Getting sexy: Obsession / Getting Some / Getting Even. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Getting sexy: Obsession / Getting Some / Getting Even

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротика, Секс


isbn: 9781408905074


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      But I don’t want to feel his tongue. I want to feel his cock. So I move the vibrator lower, between my legs, where I rub it against my clit. Oh, that feels good. So good, I’m moaning as if it’s really a man’s penis.

      Not just any man’s. Right now, it’s Dominic’s. And he’s hard for me and wants me more than he’s ever wanted anyone else.

      I spread my lips and insert the tip of the vibrator. Holy shit, I’m tight. It’s like I’m a virgin again.

      But I keep going, keep urging it inside. Finally, it’s so deep inside me that the balls settle against my opening and the featherlike tentacles meant to massage me are rubbing against my clit.

      “Oh, Dom…” My breathing shallows. “Hell yes…”

      I tweak a nipple, picturing it in Dominic’s mouth as he thrusts deep inside me. And those little tentacles work like magic, bringing me closer and closer to pure bliss.

      “Ohh…Ohhhhh!” My moan is long and rapturous as the sweetest orgasm I’ve experienced takes its hold and doesn’t let go for several seconds. Dominic has his penis nestled deep inside me, and he’s watching me as I come. God, that smile of his. Right now, I am completely his.

      The seconds pass. My breathing calms. Dominic fades away. I pull out the vibrator. I’m as satisfied as any woman could be, yet there’s something hollow about it. Something that can’t be completely fulfilled.

      Because it’s not the real thing.

      After my orgasm, I rifle through every single pair of pants hanging in Charles’s closet. And then I go through his drawers. And when I’m finished searching every spot in his dresser, I head back to the closet and even go through his shoes.

      And find nothing. Not a single thing.

      I slump onto the floor, exhausted both physically and mentally. And I’m disappointed.

      Oh my God. I really am disappointed, when I should be elated.

      “What am I doing?” I ask aloud. When Samera suggested I check Charles’s clothes, I didn’t. So why am I doing it now? Am I trying to find a reason to justify jumping Dominic’s bones?

      I groan softly, knowing that’s the real reason for my disappointment. And God, how pathetic is that? I meet a guy who has my libido burning and suddenly I’m digging through my husband’s stuff in a desperate attempt to find even one thread of evidence. It’s like I want to find out that Charles is an unfaithful asshole who doesn’t deserve my fidelity.

      Lord but I want to get laid. This is what no sex does to you. It eats at the core of you, like a worm inside an apple. And slowly but surely it spoils you. It corrupts you.

      I’m corrupted now. I don’t care if I’m married to Charles. I want to have hot, wild sex with a man who finds me attractive.

      I push myself up off the floor and walk out of the closet. I plop myself onto the bed. After a moment, I reach for the phone. I want to call Claudia, but then I remember she’s in New York for her fitting. Lishelle’s no doubt at the studio, so I don’t want to bother her there.

      Instead, I find myself calling Charles. The man I swore to be faithful to until death parts us.

      “Charles Crawford’s office,” his receptionist says pleasantly.

      “Emily, it’s Annelise. Is Charles available?”

      “Oh, sure. Hold on a sec.”

      A moment later, Charles comes onto the line.

      “Annelise, hi.”

      “Hi, sweetheart.”

      “What’s up?”

      “Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking about you. I wanted to hear your voice.”

      “Everything all right?”

      “Yeah,” I lie. “I’m fine. Just…missing you.” And feeling incredibly guilty for my mental infidelity!

      “I’m sorry about last night,” he says, surprising me. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe what we need to do is plan some time away. I’m always so busy with work. Maybe if I get the hell away from this place…”

      My heart fills with hope. All this time, I thought my suggestions were going in one ear and out the other. But Charles was listening. He really was.

      “Oh, Charles. That would be fantastic. Do you really think you can get the time?”

      “I’ll see what I can do.”

      “Okay. That’s all I can ask.” I pause. “What about tonight? Do you want to go out for dinner?” I ask him. “It’s a Tuesday, it shouldn’t be hard to get reservations.”

      “Sure. We haven’t done that in a while, have we?”

      “No, we haven’t.”

      “I can’t believe how caught up with work I get. I’ll have to make a better effort.”

      Charles is being so agreeable, I could cry.

      “I’ll call around and find someplace suitable. Is a reservation for seven o’clock okay?”

      “Perfect. Now, I hate to cut this short—”

      “Charles,” I say quickly.


      “I love you.”

      There’s a pause. I’m wondering if Charles is going to say anything when he finally speaks. “I know you do, sweetheart. And I love you, too.”

      When I hang up the phone, I immediately go to my purse and dig out the card Dominic gave me earlier. I rip it to shreds. Then I walk to the bathroom where I flush them down the toilet.

      Chapter Nine


      I’m gazing into Glenn’s eyes. Yes, gazing. And holding his hand as we lie in my bed face-to-face, naked as the day we were born. One of Glenn’s legs is slung over both of mine. This feels so natural—like he’s been in my life and my bed forever.

      I could stare into those mesmerizing hazel eyes all day. You’d think I’ve never been with a man before and Glenn’s got some kind of spell on me.

      But hey, I’m in love. And the truth is, I’ve never loved anyone like I love Glenn.

      “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask him.

      “Like what?”

      “Like you’re trying to eat me up with your eyes.”

      “You want me to stop?” he asks.

      “Not a chance. I want to stay here like this forever with you.”