Regency: Rakes & Reputations: A Rake by Midnight / The Rake's Final Conquest. Gail Ranstrom
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СКАЧАТЬ respond this time.

      Luckily, he had learned they were known to frequent a flea-infested gin house off Petticoat Lane by the name of the Cat’s Paw. He elbowed the door open and eased in, giving his eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom. The odor of unwashed bodies and years of spilled ale and gin was noxious. Behind him, Charlie coughed to cover his disgust and they moved to a section of the bar nearest the door.

      “What the bloody hell are we going to order?” Charlie muttered under his breath.

      Jamie shook his head. The gin would strike them blind and the ale was likely the poorest to be had and diluted with filthy rain water. The tavern keeper, a man with one good eye and another that wandered, asked, “What’ll it be, gents?”

      “Bottle of whiskey,” Jamie said. “Bring it unopened.”

      He noted they were drawing attention and was undecided if that was good or bad. The Cat’s Paw did not attract men of Hunter’s ilk, but most of the bully boys in the place would think twice before assaulting a gent in public. Once he and Charlie departed and entered a darkened street, however.

      When the tavern keeper brought the whiskey, Jamie held it to the light. It was sealed and looked clear, not cloudy with the foul water hereabouts. He nodded at the tavern keeper, who opened the bottle and handed it to him. Jamie raised an eyebrow, took a swig and winced as the cheap rotgut burned a path down his throat. He passed the bottle to Charlie, who did the same.

      Jamie tossed the tavern keeper a few coins and waved the unwashed tin cups away.

      Charlie grinned as the tavern keeper turned to attend other customers. “I wondered what we could possibly order in here that wouldn’t poison us.”

      “We’ll see how big our heads are in the morning.”

      A tall figure emerged from the shadows at the back of the room. A shorter figure followed on his heels. They approached Jamie cautiously.

      “I knows you,” the taller man said. “One o’ Farrell’s friends, ain’t ye?”

      “Hunter’s the name.” Jamie inclined his head toward Charlie. “And this is my brother, Charlie.”

      “You th’ gents askin’ fer us?”

      “Aye.” He grabbed the whiskey bottle around the neck. “We want a private talk.”

      Richard “Dick” Gibbons, the taller and older of the brothers, led the way to a table in a far corner. He and his silent brother, Artie, sat against the wall, leaving Jamie and Charlie to sit with their backs to the room—a dangerous position in this sort of place. Jamie tilted his chair to one side, facing the room, and Charlie did the same, forming a rough semicircle. Artie grinned at their ploy.

      Dick Gibbons held out his tin cup and Jamie obliged by pouring a measure of whiskey into it, then did the same with Artie’s cup.

      “You remember what we wanted last time?” Jamie asked.

      Dick nodded.

      “I want it again.”

      The eldest Gibbons’s grin made Jamie wary, and he suspected that Henley might have escaped the authorities a few weeks ago because the Gibbons brothers had warned him off. Selling that information to two parties, both Devlin Farrell and Henley, made for double profit. The Gibbonses were treacherous enough for such a move and greedy enough to risk Devlin’s anger.

      “Thought ye got ‘em all.”

      “You know we didn’t,” Jamie countered, running his own bluff. “And you know who I want.”

      Dick seemed to contemplate denial and decide against it. “Henley, is it?”

      Charlie took a swig from the bottle and eyed the Gibbons brothers warily. His glance at Jamie warned of caution, but Jamie was beyond that. There was only one way to deal with men like these—plainly. “Henley,” he confirmed.

      “‘E’s a dangerous one,” Dick said. “‘E offered a bounty fer ye, didn’t ‘e?”

      “You know he did,” Jamie confirmed. “Was it you who took a shot at me two nights ago?”

      Artie’s shoulders shook, but his laugh sounded more like a wheeze. His grin split to reveal two rows of rotten teeth. Dick shrugged, but did not answer Jamie’s question.

      “I thought a knife was more to your liking,” Charlie said. “Was it you who carved up old Cox?”

      “A smart man’d use whatever’d get the job done. We hears th’ Hunters is dangerous, too. Wouldn’t pay ta get too close.”

      “I didn’t know that mattered to you and your brother.”

      “Don’t.” Dick sat back in his chair and took Jamie’s measure. “If there’s enough money in it.”

      Here was the confirmation that the Gibbons brothers would play a double game without the least compunction. “Name your price.”

      The Gibbons brothers put their heads together and communicated in whatever way they were able given Artie’s reluctance or inability to speak. When Dick faced him again, he laughed, expelling a cloud of foul breath that nearly sickened Jamie.

      “Considerin’ the risk, hundred pounds,” he said.

      Jamie kept his expression neutral. The sum was enough to keep a small family for a year. The Home Office would never pay so much, but Jamie could muster that much from his personal accounts. And capturing Henley had become a very personal matter. “Done,” he said. “On delivery.”

      “Ain’t our usual way o’ doin’ business,” Dick said, his dull eyes narrowing.

      “If you know the Hunters’ reputations, you know we honor our debts. And you know it would not be wise to cross us. You’re already living on borrowed time as far as Devlin Farrell is concerned.”

      Both the Gibbons brothers looked nervous for the first time. Whether due to Devlin’s wrath or the Hunters’, it did not matter. All that mattered was that the Gibbons brothers would be unlikely to double-cross them again.

      “How’ll we find ye when we gots the information?”

      “The Crown and Bear after midnight. If I am not there, leave a message with Mick Haddon and I’ll find you.”

      “How lovely Vauxhall is this time of year,” Lady Annica sighed, gesturing at the roses as the ladies strolled along one of the paths. She glanced over her shoulder and the vapid smile faded from her lips. “At last we are alone. Now, tell us what Mr. Renquist reported to you this afternoon, Eugenia.”

      The day had been warm and the sun was just dipping below the horizon as their group halted and gathered in a circle to hear the news. Gina took a deep breath before she began.

      “He is not particularly hopeful. He says he has made inquiries in all the most likely places, all to no avail. He has not given up, however, and informs me there are still a number of sources he has not yet tapped.”

      Grace Hawthorne squeezed her hand. “You look discouraged, dear. But Mr. Renquist СКАЧАТЬ