. Guitarist.”

      Joe shook Mac’s hand. “Joe Masters.”

      Kate stared wide-eyed at Mac, her heart beating fast. “You? You’ll step in?”

      He flashed her a smile. “Anything to help out a lady.” He turned to the singer. “I’ll just run upstairs and get my guitar.”

      Joe frowned. “How well do you know our music?”

      Mac nodded. “Really well. Big fan, in fact. Well, except for the times I’m looking for some СКАЧАТЬ