The Den Of Iniquity. Anabelle Bryant
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Название: The Den Of Iniquity

Автор: Anabelle Bryant

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781474067522


СКАЧАТЬ She watched him with those crystalline green eyes and he quelled a smile.

      ‘Anything at all.’ When she didn’t immediately reply, he added, ‘A one-time favour if you will, to compensate for your inconvenience.’

      She stared at the white calling card a long minute, scepticism wrinkling her brow, and just when he believed he’d made an error in judgement, she accepted. This time he allowed a smile free and with a sharp click that brought Ransom to heel, he left her standing beside the kerb.

      After speaking to the driver, Vivienne settled against the squabs and exhaled a cleansing breath. What just happened? She’d begun the day with the intention of planting flowers for those in need and instead had fled across the yard and hidden behind a stone wall, only to be discovered by the most handsome man she’d ever seen.

      A wry smile turned her lips. It wasn’t as though she had a large catalogue of reference when considering men. The few formal functions she could claim were modest house parties where males numbered less than ten and that count often included the butler. No one looked like Mr Sinclair.

      Before her mother remarried, they’d moved in modest society, attending tea parties and occasional embroidery circles, happy to linger on the fringe more than take society by storm. Her mother’s sudden marriage took Vivienne by surprise, having hardly any interaction with the earl beforehand. The subsequent events were a whirlwind of blurred memory and disconsolate mourning.

      With gentle reverence, she laid the card across her skirt and read the neatly printed square letters. Maxwell Sinclair. The name fit. He exuded strength and control, two qualities she lacked or at the least, struggled to improve. She peered at the line of type beneath his name. Proprietor. And then the bottom row. Underworld Gaming Hell.

      Suspicion confirmed. She knew without doubt the man was dangerous, but proprietor of a gaming hell…well, that was as sinful as one could imagine.

      Yet somehow that fit too. When he’d settled his eyes upon her, his piercing gaze sent delightful prickles up her spine and then much lower for some odd reason. She welcomed the thrill, numb since her mother’s death, filled with grief and fear for her future. Oh yes, the man was trouble inside and out. If a glance could send a delicious shiver through her, what might a kiss evoke? She shook her head and dismissed the question. Proper ladies didn’t think of kisses.

      As if to stop her wayward thoughts, the carriage rumbled to a halt and she moved the curtain aside to ascertain she’d arrived at the proper address on Maddox Street, the home of her dearest friend, Sophie Daventry. Sophie was the only daughter of Baron Hastings and she and her brother lived in Mayfair with their parents in a fashionable three-storey town house, one of several sleek homes that lined the walk in a reflection of influence and affluence. The baron and his wife travelled extensively and often abandoned London for months at a time, which afforded Sophie and her brother Crispin a lifestyle of unusual freedom. The two were friends as well as siblings, less than a year’s span between their births.

      A small smile played about Vivienne’s lips as she climbed the fancy red brick steps and dropped the brass knocker. Many good memories existed here. Lost in mourning, she hadn’t realized the depth she’d missed her friends until this very moment. How very different life seemed across town. Nettlecombe, with its dour grey stone and narrow corridors, had kept her caged for too long. Of course, she amended, her stepfather’s home spoke more to history than style. Lord Huntley seemed a more traditional, reserved sort, who never spoke of family relations and hadn’t had one caller the entire time she’d resided at Nettlecombe.

      As expected, Gilbert, the Daventry butler, answered the door with a cheerful greeting.

      ‘Miss Beaumont, it is lovely to see you.’ He took her cloak and passed it off to a nearby servant before leading her down the pristine marble hallway. ‘Miss Sophie and Master Crispin will be pleased with your visit. The house has missed your company, if I may be so bold.’ He stopped before the door and waited on her answer.

      ‘Of course you may, Gilbert. I would expect no less.’ She followed the servant through the double panels into an elegant salon where her name was received with an enthusiastic squeal and clap of conversation, an immediate balm to her soul. The shared friendship in this house was one of her heart’s treasures.

      ‘Vivienne.’ A smile broke across Sophie’s face as she hurried to embrace her in a warm hug. ‘I can’t believe my eyes. Have you decided to re-enter society? The time is right with the season set to begin. I couldn’t be happier.’

      Accustomed to Sophie’s fast-paced chattering, Vivienne nodded in agreement, knowing better than to interrupt.

      ‘Indeed.’ Crispin approached the twosome, his grin broader than his sister’s. ‘At last I have reason to breathe again.’

      ‘Good heavens, Crispin, you sound like a lovesick fool.’ Sophie waved her brother away before he could reach for Vivienne’s hand. ‘None of your teasing today.’ She lowered her voice in a conspiratorial whisper and leaned closer. ‘He’s such an intelligent man, yet he behaves like an empty-headed sop whenever you visit. One would think after your extended absence he’d abandon his foolish antics.’

      Crispin persisted and snatched up Vivienne’s hand next. ‘My deepest condolences once again.’ His grin vanished, replaced by an expression of sincere compassion.

      ‘Thank you.’ She offered him a gentle smile. ‘I’m faring better.’

      ‘Crispin, must it be one extreme or the other?’ Sophie skewered him with a wide-eyed stare. ‘Let’s not discuss anything sombre today. Vivienne is here after so very long and I’ve missed her company dearly. Come sit and talk. We’ve just rung for tea so your timing is ideal.’

      ‘I’ve missed you both. Know that well.’ Vivienne settled on the sofa across from her friend and Crispin took a seat at a distance from the tea table. ‘The mourning period has been long and distressing.’ Her voice faded. ‘You know the closeness Mother and I shared.’

      ‘Of course.’ Sophie frowned at Vivienne’s dismay and the room fell silent for several long beats. ‘Have you come straight from Nettlecombe?’

      ‘No.’ Vivienne’s spirits buoyed at the chance to retell her adventure from the morning. ‘Actually, I planned to meet the Salvation Saviours but when I arrived at the church, no one was there.’ Well, not exactly no one. Mr Sinclair was there. She carried his calling card like a dark secret in her reticule.

      ‘I admire your charitable endeavours.’ Crispin moved closer and took a seat beside his sister. ‘The unfortunate and needy exist in great number in this city and it speaks well of your generosity to think of others.’

      ‘It’s a selfish act in truth. Charity work was so meaningful to my mother; it’s one way to keep her spirit alive,’ Vivienne added with a slight smile.

      ‘Crispin is right. You’re a gem and I’ve missed you so. Having my brother accompany me to every social event without you by my side has been a chore.’ Sophie shot Crispin an impish look.

      ‘True enough, the condition is bilateral,’ Crispin concurred. ‘Conversation has suffered greatly without your pleasant company.’ His eyes twinkled with the compliment.

      ‘I don’t think I’m ready to embrace a round of festivities.’ Vivienne shrugged СКАЧАТЬ