Recipe For Disaster. Nina Harrington
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Название: Recipe For Disaster

Автор: Nina Harrington

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472017130


СКАЧАТЬ with his long slim legs to cover the floor between them, and then Luca stretched out his hand and presented the cheque to Bunty with a small flourish. ‘Thanks for all of your help, Bunty. I mean that.’

      She took the paper, unfolded it in silence, and then looked at the number handwritten on the cheque. Then looked again. ‘Are you sure this is right? I wasn’t expecting this much.’

      And was instantly thumped hard in the arm by Alex, who peered at the cheque and sniffed. ‘Ah! Not nearly enough to cover all of the aggro you have had to put up with over the years.’

      Luca narrowed his eyes and pointed two fingers towards Alex. ‘You are quite right. I have added a little extra as my personal thanks, which I hope you will accept. In exchange for some of your time.’

      ‘My time?’ Bunty coughed out loud as Alex gasped in disbelief, but Luca held up both hands in surrender and laughed. ‘Relax. Let me finish and then I shall head off to the book signing and leave you in peace. Okay?’

      His shoulders seemed to drop into a relaxed pose and for the first time since he came into the room Bunty saw what looked like a real light in Luca’s eyes. Something close to being genuine, so when he spoke the words still took a while to sink in.

      ‘I am thinking of changing the company slogan.’ He smiled, then traced some letters in the air. ‘The Caruso Family Kitchen. What do you think of that crazy notion?’

      Then he folded his arms and leant back before speaking. ‘Traditional recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. And…’ He paused and licked his lower lip, and the breath caught in Bunty’s throat.

      Here it comes. This is the pitch. This is really what he came here to say.

      ‘We are going to need a new cook book of family recipes to come out at the same time as the TV campaign. New branding on the supermarket ranges. The lot. I’m actually quite excited about it. Ah yes, I can see you are surprised. I know. It would be a completely different direction from the modern Mediterranean food people are used to seeing, but I think it will work. Especially if both the Caruso cousins are involved.’

      He nodded. Twice. With his lips pressed firmly together. ‘That’s right. Your name would be on the cover and photo on the back page with all of your contact details. I owe you, Bunty. You can be damned sure that I will sing your praises to the rooftops – I can promise you that. Joint TV interviews. Radio. Full press coverage. We will even film the promo adverts right here in the deli. Plus half the advance and any of the royalties we pick up. Fifty/fifty all the way down the line.’

      Luca must have seen the expression on Bunty’s face because he half reared back. ‘Now don’t give me that look as though you are going to say no. Will you at least think about it? Take your time. No pressure. But if it is something you would like to do… I will make it happen. The advance is going to be at least six figures or I’m sacking my agent. Call you tomorrow.’

      Then without asking permission or seeking forgiveness, Luca picked up Bunty’s hand, kissed the back of her knuckles and gave it a squeeze before releasing it. With a quick wink at Fran and a kissy kissy mwah mwah sound towards Alex, he flicked one hand in the air and then bowed to all three of them.

      ‘Ladies. It has been a delight but now I must leave you and meet my adoring fans. Don’t get up. I shall see myself out. Ciao, bellas.

      And with a quick wave over one shoulder he strode out of her kitchen and a second later the doorbell chimed as the door closed behind him.

      Bunty sat in silence looking at the space where he had been standing, then glanced back at Alex, who was doing her famous gaping-fish-mouth impersonation, and finally at Fran, who was smiling and shaking her head.

      ‘Look at the state of you two.’ Fran chuckled. ‘You would think that you had never seen a handsome Italian before. What a performance that was. That boy should have been an actor. Although…’ she took a second to nod ‘…that new recipe book is not a bad idea, Bunty. You could use that kind of publicity and the food sounds great. The money would come in handy too.’

      Bunty sat back in her chair, picked up her drink and swallowed it down in silence, her brain reeling, her head thumping and her legs suddenly feeling like jelly.

      ‘Did I just imagine it?’ Alex muttered. ‘Or did Luca Caruso just walk in here as though he owned the place and try to bribe you to work for him again?’

      ‘Oh, that was Luca, all right,’ Bunty whispered. ‘No doubt about it.’

      ‘Amazing.’ Alex blinked. ‘I mean. I hate to give the creep any credit, but it takes a serious amount of ego to pull off that trick!’

      ‘Is it a trick?’

      Alex opened her mouth to reply, closed it again with a snap and whirled around in her chair with her arms folded.

      ‘Please don’t tell me that you are even thinking about taking his offer. This is Luca! Faker extraordinaire. He will make sure that he rips you off one way or another to line his own pockets.’

      Bunty focused her gaze on the cup that she was cradling in her hands. ‘What have I just been saying about seizing every opportunity I can get? I need the money. I need the publicity. And it is exactly the kind of traditional Italian food that I supply across London. So, yes, I am thinking about it. I am thinking about it a lot.’

      ‘Oh, Bunty. I thought you wanted to be free of the Carusos.’

      ‘I do, Alex. I do. But I am thirty and my dream of running a chain of Brannigans delis seems to be as far away as ever. This way I am working with Luca – not for him. Fifty/fifty. That was what he said and I will hold him to that. Equal partners. Promotional videos filmed right here. That’s new. Perhaps… Perhaps we can work together on those terms? I might be okay with that. A new opportunity, remember?’

      Alex exhaled slowly and shook her head before rubbing the back of Bunty’s neck.

      ‘Make it sixty/forty. If that boy needs your help so badly that he would lower himself to turn up in person and turn on the charm, then he can afford to give you a decent percentage of the loot. Of course we shall have to find a bulldog lawyer to tie him down on the numbers and make sure that your names are the same size on the cover. And if he wants to use those recipes of yours in this new supermarket range? That is going to cost him a helluva lot extra. Think about that!’

      Bunty replied by slumping forwards in her chair and pressing her fingertips into her forehead. ‘Just when I thought things were finally getting clearer. What a mess.’

      Alex snorted back and waved her fingers in Bunty’s direction. ‘You think this is a mess, try Gatwick airport on a Friday afternoon! Although there were some advantages.’

      She leant towards Bunty and smiled grimly through half-closed eyes. ‘I had no idea that airport shops carried such a wide selection of non-black clothing. Especially plum chiffon cocktail dresses. And shoes, and bags, and other fripperies! For once, you can have something made by another pair of hands to wear at your own birthday party.’

      Bunty could not help but smile back. ‘That was very thoughtful. Thanks. But plum? Not so sure about that one with my hair, but, yes, you are right. As usual.’ She hesitated before going on. ‘Alex, after what happened just now with Luca, I need to get my head around what I need to do next. Don’t say anything just yet. It might be too early to celebrate.’