Billionaires Galore!: Bedded by the Billionaire. Leanne Banks
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Название: Billionaires Galore!: Bedded by the Billionaire

Автор: Leanne Banks

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472001252


СКАЧАТЬ seen him since.”

      “From what Max says, that could be for the best. Alex is supposed to be a major player.”

      “I’d just like the opportunity to find out for myself,” Mallory said.

      “Okay. I’ll see what I can do,” she said, but her mind wasn’t on Alex or Mallory. It was dominated by Max. She followed him into the foyer, noticing subtle changes in his appearance. His hair was just a little longer, more wavy. When he turned to face her, she noticed his eyes looked a bit weary as he studied her.

      “It’s a nice surprise to see you,” she said. “I had no idea you’d be back so soon.”

      “I’m glad I could make it. Are you okay? Any of Tony’s friends hanging around?”

      “I’m fine and I haven’t seen any of Tony’s friends in a long time.”

      “Good,” he said and held her gaze. “I have another event I’m expected to attend tonight, but we need to talk sometime soon. Have you looked over the agreement I left with you?”

      She felt a rush of disappointment. “Yes, I have.”

      “Good,” he said again. His gaze seemed to say so much more, but Lilli wondered if she was imagining it. “I won’t keep you from your friends.”

      She felt another twist of disappointment. That was it. No I’m glad to see you, I want you… Nothing. She stared, waiting, wanting.

      “Good night,” he said and turned toward the door.

      Lilli continued to stare after him, starting to feel like a fool. Had she misunderstood? “Wait,” she said.

      He stopped just as he reached the door and turned around. “Yes?”

      Her heart raced. Confused, she didn’t know what to say. “I… uh…” She groped for something to say. “Mallory asked me to ask you about Alex.”

      “Alex Megalos?” he said with a frown, walking back toward her.

      “Yes. I think she’d like to get to know him better. She was wondering where he usually hangs out after work,” she said, suddenly feeling like a middle schooler.

      He shook his head. “I have no idea.”

      She gave a slow nod. “Okay” she said. “I’ll tell her.”

      He shrugged. “I can probably find out something from my assistant.”

      “Thanks.” She hesitated a half beat, hating the awkwardness between them. “Are you okay?”

      “Yeah. Just tired and harassed. I’ve been on longer trips, but this one felt like it went on forever.”

      She nodded again. “Yeah, it did—” She broke off before she added for me, too. Feeling her cheeks heat from his knowing gaze, she cleared her throat. “Why do you think it felt so long?”

      “I think you know,” he said and moved closer to her.

      “You want me to sign the agreement about the baby,” she said in a husky voice.

      “That’s part of it.” He lowered his head. He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes then stepped back. God help him, if he started kissing her, he wouldn’t stop. Being away from her hadn’t cleared his perspective or dampened his desire for her. And Max knew there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about wanting her at the moment. He’d missed the sound of her laughter and knowing she would be there at home for the end of the day.

      Maybe it was a good thing he had to attend the charity fund-raiser tonight after all. Being with Lilli was a constant reminder of what he couldn’t have.

      “I should go,” he said in a low voice. “We can talk more on Friday. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

      “Okay, thank you for the gift.”

      “You’re welcome,” he said and held her gaze for a long moment before he left.

      The following evening, Lilli flipped through the newspaper as she put up her feet at the end of a long day. She glanced at the bad news on the front page, skipped the Sports section and stopped at the Lifestyle section. The front page featured photos of a charity function sponsored by Max’s company. In one of the photos, Kiki stood next to Max, her arm looped through his. He didn’t look as if he were suffering at all.

      A surge of something dark twisted through her and when she realized what it was, she felt more stupid than ever. She was jealous. Maybe it was hormones. Oh Lord, she hoped so. Because if it were hormones then at some point, when her hormones straightened out again, the crazy longing would go away.

      Restless after reading the article, she took a long bath and listened to soothing music. She sipped herbal tea to calm herself and tried not to think about that photo of Max with Kiki.

      She slept horribly, unable to get comfortable. Giving up on sleep, she rose earlier than usual. When she got out of bed, she felt exhausted and noticed her abdomen tightening. As she prepared for work, the sensation didn’t go away. Were these contractions?

      Although she had a few weeks left before her due date she called her doctor’s office. The doctor on call asked a few questions then, erring on the cautious side, instructed her to go to the hospital.

      Lilli grabbed her purse and went downstairs. Max stood poised to leave. He met her gaze. “Good morning. How are you?”

      Lilli burst into tears.

      Alarmed by her response, Max dropped his briefcase and immediately took her in her arms. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

      She choked back a sob. “I may be in labor. My doctor told me to go to the hospital. Max, this is happening too fast.” Her blue eyes filled with tears of desperation. “I’m not ready.”

      “Of course you are,” he said firmly even though his own gut was clenching in apprehension. “I’ll drive you to the hospital and—”

      “Are you sure that’s what you want—?”

      “Of course I’m sure,” he said, appalled that she would expect anything less of him. “We’ll take the town car.” He ushered her to the garage. “I’ll drive. You can sit in the backseat and stretch out.”

      His own heart hammering in his chest, Max helped her into the car and sped to the hospital. He shot a glance at Lilli in the rearview mirror and the expression of fear on her face tore at him. “You’re going to be okay. The baby is going to be okay.”

      “Do you really believe that?”

      He nodded. “Yes, I do.” He had to believe it.

      Pulling the car to a stop outside the emergency room door, he helped Lilli inside. An admission clerk took her information and Lilli was whisked away. Just before she disappeared behind the double doors, she looked back at Max. “Are you leaving?”

      He shook his head. “I’ll be right back after I park the car.” Returning to the hospital, he was consumed with concern СКАЧАТЬ