A Place Called Home. Eleanor Jones
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Название: A Place Called Home

Автор: Eleanor Jones

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474028905


СКАЧАТЬ up soon, though. At least, I hope so.”

      “You always did used to be painting or drawing something—usually animals, I remember. I’m glad you’ve made a success of it. What do you paint now?”

      “Still mainly animals and the countryside, but lately I’ve been trying out a more contemporary style.”

      “That settles it,” Andy said, walking toward the door. “You are still a country girl at heart. Come on, you may as well get a ride with me.” He paused. “You can’t bear grudges forever, Ell...and it was a long time ago.”

      Ellie ignored his familiar shortening of her name. “I don’t bear a grudge,” she insisted. “What happened between us was only a teenage fling, anyway wasn’t it?”

      Andy nodded. “I guess it was,” he said. For the briefest moment, her eyes met his and glanced away. How could he believe that? He may have met someone else and revealed himself as the liar and cheat he really was, but how could either of them be so dismissive of what they once had? Her anger came back full force. Andy Montgomery owed her big-time.

      “Okay,” she agreed. “I will take you up on your offer of a ride. Sure your wife won’t be jealous, though?”

      “Young, free and single, that’s me,” he told her, fumbling in his pocket for his keys.

      “So she dumped you, then. After all that?” She couldn’t help the barbed retort.

      He laughed lightly. “Actually, no, I dumped her. To be honest, that relationship didn’t mean much...”

      The breath froze in Ellie’s throat and was replaced almost instantly by a hot rush of anger. She had almost come to terms with the fact that Andy had fallen in love with someone else, but to find out that the whole thing had meant so little to him seemed somehow worse.

      Oblivious to her reaction, he shot her a broad smile. “I was married, though...for a while.”

      She raised her eyebrows, smothering her turbulent emotions. What did she care? Andy Montgomery was just a piece of her past. “And I take it that didn’t work out, either?”

      “I guess I’m not the marrying kind. When is your wedding, anyway? Have you set a date?”

      Ellie hesitated, her heart racing. Had they set a date? Had they ever even discussed a wedding? Her mind slid back to the night Matt had proposed. They had been seeing each other for just a few weeks; he was exciting and fun and so sure of himself. “Let’s get engaged,” he had cried in front of all his friends, and Ellie had felt a new door opening in her life. A door, she suddenly realized, that hadn’t actually opened after all. Come to think of it, neither of them had discussed marriage again after that, apart from the ring. She felt for the diamond on the third finger of her left hand, rubbing it gently. Was that what it had all been about then? The engagement? Did Matt really want to take their relationship to the next level? Did she? Slotting her confusing thoughts into the back of her mind, she looked up at Andy. What right had he to make her question her intentions?

      “No,” she said. “Not yet.”

      He stopped beside his battered green truck, holding her gaze for an endless moment.

      “Make sure he’s the right one, Ell,” he said quietly.

      Anger brought a flush to Ellie’s face. “And what gives you the right to offer me advice?”

      He shrugged. “Just saying.”

      “Don’t bother. You already messed my life up enough without trying to interfere in it now.”

      He flashed her another one of his ever-ready smiles. “So you’re still angry with me? It’s been what—five, six years? Well, I suppose any emotion is better than none.”

      “Don’t kid yourself, Andy.” She yanked open the passenger door, not wanting him to see how much he’d rattled her. “I was well over you years ago. You just make me remember home, that’s all.”

      Before Ellie had a chance to climb into the truck, a small blue car drove up next to them.

      “Paula’s back,” Andy said. “Come on, you’ll have to say hello at least.”

      Slamming the door shut again, Ellie followed reluctantly.

      Paula Carr was one of the most dazzling women Ellie had ever met. She wasn’t classically beautiful, but she radiated an inner warmth.

      Paula hurried toward them, and when Andy reached down to give her a peck on the cheek, she smiled, squeezing his forearm. Her fair, shoulder-length hair shone in the sun, and her eyes were glowing. She’s in love with him, Ellie realized suddenly. She pushed away the knot in her stomach. What did she care? Andy Montgomery meant nothing to her anymore, and she felt sorry for any woman who came his way. It was obvious that he never stayed with anyone for too long, not even the woman he married.

      “Paula, meet Ellie,” said Andy, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. Ellie sidestepped, uncomfortable with his touch.

      “She found the fox I called to tell you about, on the side of the road.”

      “I’ve got to confess,” Ellie said, “I didn’t exactly find it. My fiancé’s car clipped it. I feel terrible.”

      Paula smiled, all-forgiving. “These things happen. At least you bothered to call for a vet—it sounds like you saved its life. Come on, then, show me the poor little thing.”

      On the way back to the enclosure, Paula and Andy fell into a conversation about some creature or another, totally on the same wavelength. Totally suited for each other, Ellie thought. Unlike her and Matt? The idea niggled uncomfortably.

      The cub was curled up in a dark corner, as settled as it could be in its new environment.

      “We’ll have to keep an eye on it now,” said Paula, confirming what Andy had said earlier. “And perhaps before too long it can be released. Thanks again, Ellie, for saving it.”

      Ellie squirmed. “Well, it was kind of my fault...our fault...so it was the least I could do.”

      Paula shook her head. “Accidents happen to everyone. There’s no use in laying blame. It’s how you deal with the aftermath that really matters.”

      “Right, then,” Andy interrupted. “I’m off to give Ellie a ride somewhere. I’ll be back in the morning, Paula, and in the meantime, call if you need me.”

      “You’re a godsend, Andy.” Paula smiled. “I’ll go and get some food for the new arrival.” She stood in the doorway as they walked away.

      “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to her?” Ellie asked, nudging Andy’s arm.

      He frowned, raising one hand in farewell without looking back. “I’m in and out of here all the time, and Paula doesn’t need all the niceties. I’ll check on your fox in the morning, so if you give me your number I can let you know how it’s doing.”

      Ellie paused. This would open contact between her and Andy again...contact she’d relinquished long ago.

      Andy СКАЧАТЬ