Virgin Midwife, Playboy Doctor. Margaret McDonagh
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Название: Virgin Midwife, Playboy Doctor

Автор: Margaret McDonagh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408902240


СКАЧАТЬ nothing more we can do there until we hear from the hospital,’ Chloe began, opening the file and making her own notes. ‘All being well, mother and baby will come home safely in the days ahead.’

      ‘We’ll keep an eye on them for a few weeks before handing them over to the health visitors,’ Kate agreed.

      Oliver concurred. ‘Fine. Who’s next?’

      For a while they discussed their ongoing cases, including local vet, Melinda, married to GP Dragan Lovak, who was five months pregnant and maintaining excellent health.

      Kate selected the next file and filled them in on one of her cases. ‘I’m regularly seeing Stephanie Richards. All is going well with her pregnancy but she’s twenty-two and nervous about having this baby on her own. Her boyfriend left her and isn’t interested in being a father. Stephanie’s in a rented flat in Bridge Street, and there’s not much help from her own family so she needs extra support from us. Her baby is also due at the end of October—the same as Melinda’s.’

      ‘As far as potential problems are concerned, I have one mother showing signs of possible placental abruption,’ Chloe informed them, waiting while Oliver made a note of the name and details. ‘Angela Daniels had some discomfort and spotting. She was checked out at St Piran where they did an ultrasound and full blood count, plus a Kliejaur test to detect the presence of foetal red cells in maternal circulation. It was determined that the problem was mild and Angela was sent home on bed rest once the bleeding had stopped. She’s in her twenty-ninth week now.’

      ‘So we keep a close eye on her,’ Oliver commented, busy with his notebook.

      ‘Absolutely. She’s on my list and she has my pager and mobile numbers in case of an emergency.’ Chloe informed him. ‘Angela’s also having more regular checks with the consultant at the hospital. Likewise Susan Fiddick. Didn’t you see her yesterday, Kate? What is the update on her?’

      Her concern for the young woman evident, Kate referred to her file. ‘The breech was spotted at her thirty-six-week appointment and they tried to turn the baby at the hospital this week, the thirty-eighth. It wasn’t successful and the procedure was abandoned. St Piran is predicting difficulties and have offered Susan an elective Caesarean next week. However, Susan and her husband want her to have the baby at home by vaginal delivery. While we’re all for keeping things natural whenever possible, I’ve advised them to reconsider…there could be problems in the next week or two,’ Kate warned them.

      ‘We’ll give you any help you need,’ Chloe promised.

      Kate smiled. ‘Thanks. Let’s hope they make the decision for themselves. Now, what about our new babies?’

      ‘I understand there’s a detailed newborn screening programme in operation throughout the region.’ Oliver glanced up at Kate, his gaze moving to linger on Chloe until she shifted uneasily. ‘Nick mentioned it now covers cystic fibrosis?’

      Chloe nodded. ‘Yes, CF is now included in the screen along with sickle cell disease, phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism. We do a heel-prick test on the babies when they are between five and eight days old and the samples are sent to the Newborn Screening Laboratory Service in Bristol. They test the blood for immunoreactive trypsinogen. In babies with CF, this is increased in the first few weeks of life. If IRT is found, they do DNA tests. Sometimes they require a second sample when the baby is three or four weeks old.’

      ‘So far our babies have been clear, thank goodness,’ Kate added, ‘but an early diagnosis means early treatment and the prospect of a longer, healthier life.’

      ‘I’ve just sent samples in for three babies, including little Timmy Morrison.’ Chloe paused and gave an affectionate smile. ‘Beth and Jason have been waiting years for their first child.’

      ‘Is he the baby you delivered at their home in the early hours last Friday?’ Oliver asked, returning her smile.

      ‘Yes. They were over the moon, it was very emotional.’ Embarrassed, knowing how involved she became with her mums-to-be and their babies, she dragged her gaze from Oliver’s warmly knowing one and focused her attention back on the files in front of her. ‘Kate, what about the Trevellyans?’

      ‘They are having a break from IVF for a month or two, but we’re keeping in regular contact while they decide what to do. I want to follow this journey through with them but…’

      ‘What’s wrong?’ Oliver frowned when Kate paused.

      Kate sighed, wrestling with her thoughts. ‘Fran and Mike are Nick’s patients. So are Susan and Darren Fiddick. I’m not sure what to tell them about the new arrangements. No offence, Oliver, but some patients are going to want to stay with Nick.’

      ‘None taken, I assure you.’ Chloe couldn’t doubt the sincerity in his voice. ‘The patients’needs are the most important thing and somehow we’ll sort this out so that they don’t have to lose either you or Nick. Don’t worry, Kate. I’ll have a word with Nick on Monday. I’m sure that me taking over his duties is only a short-term measure.’

      Kate looked hopeful, but Chloe felt less reassured that Nick would see sense. She was grateful to Oliver for trying, however. Smiling to convey her thanks, she was confused by the flare of something hot and intense in his eyes. Her alarm increased as he shifted closer. Reaching out for another ginger biscuit, his arm brushed against hers and caused an inexplicable prickle of sensation to shoot along her nerve endings. Disconcerted, she leaned away to fuss with the files again, wondering why it was suddenly hard to breathe and uncomfortably warm in the room.

      ‘Other than the new couples booked in for preliminary appointments next week, and anything unforeseen that comes up, I think that’s it for now,’ she said, her voice less steady than normal.

      The others agreed, and Chloe was relieved when Oliver gathered up the tea things and biscuit tin, putting them all back on the tray and leaving the room. She immediately felt calmer and more settled with him gone.

      ‘I’ll see you later, then, Chloe,’ Kate murmured, stacking her files.

      ‘OK.’ She bit her lip. ‘You still think this is a good idea?’

      A mix of inner pain and fierce determination shone in the older woman’s eyes. ‘I think this meeting proved what needs to be done. I can’t let patients suffer because of Nick’s displeasure with me personally. Not that Oliver isn’t a great doctor, he is, but people like the Trevellyans and the Fiddicks deserve better from Nick. They trust him to come through for them. He can’t abandon them because of me.’

      ‘Just be careful.’

      ‘I will.’ Smiling, Kate patted her arm. ‘Thank you for caring. Now, I’m going to put these files away and collect my things from the staffroom.’

      Chloe watched her go, sighing as she rose to her feet and made her own preparations to leave. With luck, she’d have time to go home, feed the cats, shower, change and have a snack before Kate dropped Jem off. It had been another long, busy week and she was tired. She loved her job but it could be very demanding on her time and energy, and she never knew when she could be called out by one of her mothers during the night or at a weekend. Babies didn’t follow a nine-to-five, five-day-a-week schedule! Smiling to herself, she gave her room a final check and then turned to leave, shocked to find Oliver blocking her doorway.

      Oliver leaned against the doorframe and watched as Chloe finished tidying her desk, a smile on her face as СКАЧАТЬ