All Night Long. Madelynne Ellis
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Название: All Night Long

Автор: Madelynne Ellis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780007579532


СКАЧАТЬ must you? Really?’

      Ginny opened her eyes to find Black Halo’s diminutive keyboardist Elspeth Shriik standing in the open doorway, hands planted on her non-existent hips. She lambasted them with a gaze capable of lasering through steel. Holy shit! They were in for a serious rollicking.

      Ginny almost caved before Elspeth said another word, but Ash had such a firm grip on her that it prevented any sort of escape.

      He gave his band mate a two-fingered salute.

      ‘No one’s forcing you to watch. Piss off to the hotel and cosy up with your other half.’

      ‘Don’t you tell me to piss off, Ashley Gore.’

      Ginny swore the big bouquet of lilies on the other sofa immediately wilted. The same couldn’t be said for Ash, who nuzzled against her neck as he continued to push inside her.

      ‘Considering the furore you’ve caused tonight, maybe I should tell you to piss off for good.’

      Ginny bit her lips. Things were suddenly so tense, she wasn’t sure this was genuinely fun any more. ‘We could take it elsewhere, Ash.’

      ‘Yeah,’ Elspeth agreed, having overheard her whisper. ‘You’re not supposed to shag in the dressing room, Ash.’

      ‘So says the woman who’s screwed Xane so badly he’s walked out.’

      OK, this was not good. It was time she staged a retreat. She did not want to be in the centre of an argument, no matter how much fun he was proving to be.

      She wriggled, but he still didn’t budge.

      ‘Did you say he’s shagging?’ Another voice sounded from outside the room. ‘Where? Let me through.’

      A kerfuffle involving a lot of shoving broke out in the corridor behind Elspeth. A second or two later, Spook Mortensen, Black Halo’s Swedish rhythm guitarist, appeared in the doorway. He negotiated his way around Elspeth, making minimal contact, then, on seeing Ginny and Ash, broke into an enormous grin. ‘I don’t mind him doing it here.’

      ‘Me neither.’ The band’s bassist joined him on the sofa.

      ‘Paul!’ Elspeth chirped, disgust creasing her fey features.

      He raised his mile-wide shoulders and offered her an apologetic look. ‘What? I’m a very visual person, and I’ll take any sort of fun over the crap storm that’s going on outside. If we get out of here before midnight it’ll be a miracle.’

      ‘More like before tomorrow,’ Spook said.

      Elspeth pulled at her blonde hair. ‘I still can’t believe you’re going to sit and watch him fuck some tart over a sofa back.’

      ‘Why not?’ Ash drawled, still holding Ginny close. ‘They normally do.’

      ‘Hey, less of the “tart”,’ Ginny complained. She might have slightly loose morals but that didn’t necessitate name-calling.

      ‘I like tarts.’ Ash ran his tongue across the back of her neck. ‘Strawberry, Apple, Raspberry. Treacle’s my favourite. Yummy.’ He smacked his lips together. ‘Just like you. Maybe I could order some and lick it off you.’

      ‘Sounds sticky.’ She laughed, forgiving him, given the ardour of his wet kisses.

      ‘I thought you told me you liked getting sticky.’ He sucked over her pulse point, sending a lovely shiver rolling through her body that temporarily made her forget about Elspeth and the two guitarists.

      ‘Do that again,’ Rock Giant insisted. ‘I think she likes it.’

      Heat swept across Ginny’s cheeks. Actually, he was both wrong and right. It wasn’t purely what Ash was doing with his mouth that had her gasping, but the other actions he was performing too. Like how he was working his fingers in a brisk, delightful motion over her excited nub, while he continued to fuck her in a steady rhythm.

      ‘You don’t mind if they watch, do you?’

      Ginny wasn’t particularly shy, nor did she specifically get off on being watched. That wasn’t to say this was a unique experience. She’d been to parties. Sex happened, and sometimes it happened in spaces that weren’t entirely private. Also, enjoying sex as much as she did, she wasn’t entirely a stranger to the idea of enjoying more than one partner, which kind of inevitably led to a certain amount of natural exhibitionism and voyeurism. Having Spook Mortensen and Rock Giant Reed watching her have sex with their band mate was altogether different, though, but not in way that made her consider stopping. Yeah, so her cheeks were flaming, but the attention sure made her feel sexy.

      It helped that the two of them were fantastically hot.

      Rock Giant got her on a visceral level. It was the pure physicality of the guy – the corded steel of his musculature, coupled with his impressive height. Spook was different again, lithe and efficient, with eyes so blue you could discover whole ocean worlds in their depths. He looked as if he’d stepped straight out of her favourite fantasy novel at the close of an epic battle.

      ‘You’re disgusting,’ Elspeth huffed at the lack of response, then she turned on her spiked heels and left, slamming the door behind her.

      ‘Good riddance,’ Ash said.

      Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. Not that she realised she’d been holding her breath until the inward rush of oxygen filled her chest.

      Ash raised another finger at Elspeth as a farewell. ‘Now, where were we?’

      As if he could possibly have forgotten. He’d never stopped doing what they were doing, only slowed down a bit.

      ‘You really don’t mind these two perverts being here, do you? Because I can turf them out.’

      ‘They’re just watching?’


      ‘I’m good,’ Rock Giant mumbled, raising a hand.

      Spook nodded. ‘Me too.’

      ‘Guess you’re all mine. Suits me.’ He held on tight, while giving a theatrical cackle of glee.

      Ginny was relieved to find that Ash didn’t try to stage any more of a performance. He didn’t hurry, or attempt to stretch things out, now they had an audience. In fact, he barely seemed to notice his band mates. For her part, she couldn’t quite ignore them. Knowing they were within arm’s reach set her senses alight. That, coupled with the press of Ash’s fingertips and the rock of his slim hips, meant she hit climax super-fast. He hardly needed to do anything at all and her body was clenching hold of him, while she squeezed out staccato breaths.

      Once again, Ash rode the tide with her until she was entirely spent. Ginny flopped forward against the sofa so that her flaming cheek pressed against the cool leather. She stayed there panting for a moment or two. Only when Ash withdrew did she venture a glance at the other two Black Halo guitarists. Rock Giant looked slightly cooked. He picked up the vase of lilies and held them on his lap. ‘Nice one,’ he remarked, giving her thumbs up.

      Spook meanwhile СКАЧАТЬ