The One with the Hen Weekend. Erin Lawless
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Название: The One with the Hen Weekend

Автор: Erin Lawless

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008181758




       Chapter Twenty-Six


       Chapter Twenty-Seven


       Chapter Twenty-Eight


       Chapter Twenty-Nine


       Chapter Thirty


       Chapter Thirty-One


       Coming Soon From Erin Lawless


       Also by Erin Lawless


       Erin Lawless


       About HarperImpulse


       About the Publisher

       Author Note

      As I arrived in my mid-twenties, something very strange started to happen – my friends started to get engaged. Seriously? – I thought, staring at the fat, glossy invitations appearing through the post – I swear it was only this time last year you were snogging strangers in clubs, and now I’m Saving the Date? And I should put how much aside for your Hen Do!?

      Ever since then, my weekends – particularly in the summer – have been a veritable nuptial string of engagement parties in pubs, dress fittings in boutiques, hen dos in spas and clubs and, of course, the weddings themselves (I gave as good as I got, of course, when I got married myself in 2014). The narrative of being a wedding guest (or knowing a bridezilla) has been so woven into the lives of my friends and I for so many years (and for so many more years to come, no doubt) that I really wanted to capture some of that in a story.

      So here we have: one bride, and four bridesmaids, from proposal to altar.

      Interspersed through the books, I’ve collated some real life anecdotes about perfect proposals, disastrous dance floors, suspicious strippers, bad bridesmaids and gorgeous groomsmen. Get in touch on social media and share your stories!

       Character List

       Please Save the Date

       for the wedding of




       New Year’s Eve

      Nora Dervan, the bride

      Harry Clarke, the groom

      Bea Milton, a bridesmaid – Nora’s godsister and best friend since birth

      Cleo Adkins, a bridesmaid – Nora’s best friend from university

      Daisy Frankel, a bridesmaid – an American girl Nora befriended while travelling in their early 20s

      Sarah Norris, a bridesmaid the wife of the Best Man

      Cole Norris, the Best Man – friends with Harry, Nora and Bea since primary school

      Eli Hale, a groomsman – friends with Harry, Nora and Bea since primary school

      Barlow Osbourne, a groomsman – Harry’s best friend from university

      Archie Clarke, a groomsman – Harry’s younger brother

      Eileen Dervan, Nora’s mother and Bea’s godmother

      Cillian, Aoife, Alannah and Finola Dervan – Nora’s younger brother and sisters

      Hannah Milton, Bea’s mother and Nora’s godmother

      Gray Somers, a colleague of Cleo’s teaching at the Oakland Academy

      Claire, a friend of Nora and Bea’s since secondary school

      Darren, Daisy’s current boyfriend

      Kirsty, Bea’s flatmate

      Bec, Abbey, Nish and Jayne, assorted friends and the rest of Nora’s hen party

       Chapter Twenty-One

      Cleo tapped her thumb and her forefinger together, giving the fetching impression that she was doing an impersonation of a crab. She winced at the flare of pain, immediate and sharp along the underside of her arm.

      ‘I think its Repetitive Strain Injury,’ she moaned at her colleague, Gray, who grinned into his mug of coffee.

      ‘Wait, isn’t that what teenaged boys get once they discover internet porn?’ he smirked. ‘Busy weekend, love?’

      ‘You’re not far off the mark, with “teenaged”,’ Cleo admitted, smiling as Gray spluttered on his drink. ‘I’ve been helping to hole-punch heart shapes out of old Smash Hits! magazines from the nineties.’

      ‘Right. Okay… Well, everyone’s gotta have a hobby I suppose!’

      ‘It’s for the wedding,’ Cleo clarified, laughing. ‘It’s quite sweet really. It’s going to be used as the confetti.’

      ‘Because it’s not matrimony unless you have little heart shaped pictures of East 17 and Billie Piper thrown over the bride and groom?’

      ‘Exactly.’ СКАЧАТЬ