Sins Of The Flesh. J. Critch Margot
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Название: Sins Of The Flesh

Автор: J. Critch Margot

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474071376


СКАЧАТЬ eyes. She hated his act of pretending to care about the little people, when it was clear he only cared about helping business owners. Since announcing his campaign, he’d been eager to talk about his upbringing in a middle-class, immigrant family. But no matter his background, he was now so far removed from anything middle class. He may have started out there, but what did he know about the struggle of the people now, while he looked down upon them from his ivory tower?

      Jessica knew the people intimately. She’d devoted herself to community issues surrounding housing and social assistance since she’d become a councillor. Growing up, she’d made a point of volunteering regularly in her neighborhood—even now she would go across town once a month to help out at the shelter she’d become so familiar with as a young student. Looking back, it was probably no surprise she’d ended up in public office.

      Rafael might have a good act, but she knew better.

      But it didn’t matter; he currently held the upper hand. He knew about her secret life. And even though he hadn’t said anything yet, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t. There were so few people that she trusted, and she was reluctant to add Rafael Martinez to that list.

      Frustrated and fatigued, she pounded the end button on the treadmill’s control panel. When the belt stopped, she hunched over the panel, breathing deeply. She knew better, but it didn’t stop her from wanting the man more than she’d ever wanted anyone before.

      Jumping down from the machine, Jessica took more calming breaths and drank her water. She picked up her phone and saw the text message from Ben telling her to call him. When she did, her friend sounded excited.

      “Girl, have I got news for you.”

      “What is it?”

      “It’s about Dreamboat Martinez.”

      “What about him?”

      “I found something out about him.”

      It was as if Ben had read her mind. “How did you know—”

      “I’ve been talking to some people.”

      “Again with these mysterious people you know. I know for a fact you don’t know people.”

      He laughed, but then turned serious. “Just listen to me. Have you ever heard of Di Terrestres?”

      “Of course I have.” Who hadn’t. It was a well-known hangout for Las Vegas’s superrich and the elite. But she’d never been inside. Not being rich, or elite, she’d never been invited through the front doors.

      “What do you know about the shadowy cabal who runs it?” Ben asked. Jessica was running out of time and patience to play this guessing game.

      “I’ve got stuff to do today, can you just save us some time and tell me?”

      “I have it on good authority that Rafael Martinez is a silent partner of The Brotherhood, the extremely well-connected group that owns it and many other enterprises.”


      “Yeah, I heard a rumor and I got a friend of mine to do a little digging. It was tricky, but apparently Mr. Cute-but-Dumb-as-a-Post has some friends in high places. But this is some real information for you. What would staunchly conservative Las Vegans think of their golden boy owning a sex club within city limits?”

      Jessica felt a smile grow on her lips. She finally had some leverage on the man who knew a truth about her. “Thanks, Ben. I know I told you not to dig, but I’m glad for once that you didn’t listen to me.”

      “No problem, doll. Will you be home for dinner?”

      “No,” she said, her lips pursing as an idea formed in her head. “I’ve got plans tonight.”

      “It sounds like you’ve got something on your mind, and I want you to fill me in later.”

      “I will. Don’t worry.” Jessica hung up the phone, checked the time and realized that her workout had run long. She had a meeting with her team, and then she had an appearance to make at the university. Time to get her ass in gear and out the door.

      * * *

      Jessica took the time to talk to every student who’d shown up to meet the mayoral candidates and other members of council. It was part of a city initiative, in conjunction with the student union, to get young people interested in municipal politics. And judging by the crowd that had packed the student union building, people were interested. This high a youth turnout was almost unprecedented. The plan had worked, and it gave Jessica hope for the future generation and political engagement. Even the local TV news crews had shown up. She couldn’t remember an election that had gotten so much coverage. People were fascinated by her, Rafael and the entire electoral process, and voter registration was high.

      She looked across the room and saw Rafael and some of his people working his own corner. He looked confident, strong, gorgeous, in his jeans and T-shirt, just as he had that night in San Francisco. They had both opted for a more casual look, and again, just like the last time she’d seen him, he looked damn good.

      He laughed at something a young man said to him, and the sound rang over the din of the packed room. When he looked up, he caught her eye, and they maintained contact for a brief moment, before she turned back to the young woman she was speaking with. She then moved on, making her way through the crowd, until she found herself in front of Rafael.

      He looked down at her, his smile amused but cordial, and she nearly blushed at the way secrecy lingered between them. Her own lips tipped upward.

      “Hello, Jessica.” He turned back briefly to the people he was talking to. “Excuse me, for a moment.” They found a quiet corner.

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