Rescuing the Cowboy. Cathy McDavid
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Название: Rescuing the Cowboy

Автор: Cathy McDavid

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474041799


СКАЧАТЬ there someone I can call?”

      Like 9-1-1 to report her for abusing her child? It had happened before.

      Teddy’s shrieks and thrashing resumed.

      “We’re okay. Really.” Summer tried reasoning with the woman. “My son is easily upset by strangers.”

      Can you not see he’s special-needs? Do I have to say autistic?

      “Okay,” the woman muttered. “If you’re sure.”

      She left—thank God. Summer lowered her head until it was level with Teddy’s and began singing a childhood rhyme in a soft voice.

      “The eensie, weensie spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out.”

      He hummed and rocked in rhythm to the melody.

      “Up came the sun, and it dried up all the rain. And the eensie, weensie spider went up the spout again.”

      Two more times she sang the song. Then, taking a chance, she inched a hand closer and buckled him into his booster seat. Next, she slipped away and started the car, turning the air-conditioning on high. July in Arizona could be counted on for hundred-plus degree temperatures. Teddy, however, seemed impervious to the heat.

      In colder weather, she used a quilt to calm her son. He preferred the weight and volume over the lightness of a cowboy hat, but in this heat, he’d smother, so she improvised.

      “Better now, sweetie pie?” She returned to her position next to him, careful to avoid contact.

      He shook his head, the oversize hat flopping. But he seemed to have relaxed so she decided he must be improved.

      “Excuse me, ma’am.” A deep male voice interrupted her. “You left your groceries.”

      She rose and pivoted, emitting a small gasp at the sight of the cowboy from the market standing so close to her. He held out a plastic grocery sack.


      “Your groceries. You forgot them.”

      She shook her head in confusion. “I didn’t buy them.”

      “It’s okay.” He shrugged.

      “Did you pay for these?”

      Behind Summer, Teddy shifted. He could hear the man even if he couldn’t see him from under the hat’s wide brim. She prayed that he didn’t have another meltdown.

      “Don’t worry about it,” the man said. “I could see you a hurry.” Not a trace of reproach or disapproval or shock colored his deep voice.

      She blinked, then stared. Who was he?

      “Look,” she began to explain. “It’s not what you think.”

      “I don’t think anything, ma’am. It’s none of my business.”

      Still, she felt the need to explain. The man had been kind, unlike the women who’d been curious and interfering. “My son is autistic and struggles in social situations.”

      In her support group, she was encouraged not to make excuses for her son. If people didn’t understand, or if they poked fun at her and Teddy, well, that was their problem. Not hers. Still, it wasn’t easy.

      “I understand. I struggle myself at times.” There was an honesty in his statement that took her momentarily aback.

      He was handsome. Handsome enough that if Summer wasn’t preoccupied with her son, she’d be intrigued. Brown eyes with flecks of gold studied her intently. Broad shoulders and muscled arms emphasized the snug fit of his black T-shirt. Scuffed cowboy boots added an inch to his already impressive height. Stubble darkened his strong jawline. That, along with a noticeable scar beside his left eye, lent a mysterious, if not dangerous, element to his looks.

      “Let me pay you.” Summer reached for her purse, which she’d left on the ground.

      “It’s not necessary.”

      “Yes, it is,” she insisted as she handed him several bills.

      He hesitated before accepting. Stuffing the money in his jeans pocket, he tugged on the brim of his hat.

      “See you around.”

      Would he? She almost hoped that were true. After a moment, she came to her senses. Summer didn’t date. Ever. Not that she wouldn’t enjoy being in a relationship. But she and Teddy were a package deal. It wasn’t easy finding an understanding and patient guy who’d accept and love a boy who wasn’t his. Finding a guy who’d accept and love a special-needs child who wasn’t his was nearly impossible.

      “Thank you again,” she said.

      He seemed almost disappointed, as if he’d expected her to ask him to stay. Before she could say another word, he turned and left, disappearing into the store.

      Summer stood and watched him go, the grocery sack growing heavy in her hand.

      “Maw Maw.”

      Teddy calling her by name. He was definitely feeling better.

      “Let’s go home, honey. What do you say?”

      She slowly removed the cowboy hat and laid it on the car floor. Getting behind the wheel, she pulled out of the parking lot. There was still time to make the cookies before the party.

      “Man,” Teddy said from the rear seat. “Wide haws.”

      “That’s right. The man was a cowboy and rides horses.”

      Her thoughts drifted to him. She recalled his strong, compelling features. His kindness. The scar by his eye—surely there was a story there. Not that it mattered, but it was too bad she’d forgotten to introduce herself. Neither had she gotten his name.

      Only when she reached her driveway did she realize she’d also forgotten the vanilla extract.

      * * *

      THREE DAYS AT Dos Estrellas Ranch, and Quinn Crenshaw felt as if he’d been living there for months. No, that wasn’t entirely accurate. He felt as if he was home, in a way he hadn’t felt at home for a long, long time.

      The hammer rested easily in his hand, fitting perfectly in the crook of his palm. Raising it, he brought the head down hard on the nail, enjoying the loud thwang and the reverberation running up the length of his arm.

      This was good work. Real work. Meaningful work. He’d missed it during the last two years, three months and fourteen days. For the majority of that time, he’d labored as a janitor, earning pennies an hour. Prisoner wages. Most of it was spent in the commissary. The remainder of his savings, thirty-two dollars and change, had been given to him when he was released six weeks ago.

      His parents had funded his trip to Mustang Valley. Without their help, he couldn’t have afforded the gas for the fourteen-hour drive and the new tires his СКАЧАТЬ