Billionaires Galore!: Bedded by the Billionaire. Leanne Banks
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Название: Billionaires Galore!: Bedded by the Billionaire

Автор: Leanne Banks

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472001252


СКАЧАТЬ he corrected, feeling a twist of impatience. He’d made sure he didn’t do anything that would cause his character to be called into question. Not after his father. “You can change your mind after you know me better.”

      “Maybe,” she conceded. “But I still don’t like the idea of signing my butter bean over to anyone.”

      “It’s the job of a parent to make sure the child is taken care of in the event of the parent’s death.”

      “I know.”

      A swollen silence followed, and he sensed she was thinking about things that made her sad. His gut twisted. He couldn’t explain it, but he didn’t want Lilli sad, so he changed the subject. “You didn’t say anything about sports. The De Lucas are naturally athletic, good with any competitive sports. I could teach him soccer, tennis, basketball.”

      “That’s nice, but the important question is can you play peekaboo?”

      Max blinked and glanced at her. From the glow of the dashboard, her eyes gleamed with a combination of innocence and sensuality. “Peekaboo?”

      She nodded. “Yes, and how good are you at giving hugs and pats on the back? A kid needs hugs and pats on the back more than soccer.”

      Max digested her comments for a long moment. “You think I may not be affectionate enough.”

      “I didn’t actually say that.”

      “But you thought it.”

      She opened her mouth then closed it. “I think a child needs someone who means safety and security, home. That person will love you whether you make the goal or not. That person will teach you how to take a bad day and make it better. I think a child needs compassion.”

      He pulled in front of the resort where the event was being hosted. “We’ll continue this discussion later.”

      “Okay,” she said and lifted her mouth in a sexy smile. “Are you ready for your grand entrance?”

      He looked at her for a long moment, unable to tear his gaze away from her. With her sunbeam hair and eyes full of life, she literally sparkled. She took his breath away. “Sweetheart, they’re not going to be looking at me,” he said, and gave his keys to the valet.


      Lilli felt curious gazes fastened on her as she sat next to Max at the dinner table. Chandeliers lit the luxurious ballroom, warming the red carpet and creating a glow on faces belonging to the who’s who of the Las Vegas elite. Walls lined with elegant mirrors reflected women outfitted in designer gowns swishing alongside men dressed in expertly tailored suits. Servers refilled her glass of water before she had an opportunity to make a request.

      It was by far the most luxurious event she’d ever attended and she constantly reminded herself not to put her elbows on the table. She noticed many people made a point of stopping to speak to Max. Even the mistress of ceremonies introduced him and thanked him for donating the resort’s grand ballroom for the night’s festivities.

      Just as Max picked up his fork to take a bite of coq au vin, a man stopped and touched his shoulder. “Good to see you here, Max. And congrats on the success of your latest refurbishment project in your Luxotic resorts in the Caribbean. I understand they’re often booked over a year in advance.”

      “Thank you,” Max said. “It takes a team. Good to see you too, Robert.”

      The man walked away and Lilli leaned toward Max and whispered, “Would you like me to put a sign on the back of your chair telling people not to talk to you until you finish eating?”

      His lips twitched. “There are only three words appropriate for that question.”


      “I told you,” he said and took a bite.

      “True,” she said. “But maybe people wouldn’t feel it necessary to try to talk to you if you attended more of these. Think about it. If they know this is their only shot at actually speaking to the mighty Max De Luca, they’ve got to grab it. If, however, they know you’ll show up at some other events, maybe they won’t feel the need to speak to you every time they see you, which is almost never.”

      “You’re saying the attraction to me is how rarely I appear. It has nothing to do with me or my position. If I showed up more often, I would be old news.”

      She realized he could take that as an insult. “I never used the word old news. I’m just saying maybe some of the attention could be spread out over several appearances instead of concentrated on just one.”

      “Spread the torture out over several evenings instead of getting it done in one.”

      She sighed and shook her head. “Maybe it wouldn’t feel as much like torture if it was spread out.” She glanced up and saw a familiar woman walking toward them. “Is that—”

      “Max, what a surprise. You told me you weren’t planning to come tonight,” the woman said and Lilli recalled who she was. Kiki.

      Lilli felt a nervous twitch at the back of her neck.

      “Last-minute change of plans,” Max said, rising to his feet. “Are you enjoying the event?”

      Kiki shot Lilli a venomous glance. “Not as much as if I were with you,” she said and touched his arm.

      “Oh, I’m sure I would have bored you to tears. I’m doing the same to Lilli. Just ask her,” he said, glancing down at Lilli with a devil’s glint in his eyes.

      “I’m sure Lilli would never call you boring,” Kiki said. “No woman in her right mind would.”

      “Let’s ask Lilli. Tell the truth,” he said.

      She searched his gaze, wondering why on earth he was putting her on the spot like this. “Kiki is right. I wouldn’t have described you as boring.”

      “See?” Kiki said.

      “But he can complain right up there with the best of them,” she added.

      Kiki’s eyes narrowed in disapproval. Max stared at her in surprise and Lilli heard the clatter of sterling silver hit the floor beside her followed by the sound of nervous laughter from the woman sitting in the chair beside her.

      Fighting a twinge of nervousness and regret, Lilli lifted her shoulders. “You told me to be honest.”

      “Yes, I did,” he said, giving the distinct impression he wouldn’t make the same request again.

      Kiki cleared her throat. “I need a quick private word with you, Max. It’s urgent. Do you mind?”

      He shot a longing glance at his food and Lilli. “Oh, go,” she urged him. “If you’re not back soon, I’ll ask the server to wrap it up to take home.”

      He bent down and whispered in her ear. “At this rate we may be stopping at Wendy’s for me.”

      She smiled. “Drive-through is open until midnight.”