Picnics in Hyde Park. Nikki Moore
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Название: Picnics in Hyde Park

Автор: Nikki Moore

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007583249


СКАЧАТЬ himself at his dad and sister, his small face full of innocent joy as he snuggled into them. Matt scooped them tighter against his broad chest, closing his eyes again and Zoe melted a little as she saw his love for his kids. Why he wasn’t usually affectionate with them she didn’t know. He was a natural once he loosened up. And why she found him so extraordinarily sexy holding his children, her knickers melting along with her heart, she couldn’t work out. She fanned herself. It was getting hotter inside and outside.

      Maybe it was a biological thing programmed in by evolution, the sight of a big, capable tough man protecting his children triggering a need to make more. It might explain why the famous Athena poster of a bare-chested man holding a tiny baby had sold so many millions of copies. God only knew, but whatever it was, she didn’t like the tender feelings racing through her. It was totally and utterly wrong. She started backing toward the door, intent on escape and happy to leave them to their private family moment. Maybe she’d splash her face with cold water to cool down.

      ‘Kids,’ Matt said huskily as he opened his eyes and saw her exit attempt, ‘can you go into the kitchen and sit at the table? Zoe will be there in a minute.’ He released them, standing up. ‘Close the door on your way out please.’

       Oh, crap.

      Both children smiled widely at her as they left the room, and Zoe smiled back with pleasure for them but a sinking feeling in her stomach. As soon as the door shut she stepped forward, needing to take control of the situation. Waiting to be bawled out was awful. ‘I’m sorry if I ambushed you, but I had no idea that’s the way things were,’ she was aware her voice was both apologetic and defiant, ‘and really you can’t expect me to let you reject your children by not hugging them and they’re bound to want to see you in the mornings, they’re kids, they need to know you love them. Also how would you feel if you didn’t see them and then something happened to one of them, you’d regret it and—’

      ‘Whoa! Slow down, Zoe! Wait a minute.’ Matt held up his hands, walking toward her, forest green eyes searching her face. He shook his head and blew out a long, slow breath, gathering his thoughts. ‘Look, I wasn’t pleased at the interruption when you first came in, I’ll admit. When I’m disturbed I find it really hard to get back into whatever I’m working on and sometimes I have to start again, which seems to take twice as long. I guess it comes with being creative. I get so immersed I lose track of myself and what’s going on around me, and then when I’m yanked out of that place I find it jarring. I know that can be difficult for other people to understand,’ he stated. ‘I’ll also admit that I don’t like feeling slightly bullied by you and your steely, don’t mess with me eyes…I mean, at one point I was scared you were going to kill me if I didn’t hug the kids,’ he chuckled, ‘but I can see that you were in a tough position. You weren’t to know that we’re not really the hugging types,’ he trailed off, looking uncertain. ‘When you forced me look at Aimee and I saw…what I saw, well, you were right to insist. But you don’t get to tell me how to raise my children, and there will be some things I won’t give in to,’ he emphasised.

      ‘It was the right thing to do, and I don’t regret it,’ she defended, ‘but if you feel bullied, I’m sorry. I also accept that you’re their dad and should know what’s best for them.’ Except that for years he’d given them little physical affection and appeared to have kept them at the periphery of his attention. She also knew from Jasper’s chatter at bedtime the night before, that Matt had signed them up for hobbies they detested, like horse-riding, draughts and fencing. So at the moment, she needed convincing that he had their best interests at heart.

      ‘Why do I feel like there’s an unspoken criticism in there somewhere?’ he asked dryly, rubbing a hand through his messy dark hair.

      She shrugged, letting him fill the silence. Sometimes you had to let other people do the talking, to realise things for themselves.

      ‘Look. I love my kids, and I spend a lot of time protecting them,’ he stated. ‘Not everyone shows their love in the same overt way. Everyone’s different. But believe me, I work hard to provide for them and be a positive role model,’ he sucked in his cheeks, ‘I just hadn’t realised how much the lack of affection has affected them. Melody, my last nanny, never said anything about it and she was with us for three years,’ he frowned.

      No way was she going to criticise her sister, even if she was wondering the same as Matt. ‘Perhaps she shouldn’t have had to. In any case, as you said, everyone’s different. Maybe she didn’t feel able to bring it up with you. You can be a bit… erm, never mind,’ she raced on when he raised both eyebrows, ‘I’m just more confident than some people. So, when and why did you stop hugging them?’ She gazed at him, wanting to know the story despite the fact that she shouldn’t care.

      ‘I’m really intrigued as to what I’m a bit of, but won’t hold you to it,’ Matt’s stern mouth quirked up on one side, before his face turned grim. ‘I don’t want to talk about it though Zoe, if you don’t mind. However, I’ll make more of an effort going forward.’ His expression was written with guilt. ‘They both looked so happy.’

      ‘Well, that’s good, and as long as I’m not in trouble—’

      ‘Don’t speak too soon,’ he replied. ‘What exactly are you trying to prove with that?’ Pointing at her jacket.

      ‘Nothing,’ she hitched her chin up, doing her best to pretend she wasn’t incredibly hot and wanted nothing more than to rip the stupid suit off. ‘You said I wouldn’t fit in, that I needed to dress the part so as not to embarrass the children. So I got changed into something smarter, like you said.’

      He shook his head, looking impatient. ‘Not a suit! And I told you it wasn’t about embarrassing us. Now go and change.’

      She shook her head, even as sweat broke out on her face. He hadn’t even said please.

      His mobile started ringing on the desk. Stalking across the office he grabbed it and pressed the end-call button. ‘Shit! I’ve got that meeting soon. Sadie, please come back, all is forgiven.’ He cast both eyes up at the ceiling and joined his hands together in mock prayer. ‘I’m not sure how much more of this I can cope with,’ he said to Zoe. ‘I’m so used to Sadie organising me. I don’t know whether I’m coming and going, and all I want to do is get back into the studio. I just hope she recovers soon and that the hamper I sent helps…But anyway,’ walking back over to Zoe, he threw her a hard look, ‘I’m sorry, but I haven’t got time for this. We both know you’re being a little ridiculous. Please go and change.’

      ‘I’m fine.’ He was right, but she’d look silly backing down just like that and she didn’t like being bossed around. It made her wonder if this is what he’d been like with Melody the day he threw her out. Her fingers curled into her palms. She couldn’t forget what a bastard he’d been to her sister, even if he did seem to have some redeeming qualities, like wanting to be a good person for his children, and being nice to sick staff and having a sense of humour. Stop it. ‘Really,’ she insisted, ‘I’m fine.’

      ‘But you won’t be, with the predicted temperature today. I can’t believe you’re serious. You’ll bake if you leave the house.’ He glanced down at his watch, swore and moved away from her to start grabbing things off his desk, throwing his iPad, notepad and a sheaf of paperwork into a messenger bag before looping it across his chest.

      ‘It’s not that hot,’ she answered.

      ‘It will be,’ he shot back, stalking back over to her. ‘Come on,’ he stepped closer, eyes narrowing. ‘Look how overheated you got at our interview; ready to fall over from standing on the doorstep too long. You’ll make yourself ill, and then where СКАЧАТЬ