The Emergency Doctor Claims His Wife. Margaret McDonagh
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Название: The Emergency Doctor Claims His Wife

Автор: Margaret McDonagh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408909140


СКАЧАТЬ she pulled her mobile phone out of her pocket, turned it on and sent an SOS message to the one person she could trust to save her from herself and stop her from making a monumental mistake.


      ‘IS THE damage very bad, Doctor?’

      Nathan looked up from his examination of the burns on the elderly woman’s hand, hoping to ease the pain and anxiety reflected in her cloudy blue eyes. ‘You did the right thing getting your hand under cold water straight away, Mrs Mooney, and wrapping it in clingfilm before coming to the hospital gave further protection against infection. Not doing so could have made the resulting injuries worse.’

      ‘Lucky I took note of all those television programmes,’ she offered with a brave smile.

      ‘You did well. Aside from the blisters, there are a couple of partial thickness burns, but nothing that appears to be deeper,’ he reassured her, gently turning the injured hand over again and reassessing the situation, carefully checking between the fingers. ‘We’ll give you some pain relief, then we’ll clean things up and remove any dead skin, drain the blisters, and put on some cream before dressing the hand. Do you have someone at home with you?’ he asked, concerned that the woman wouldn’t manage alone.

      ‘Yes, I live with my daughter and her children.’

      ‘Then you’ll be able to go home when we’re done.’ He gave her non-injured hand a squeeze. ‘But you’ll need to come back to the outpatient clinic tomorrow, to have the dressing changed and the hand reassessed. After that your GP surgery will be able to manage your aftercare. Is your tetanus cover up to date?’

      Mrs Mooney’s lined face creased further as she frowned. ‘Goodness, I can’t remember when I last had a vaccination.’

      ‘Don’t worry. We’ll give you another injection to be sure. Could you take care of that please, Holly?’ he requested, glancing up at the quietly efficient young staff nurse.

      ‘Of course, Dr Shepherd. No problem.’

      The pretty blonde manoeuvred a trolley next to him, on which she had laid out all the items he required to treat and dress Mrs Mooney’s hand. ‘Thanks.’

      ‘Your grandchildren are quite a handful, are they, Mrs Mooney?’

      Nathan heard Holly’s question, grateful to her for keeping the worried patient’s mind occupied as he checked that the pain relief had done its job so he could begin to clean and dress her wounds. Concentrating on his task, he listened with half an ear as Mrs Mooney responded to Holly’s calm friendliness.

      ‘Yes, indeed, Nurse.’ She gave a raspy chuckle. ‘You need eyes in the back of your head with those boys. That’s how this happened. I only turned away for a moment to pick up the youngest, who had fallen on the floor. When I looked round his brother had climbed onto a kitchen chair and was pulling the kettle towards him.’

      Mrs Mooney’s hand trembled at the memory, and Nathan paused until she settled again before inserting the needle to aspirate the first of the blisters, drawing fluid into the syringe.

      ‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘I set the baby down, rushed to the counter and managed to pull Johnny aside before he hurt himself. Unfortunately my other arm caught the kettle, spilling the boiling water on my hand.’

      ‘Ouch.’ Holly tutted in sympathy.

      ‘I’m just glad the children weren’t burned. I didn’t even think what I was doing. I just acted on instinct and couldn’t help myself. Do you know what I mean, Doctor?’

      As he finished cleaning, aspirating and debriding the damaged areas of the hand, Nathan nodded. ‘I do, Mrs Mooney.’

      Hadn’t he done the very same thing himself a few hours ago? Despite knowing the timing was wrong, he’d kissed Annie with all the desperation and urgency clamouring within him. He’d been unable to stop, even though he’d known it was too soon to push her to face what remained between them. It had been foolish, but inevitable. And he’d been burned in a very different kind of way, succeeding only in spooking Annie, causing her to strengthen the barriers she had erected against him.

      But the need and longing to touch her and taste her had tormented him for five years. When presented with the opportunity, after being deprived of her for so long, the temptation had been too great for him to resist. Now he had set his cause back even further, making the goal he had come here to achieve harder than ever.

      Smothering a sigh, he glanced up at the clock on the cubicle wall. His shift had officially ended half an hour ago, but he’d never been one to clock off to time. His presence was determined by his patients’ needs. A few doctors and nurses might walk off and hand their patient over to another member of staff coming on duty, but that had never been his way. The nature of accident and emergency medicine involved a rapid turnaround of multiple patients, but within that he believed in giving the best continuity of care possible, and he tried to see each case through to the end.

      Annie had held the same philosophy. He could only hope that hadn’t changed, and that he would still have a chance to catch up with her before she left for home. Seeing her was a necessity—as was pinning her down so they could talk away from the lack of privacy and the pressures of the hospital.

      Returning his attention to Mrs Mooney, grateful that she appeared less distressed, and knowing that was as much due to Holly’s expert care as anything else, Nathan applied some silver sulphadiazine cream to the injured hand before using sterile non-adherent dressings and covering the whole hand with a special glove which was secured around the wrist. That done, he stripped off his surgical gloves and tossed them in the bin.

      After prescribing some analgesia and anti-inflammatory medication for her to take at home for any pain, and a precautionary antibiotic to stem any infection, he left Holly tidying the cubicle and escorted Mrs Mooney out. Her worried daughter waited with the two boisterous boys. Nathan gave them some reassurance, and a few last-minute instructions for her care, then returned to finish up the notes and have a word with Holly before leaving.

      ‘You’ve been great, Holly…thanks for all your help today.’

      Surprise and gratitude were evident in the young woman’s expression. ‘Thank you, Nathan.’

      Her shy smile failed to lift the lingering sadness that shadowed her eyes, and he paused a moment, unsure whether to say anything more. Several times during the day he had sensed tension between Holly and junior doctor Gus Buchanan, and he had wondered what the story was. He hated to see anyone unhappy, but at the same time didn’t feel he had been in the department long enough to intrude—not without knowing more about the dynamics, anyway. Shaking his head, he said goodnight and made his way towards the staffroom. He’d keep an eye on Holly just in case. Being there for other people was the story of his life—something he had long resented when it had been forced upon him, but a trait he was unwilling to break when it came to patients, colleagues and friends. Right now, however, he had enough problems of his own to sort out, and for once he had to put himself first.

      There were several people in the staffroom. Thankfully, the predatory Olivia Barr was not one of them, but then neither was Annie. He’d checked when returning the notes on his final patient and knew she was only minutes ahead of him. A few discreet queries and he discovered she was in the women’s locker room, changing. Feeling nervous and uncomfortable, he loitered in the corridor, pretending to read the messages pinned higgledy-piggledy on the staff noticeboard. Knowing he couldn’t give Annie too much time СКАЧАТЬ