Picnics in Hyde Park. Nikki Moore
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Название: Picnics in Hyde Park

Автор: Nikki Moore

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780007583249


СКАЧАТЬ a crap. Well, she thought grimly, he needed to be taught to care.

      So here she was, in the enemy’s house surrounded by her clothes, shoes and other belongings. The original idea had been to sling a few suitcases in the car and live out of them, but she’d realised it would look suspicious if she brought hardly anything with her after accepting a permanent position. So she’d called the storage company and asked them to deliver some of the boxes shipped over from New York and phoned Rayne, who’d been letting Zoe use the loft in her attic flat for some of her old stuff, pre-America.

      ‘It’s so great to see you,’ Rayne had hugged her earlier, before stepping back to study her appraisingly. ‘I know coming back to Blighty now isn’t what you’d planned,’ she paused as they looked bleakly at each other, knowing what had been planned, ‘but I’m still glad you’re here. I’m not that pleased to see how skinny you are though, Zo.’ Squeezing her friend’s narrow waist. ‘Tell me the truth, how are you doing?’ She swept her black fringe out of her eyes, Cleopatra sharp bob falling back around her face, multiple cocktail rings glinting in the early morning sun.

      ‘It’s good to see you too.’ Zoe smiled tightly. ‘And, yeah, okay,’ her throat closed up, and she realised she’d barely thought about her own heartbreak because of dealing with the fallout of her sister’s. Maybe that made it easier. ‘You know what it’s like after a break up. The weight falls off, doesn’t it? Best diet around,’ she joked weakly.

      ‘Hmm. Well, just don’t lose too much will you? I don’t want to let that bastard make you ill. I still can’t believe he—’

      ‘Can we not talk about it?’ Zoe touched Rayne’s arm. ‘Another time, all right?’ She wasn’t ready to deal with the implosion of her life yet.

      ‘Sure,’ her friend looked worried but nodded, turning to gaze up at Matt’s house. ‘Wow, it’s really something. You’ve landed on your feet haven’t you? I know you’re here for less than savoury reasons, but still.’

      ‘Thanks.’ Zoe replied dryly. If there was one thing you could count on, it was Rayne being honest to the point of bluntness. Less than savoury. Her plan wasn’t going to cover her in glory, but it was justifiable in the circumstances. ‘You’re going to help me, right?’

      Rayne hesitated. ‘If you’re sure this is what he deserves, and you’re not going to get hurt.’

      ‘I’m one hundred per cent sure,’ Zoe said firmly. ‘This is what I need to do. I mean,’ she said hastily, ‘what Melody needs me to do.’

      ‘All right then, I’m in,’ Rayne nodded, ‘you know you’ve always got my support. If he’s as much of a bastard as you say he is, let’s go for it. When the time is right, I’ll put you in touch with some of the celebrity reporters I know.’

      ‘Thanks.’ Zoe moved the conversation on. ‘And what about you and Adam? How’s it going?’ The question choked her a bit. It was hard being newly single when the rest of the world seemed to be coupled up, but she couldn’t begrudge her friend’s happiness. Rayne had run into her uni ex-boyfriend at Wimbledon a few weeks before and after nearly five years apart they’d ended up giving it another go.

      ‘Amazing so far,’ Rayne grinned, practically glowing, ‘the way it was back then, but even better. He’s still lovely, and so much hotter too. You remember he had that preppy handsome look going on at uni? Well he’s got a few rough edges now, cut his hair, got a tattoo and he’s much more relaxed. You’d love him. But not too much,’ she teased.

      ‘I do like bad boys,’ Zoe mused, wondering how the heck she’d ever ended up with Greg, who was polished Kennedy-American uptight, ‘but I draw the line at body art.’

      ‘Fair enough, each to their own,’ Rayne smiled easily. ‘Adam would like to see you again. We’ve been going on double dates with Lily and his intern Flynn, but it would be nice to get more of the old gang back together.’

      ‘Sounds great, how about we do something in a few weeks’ time, once this is over,’ Zoe gestured at the property behind them, ‘and I’m settled somewhere else?’

      ‘Cool, but if you end up needing to escape the madness with a girlie night out sooner, let me know. We can try and get your sister involved; Adam has plenty of spare rooms in his place in Islington she could stop in. We might be able to convince Frankie to put Zack down for a minute and join us too. It would be good to get the dark trinity together again.’

      Zoe laughed at Rayne’s description of how madly in love their other best friend was with her boyfriend, and the name Adam had given the three of them at uni because they all had black hair. ‘Yeah, thanks. I will. I don’t really feel like going out at the moment though.’

      ‘Fine, but don’t lock yourself away for too long.’ Rayne ordered. ‘You need to keep busy, not mope over that deaf, blind and dumb idiot, which he totally is to do what he did as well as letting you go so easily. Besides, I don’t want you turning into some sad old spinster who’s going to get chewed on by her cats. Especially as you’re such an oldie.’ Referring to the fact Zoe was two years older than her.

      ‘Gee, thanks for the sympathy.’ Zoe stuck out her tongue, playing along, knowing Rayne was trying to cheer her up. ‘I’ll let you know when I’m ready to leave the fortress of solitude,’ she smiled, ‘but nothing too wild, for gawd’s sakes.’

      ‘Nooo,’ Rayne said, backing away, holding her fingers out in front of her in a cross sign, ‘she’s turned American on us! Quick, call the Queen!’

      ‘Ha ha. I probably have picked up some bad habits. I was over there for long enough. You can be in charge of my conversion back to British citizen if you want.’

      ‘It’s a plan.’ Rayne saluted, clicking her heels together. ‘I’d better run. I’ve got a story to finish and a meeting with my editor. Sorry I can’t help you move your crap upstairs,’ she finished cheekily, her turquoise blouse bringing out her navy blue eyes, which flashed with humour.

      ‘Sod off, it’s not crap!’ Zoe replied automatically, reverting back to their uni days. ‘And it’s fine. You’re a star for getting it down from your loft and dropping it over. Thanks so much.’ Zoe leaned in for a quick hug before shooing Rayne away. ‘Go. Speak soon.’ She shook her head as her friend roared away in her sporty black Mini, a Union Jack design on its roof. The girl certainly had personality.

      God, she’d missed her. Had missed all her friends. She’d given so much up when she’d moved to the States. Pretty much everything in fact. And all she had to show for it was a bare left hand, a few extra laughter lines and a dress she’d never wear hanging in her closet.

      By the time she’d heaved all the boxes and bags up to her top floor living quarters, she was hot, sweaty and swearing. She was also grateful her new boss and his kids weren’t around to see what a complete mess she was; damp dark hair coming loose from its high ponytail and sticking to her slippery face, denim shorts creased and the straps of her dust-smudged white vest top falling off her shoulders. It was a scorchingly hot day and although the lower floors of the house were cool and spacious, the upper floor was carpeted, more compact and suffered from heat rising upwards. Throwing open the skylight windows hadn’t helped much, there was no wind outside to offer any relief.

      Thankfully Matt wasn’t due back for hours as he was holed up in his studio with some new talent he’d discovered and both kids were visiting with their grandma, his late wife’s mum. It was his way of giving her time to settle in, which she СКАЧАТЬ