The Complete #LoveLondon Collection. Nikki Moore
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Название: The Complete #LoveLondon Collection

Автор: Nikki Moore

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008167837


СКАЧАТЬ of waterproofs was hardly sexy. She could be straight up and down under there. Not that it mattered.

      'I'm sorry if I startled you,' she said, every word coated with frost. 'But perhaps I can talk you through some skating tips?' Looking pointedly at Jasper, who was gazing up at Noel with a puzzled expression.

      Noel realised what he'd said and the way he'd said it, and gritted his teeth. First he'd had to be publicly rescued, then he'd spoken to his rescuer like a spoilt five year old. That wasn't okay. Frustration tumbled through him. He wasn't getting any better at skating. And there was a funny hitch in his stomach at having a woman plastered up against him for the first time in two years, since- Stop. There was no way he was going to think about her now.

      'I'm sorry if I was rude,' he glanced at the girl apologetically. 'And thank you for the offer…?’


      'Holly. But I'm not interested in getting any better.' Shaking his head. 'I might be here tomorrow, but after that I don't plan to come near an ice rink for a really long time.'

      She giggled, then bit her lower lip, teeth straight and white except for a slightly crooked canine. It was a tiny imperfection, but somehow appealing.

      He cleared his throat, raising one eyebrow, 'Are you allowed to laugh at customers?'

      'S-sorry,' she choked, covering her mouth, 'probably not, I just- ahem,' she dropped her hand, smiling, 'you just sounded so pained. I had a fleeting thought … I wondered if you were traumatised.'

      'Yeah,' he drawled, elbowing aside the mental note his treacherous brain had made about what an appealing shade of pink her lips were, 'I'll be seeking compensation from Somerset House to fund some counselling sessions.'

      Her smile widened, eyes twinkling. 'It would be a conflict for me to give evidence on your behalf,' she joked, 'but you definitely seem like you could use them.'

      'I'll let you know how I get on,' he grinned back, then fell silent. Why was he flirting with her? She wasn't his type, and the last thing he needed was a woman complicating things. 'Anyway,' he muttered, 'I'd better get on.' He turned away to pull himself along the edge of the rink using the wall. 'Come on, Jay.'

      Jasper frowned but nodded, obediently skating a few metres ahead, near enough that Noel could keep an eye on him, but not so close that he'd be in the danger zone if his godfather fell over.

      Noel was surprised when Holly stayed with him, matching pace.

      Taking a breath and winking at Jasper, who'd turned to watch them over his shoulder, she lowered her voice. 'Look, I am sorry if I surprised you, and if you don't want my help that's fine, but I'd actually come over to speak to you about something.'

      He nodded, trying not to think about what he was doing with his feet. The more he thought about it, the more likely he was to fall over. 'I see. And what's that?' he'd caught the look passing between Holly and Jasper. They were obviously up to something. No wonder Jasper was staying close, rather than zipping around like he had done earlier.

      'I'd love for Jasper to stay on so I can teach him a few moves later. He's a natural.'

      'I'm not sure that's a good idea. It sounds sort of dangerous.' He risked taking his hand off the wall and moved faster, trying to remember to slide his feet in turn, instead of walking on the ice.

      'I know what I'm doing and would be with him the whole time,' she said earnestly, accelerating to keep up with him. 'It's no more dangerous than a lot of other childhood activities; riding a bike, swimming in the sea.'

      'I wouldn't know,' he dismissed, then stumbled on a groove in the ice, and started going down, arms flailing. She was there immediately, slipping her right arm around his waist and fitting neatly under his left arm to steady him, as if they were a couple, like they'd been doing this for years. He could feel the warmth of her body up and down his side. Smell strawberries in her blonde hair, her glossy ponytail swinging against his cheek. Their faces were so close he could tilt his head and kiss her if he wanted to. 'Thank you.' He straightened up abruptly, got his balance, feeling his face go red. 'Like I was saying,' he continued gruffly, 'I really don't know that much about kids.'

      Holly squinted at the guy, aware of her hand clutching his waist, and the way she could feel his minty breath on her cheek. 'Pardon?' How could he not know about childhood activities, or kids? 'But you're got one!'

      'What? What are you-? Ah.' Letting out an exasperated sigh, he gently disentangled himself from her, and hobbled back over to the wall. 'Jasper,' he called, 'come here please.'

      Jasper waved, and started back toward them.

      Pulling his hat off, Jasper's dad scrubbed a tanned hand through his thick dark hair, which was starting to curl. She did not want to run her fingers through it. Okay, maybe she did a tiny bit, because he was kind of cute when he wasn't frowning, scowling or grumbling, and he had lovely long eyelashes, but he wasn't really her type. She preferred blond sunny guys with open expressions and the preppy college look. Grumps need not apply.

      'Well,' she tried to hide her confusion behind an uncertain smile, 'I suppose a lot of parents go through a steep learning curve.' She had two nephews who'd definitely put her older sister through some challenging times.

      'He's not mine.' He explained, putting an arm around Jasper's narrow shoulders as the boy appeared beside him. Looking down, his wry smile communicated you little tinker. Jasper pulled a you got me face and smiled back hopefully. 'I'm his godfather, Noel.' He explained, looking back at Holly. 'And while I spend time with him whenever I can, I'm hardly an expert when it comes to kids.'

      'Oh, right.' She paused, something in her melting at the affection between them. Noel clearly hated skating but had brought Jasper here anyway. Perhaps he wasn't so bad. Irrelevant, get back on track. 'Well in that case maybe you can ask his dad? Or I can talk to him? If he understands how talented Jasper might be-'

      'That won't be possible.' His face settled into a blank Keep Out: This Ski Trail is Closed, expression.

      'Why not?'

      'He's working.'

      'We could call him-'

      'Pleeeeasseee.' Jasper tugged on Noel's jacket, eyes wide and bottom lip stuck out. 'Please can you phone Daddy-'

      'Nope. Sorry. Not now, kid. He's not available. The best I can do is try and talk to him tonight and see if he'll let you try some stuff tomorrow, if we come back.' He glanced down at the boy, his expression softening. 'Why don't you skate a bit, Jay, while Holly and I talk. Stay close, okay?'

      'Kay,' grinning mischievously, Jasper started skating in a semi-circle, pushing himself off the wall behind Noel, flying past them to touch the wall a few feet beyond Holly, turning and launching himself back to the wall beside Noel again.

      'Look, I'm sure he'd enjoy learning from you,' dropping his voice, Noel looked down at Holly and she realised with a flutter in her belly that he must be well over six foot, given he towered above her. 'But Ma- my friend isn't usually keen to let Jay participate in risky stuff. He's very protective.'

      She gave him a quizzical look.

      'Jay's mum died in a car accident.' Noel expanded quietly. 'Jasper and his sister were in the car when it happened.'

      'Oh. Wow.' Holly tucked her hands СКАЧАТЬ