Playing With Fire. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Playing With Fire

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472054364


СКАЧАТЬ why you’re wearing this?”

      This was the way Zienna had hoped to end the night. She pressed her body against his hand, and Nicholas slipped his fingers into her panties. When he stroked her, a carnal sound of pleasure pushed past her lips.

      Nicholas put his free arm around her waist and pulled her against him with force. Then his mouth came down on hers and he began to kiss her ferociously.

      Heat consumed her. They shared a hungry, urgent kiss, the kind they hadn’t had in a while. Their relationship had become comfortable, and their kisses these days were more sweet and emotional than wild. The passion between them was generated by knowing that what they were doing was more than simply having sex.

      But now, as he kissed her, he slipped his hands into her hair and tugged, creating a little pain.

      Zienna made a purring sound. She liked it.

      Nicholas drew her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked on it before grazing it with his teeth. Then he plunged his tongue into her mouth again, tangling it with hers.

      His hands found her bra, and he none too gently shoved the lace covering her breasts downward, over the large mounds. The Nicholas of yesterday would have taken his time removing the delicate fabric.

      “Are you still mad now?” His lips trailed her jawline, and teased her skin there while his fingers squeezed her nipples.

      In response, Zienna gasped.

      Nicholas’s mouth made its way to one of her nipples. He flicked his tongue around the tip before pulling it into his mouth.

      “What about now?” he asked. “Still mad at me?”

      “No,” Zienna rasped. “No, baby.”

      He grinned, then took her other nipple into his mouth and suckled it until she was moaning.

      Although lust had taken over her body, somewhere her senses kicked in. “The windows,” she said. “The blinds aren’t closed.”

      Her breast was still in his mouth as he turned toward the window. “You’re right,” he said around her hardened peak. And then, obviously not caring if someone from the next building might be looking in on them right now, he laved the erect tip with his tongue.

      Not with the tender, soft flicks of his normal style, but with fervor, as though he was trying to brand her as his.

      He moved his mouth to her other breast and teased her with the same intense determination.

      Zienna didn’t have the strength to stop him. The sensations were too electrifying. He sank his teeth into her nipple, again creating a mix of pleasure and pain. Then he moved his mouth to her other breast and drew it so deeply into his mouth, it was as though he wanted to swallow it.

      “I want to do you right here, and I don’t care who sees.” He flicked his finger over the nipple he was currently torturing. “Almost,” he added, grinning up at her.

      Zienna hadn’t encountered this Nicholas before, but she liked him. Liked him enough that she could make love to him right here, any onlookers be damned.

      “Nicholas, baby, what’s gotten into you?”

      “You.” He lowered himself to his knees and kissed her stomach.

      He pulled at the sides of her thong, so hard it snapped. Zienna gasped as the elastic waistband stung her skin. But the next moment she moaned, when Nicholas’s fingers found her sweet spot.

      “You’re wet.”

      “Nicholas...” He wasn’t really going to do her right here, was he?

      “Yes,” he said with resolve, seeming to have heard her silent question. He stroked her nub. “I can’t wait.”

      But he was smart enough to angle her body so that her back was to the window. And then he swept his tongue over her most sensitive spot.

      “Oh, God...” she moaned.

      His fingers and tongue moved faster, heightening her pleasure. Her eyelids fluttering shut, she gripped his shoulders. She was caught up in rapture, mesmerized by this carnal side of Nicholas she had never seen.

      He tantalized her as though his only goal was to please her. He used his tongue, his teeth and his fingers, until she was coming, coming hard. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

      Weak from her orgasm, she let Nicholas take off the rest of her clothes. Then he positioned her on her knees and entered her from behind with a blinding thrust.

      Zienna cried out, arching her back.

      He gave it to her hard, his thrusts relentless. “Oh, my God, Nicholas. Ohhh...”

      “Tell me you love me,” he said.

      “I love you,” she managed to reply, with a breathless sigh.

      “Tell me I’m all you need.”

      “You’re all I need, baby. You’re all I need.”

      “No one can give it to you better than I can. Ain’t that right, babe?”

      Even in the midst of her pleasure, the comment gave Zienna pause. What was he going on about, needing to hear that he could rock her world sexually? This wasn’t like him.

      He slipped his arms around her waist and drew her upward so that her back was against his front, while he was still inside her. He pressed his lips to her ear. “Tell me no one can give it to you like I can. Tell me.”

      “No one...only you, baby.”

      He kissed her, sucking on her lips and her tongue, his lust for her on overdrive.

      And as he continued to make love to her, Zienna couldn’t help thinking that he was doing her harder than ever before to erase any feelings that she might still have for Wendell.


      When Zienna’s eyes opened, she found Nicholas looking down at her, smiling. He was lying beside her on the bed, but perched on his elbow so that his face was above hers.

      “Good morning, baby.”

      “Morning,” she said.

      “How’re you feeling?”

      A slow grin formed on her face. “Amazing. Definitely sore in a lot of places, but amazing.” She stroked his cheek and added in a playful tone, “What got into you last night?”

      “You mean The Slayer?”

      Now Zienna giggled. “Is that what you call it?”

      “Yes. But I only let him out sometimes.” He gave her a tender kiss, one that lingered. It was sweet and full of meaning—not burning with the carnal need of the night before.

      “I am sorry about last night,” he told her when he СКАЧАТЬ