Fugitive at Large. Sandra Robbins
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Название: Fugitive at Large

Автор: Sandra Robbins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474036085


СКАЧАТЬ his finger first at Ryan and then Jessica. “Didn’t the two of you used to be partners?”

      Jessica stiffened. “Yes, but that was a long time ago.”

      The air seemed to have taken on a frost, but Jimmy’s face flushed. “Oh, right.” He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Well, let’s get this over with. Are there any other witnesses besides you and Ryan’s brother?” he asked Jessica.

      She pointed to the clerk. “Richard. He works here. Just the three of us.”

      Jimmy glanced at his partner and jerked his head in Jamie and the clerk’s direction. “Why don’t you get their statements. I’ll take Jessica’s.”

      The other officer nodded and looked at Jessica. “Nice to meet you, ma’am. I’ve heard a lot about you. The guys said you’re working with your brothers over at the Knight Agency now. Is that right?”

      “It is. I decided I’d let you guys catch the criminals, and I’ll go after them if they skip bail.”

      Jimmy laughed. “Don’t be fooled by this lady. She’s tough as nails, just like her two brothers. In fact, her twin brother, Lucas, is a friend of mine. We ride motorcycles together a lot. I don’t know how many times he’s told me about the bounty-hunter business his great-grandfather started and the slogan he lived by.”

      Jessica smiled. “‘A man must answer for the crimes laid against him,’” she said. “We still believe that.”

      Ryan wondered how many times during the years he and Jessica worked together he had heard her say those words. “So do we cops,” he said.

      She jerked her head around and glared at him before she turned back to Jimmy. “Okay, let’s get this over with. I remember the drill. So let me tell you what happened.”

      For the next few minutes she gave her account of what had happened as well as a detailed description of the robber. Ryan concentrated on the details and watched as Jimmy took notes from time to time. When she finished, Ryan spoke up. “And you got the car license number?”

      “I did.” She pulled her notepad from her pocket and read off the numbers to him.

      Jimmy looked up from the notes he’d been writing. “Could you come down to the station tomorrow and look at some mug shots to see if you recognize the holdup guy?”

      “Sure,” Jessica said. “Whatever you need me to do.”

      “Come to my office,” Ryan said. “I’ll have them ready for you.”

      Jimmy glanced at his notes again. “And you say the robber was wounded?”

      “Yes, but it wasn’t bad. I think the bullet grazed his head.”

      “We’ll notify the hospitals to be on the lookout for a gunshot wound to the side of the head.”

      Jessica shrugged. “I suppose you should, but I doubt if he’ll go to a hospital. He can probably treat it with first aid. I might have gotten a better shot at him if I hadn’t had all those potato chips flying in my face.”

      “Potato chips.” Ryan laughed and looked back at the chips that now lay in scattered crumbs across the floor. “You always did have a sense of humor. But seriously, I’m glad you were here today. My brother probably wouldn’t be alive if you hadn’t stepped forward.”

      “Just doing what I’ve been trained to do.”

      Her words had a jagged edge to them, and he wondered if she was trying to deliver an unspoken message to him. Did she resent him because she thought she would still be in police work if it hadn’t been for him?

      “I’m sure you remember how upsetting it was to enter a robbery scene and find victims who’d been shot for no other reason than for being in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he told her. “No one was shot today. And that was because of you. Thank you, Jessica.”

      She didn’t say anything for a moment. Then she touched Jimmy’s arm as he took a step toward the witnesses. “Jimmy, I was wondering. I’ve had a busy day, and I’m tired. You have my statement about what happened and my description of the robber. Would it be okay if I go on home? If you need anything else, you know where to find me.”

      Jimmy thought a moment before he nodded. “Sure, Jessica. Go on. We’ll be in touch if we need anything else. I’m always glad to see that no one was hurt in a robbery. We have you to thank for that.”

      “Thanks. I think I’ll go say goodbye to Jamie and Richard before I leave.”

      Ryan moved out of her way as she stepped around him and headed over to where Jamie stood. He smiled when she stopped next to him. “I’m going home, but I wanted to say goodbye first.”

      Jamie reached out and grabbed her hand. “Thank you for everything, Jessica. You were great.”

      She waved her hand in dismissal. “It was nothing. I’m glad the two of you are okay. Take care of yourselves and remember to be mindful of your surroundings no matter where you are.”

      Jamie smiled and nodded. “I will.”

      She glanced at Richard. “I need to pay for my drink.”

      He shook his head and laughed. “It’s on the house. You’ve earned it.”

      She raised the bottle in a salute to him. “Thanks.”

      Jamie stopped her as she turned to leave. “Wait a minute, Jessica. I wanted to ask you something. My brother told me you used to be his partner. Do you ever miss being on the force?” Her face flushed, and Jamie gave a little gasp. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so nosy. It’s just that you handled yourself so well today, I think you must have been a good police officer.”

      Before she could respond, Ryan spoke up from behind her. “She was good. The best partner I ever had. I hated to see her leave police work.”

      Jessica stared at him a moment as he came to stand beside her. Then she turned back to Jamie. “I like what I do now. It’s rewarding work, and I get to work with people I love and admire.”

      A teasing glint sparkled in Jamie’s eyes. “And you still get to carry a gun.”

      Jessica laughed. “And I still get to carry a gun. I’m so used to it that it’s become a part of me. In fact, I carry it with me all the time.”

      “Lucky for all of us,” Jamie said. “It was nice meeting you, Jessica.”

      “Nice meeting you, too, Jamie.”

      Then she turned and walked toward the door, her words about working with people whom she loved and admired still ringing in Ryan’s ears. Her meaning hadn’t been lost on him. She hadn’t loved him or even held him in very high regard. He pressed his lips together and didn’t say anything as he watched her go.

      When she’d disappeared out the door, he turned back to his brother, who was staring at him with a slight smile curling his lips.

      “I don’t know what happened between you two,” Jamie said, “but it must have been СКАЧАТЬ