Stalking Season. Sandra Robbins
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Название: Stalking Season

Автор: Sandra Robbins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474065009


СКАЧАТЬ be this excited to see me, I would have come back sooner.” The collie jumped up on Cheyenne, and she reached out and patted the dog’s head. “I’m glad to see you, too, Bingo.”

      Maggie’s brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at Cheyenne. “Mama and Daddy said they would take me to see you ride tonight. I’m going to yell and clap louder than anybody else there.”

      Cheyenne laughed and released Maggie. “I’ll listen for you.”

      “I’m sure you’ll be able to hear her above everybody else.”

      Cheyenne looked up to see Dean Harwell coming toward them, a smile on his face. She hadn’t been at the Little Pigeon Ranch long, but she had already begun to feel like everybody here was family. Dean and Gwen had accepted her right off and made her feel like this was her home. She and Maggie had bonded right away, and Cheyenne had grown accustomed to seeing the little girl sitting on the ground outside the corral during her practice sessions with Patches.

      She and Maggie turned to face Dean as he came to a stop beside them. “Thank you for coming tonight,” she said. “It means a lot to me that you’ll be there. You’re the only people I’ve really met since I moved here, and you’re beginning to feel like family.”

      “We feel the same. It’s good to have you here,” he said as he reached down and lifted his daughter so that she sat on his shoulders with her legs dangling over his chest.

      Maggie squealed in delight and took hold of her father’s head as the three of them walked up the steps to the house. Once inside he deposited Maggie back on her feet, bent over and kissed her on the cheek. “Why don’t you go see what Shorty’s cooking up for dinner? Cheyenne will need to eat early so she and Patches can get into town and be ready for the show’s grand opening.”

      “Okay,” Maggie said and started to run toward the kitchen. At the door she stopped and looked back at Cheyenne. “Are you going to do the hippodrome stand tonight?” she asked.

      Cheyenne nodded. “Yes, that’s what I’m going to open with.”

      Maggie directed a somber stare at her father. “That’s the one where Cheyenne stands up on the saddle while Patches runs around the ring.”

      Dean arched his eyebrows, but Cheyenne could see the corners of his mouth trying not to smile. “Really?”

      Maggie nodded and turned back to Cheyenne. “What about the side shoulder stand?”

      “I plan to do that one, too.” She smiled at Maggie. “You’ve been watching me practice so much you know all my tricks.”

      A small frown flitted across her face as if she’d just had a troubling thought. “I don’t like the suicide drag. Don’t do it tonight.”

      Cheyenne glanced at Dean and then at Maggie. She walked over to the child and put her arm around her. “I know that trick scares you, but it’s the highlight of my performance. You don’t have to worry. Patches is well trained, and that’s the secret to doing this trick. If it scares you, though, just cover your eyes, and it’ll be over in minutes. Okay?”

      Maggie smiled a wobbly smile and nodded before she turned and ran toward the kitchen with Bingo right behind her.

      Dean didn’t take his eyes off her as he watched her go, then he turned back to Cheyenne. “She’s grown very attached to you since you’ve been here. Thanks for letting her hang around while you train.”

      Cheyenne waved her hand in dismissal. “No problem. I enjoy having her there. I find myself checking my watch to see when she’s going to get off the school bus so I can see her.” She paused for a moment. “I also enjoy being here with you and Gwen and Shorty and Emmett and all the people who work here. I haven’t felt so comfortable in a long time.”

      “We’re glad to have you. There’s something about living in the Smoky Mountains that makes a person think they’ve come home to the place where they were meant to be.”

      Cheyenne nodded. “I know. I’m beginning to feel that way.”

      “Well, you and Patches are welcome to stay here as long as you want.” Dean took a deep breath. “So how did the shopping trip go?”

      Cheyenne hesitated for a moment and swallowed hard before she answered. “I-it was fine.”

      Dean directed a sharp look at her and cocked an eyebrow. “Did something happen?”

      She shook her head. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

      She started to walk away but Dean reached out and touched her arm. “Cheyenne, I used to be a police officer. I know when there’s something bothering a person. Did you have some kind of problem?”

      For a moment she debated what to say. Dean and Gwen knew her story, but she didn’t want to put them or their child in danger by keeping silent. “I kinda got hit by a car,” she said.

      “Did you have a fender bender? I didn’t see any damage to your truck when you drove up.”

      “No. I walked out in front of a car without looking, and it hit me. Fortunately, I wasn’t hurt.”

      Concern lined his face, and he studied her as if searching for injuries. “Are you sure you’re all right? Gwen is in the kitchen. She can take you to our doctor to get you checked out.”

      Cheyenne shook her head. “That’s not necessary. Luke called 911, and the paramedics checked me out. They said I was fine.”


      “Yes, Luke Conrad. He’s the one who hit me.” She bit down on her lip as her face grew warm. “He was in his patrol car.”

      He stared at her for a moment. “Luke Conrad is a friend of mine. I hope you won’t blame him.”

      “Oh, I don’t. It was all my fault. I should have been watching where I was going.”

      Dean studied her for a moment. “I have the feeling that there’s more to the story. What aren’t you telling me?”

      Before she realized what she was doing, she began to tell Dean the story of what had happened in the store. When she finished, she flinched at the grim expression on his face. “I’d say this is serious, Cheyenne, and we can’t take it lightly. We need to find this person whether he’s your stalker or somebody trying to scare you.”

      “I know that, Dean. But I don’t know where to start. Luke made me promise to call if I needed him.”

      “It goes without saying that you can do the same with us. I don’t want anything to happen to you. You’ve suffered enough from this guy. It’s time he was stopped.” He paused a moment. “Maybe you don’t need to ride until we know for sure what’s going on.”

      “I can’t drop out right now. My appearance has been advertised, and I don’t want Bill to have to deal with any disgruntled customers who come to see me. Don’t you worry. I’ll stay close to the other performers and keep an eye out for anything out of place.”

      Dean frowned and shook his head. “I don’t know, Cheyenne. I think you should postpone your appearance.”

      “I’m СКАЧАТЬ