Witchsign. Den Patrick
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Название: Witchsign

Автор: Den Patrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9780008228156


СКАЧАТЬ isn’t the only family that needs to eat,’ said the butcher.

      ‘What’s keeping you so long, Kjell?’ Steiner had slipped into the butcher’s; despite his size he was quiet on his feet and often caught Kjellrunn unawares.

      ‘I …’ Kjellrunn glanced from Steiner to the butcher and down to the coins in her hand.

      ‘Some issue with the price, is there?’ said Steiner, a note of warning in his voice.

      ‘This your wife, is it?’ said Håkon.

      ‘She, not it,’ said Steiner, ‘and she is my sister.’

      Håkon pulled on a grin as greasy as the apron he wore and held up his hands. ‘Why didn’t you say, little one?’

      Kjellrunn looked at Steiner and sighed. ‘You know exactly who I am,’ she said. ‘And you always find a way to make things difficult.’

      ‘Is that so?’ said Steiner, his eyes fixed on the butcher, sharp and hard as flints.

      ‘I’m just gaming with the girl is all,’ said Håkon. ‘You know these young ones, they can’t take a joke.’

      ‘Maybe we’ll have some jokes next time you come to the smithy to buy new knives,’ said Kjellrunn. She took the bundle from the counter and slammed down a few coins, before taking her leave of the dingy shop.

      ‘I meant no harm,’ said Håkon.

      ‘I’m sure,’ replied Steiner in a tone that said anything but.

      The butcher’s expression hardened and his eyes settled on Kjellrunn, now waiting in the street outside.

      ‘You watch yourself, Steiner.’ Håkon leaned across the counter, his voice rough and low. ‘She’s not right, always sneaking off to the woods and gathering herbs and mushrooms and crow feathers. Sister or no, she’s not right.’

      Kjellrunn heard all of this and stood in street, rigid with fear. Her eyes darted to the townsfolk nearby to see if they’d heard the outburst, but none met her eye, scurrying away, keen to avoid any trouble. Steiner emerged a few seconds later, red-faced, jaw clenched in fury and hands closed into fists.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ said Kjellrunn in small voice.

      ‘You did nothing wrong, Kjell,’ replied Steiner, though she had the awful feeling he didn’t really mean it.

      ‘He’s always the same, always making things awkward.’

      Steiner gave a curt nod but didn’t speak. They marched down the street and Kjellrunn struggled to keep up, almost slipping in the grey slush that coated the cobbles.

      ‘There’s Kristofine,’ she said, pointing ahead to where the tavern-keeper’s daughter stood outside the baker’s, chatting with another woman.

      Steiner looked up and his eyes widened. ‘Who is that?’

      The woman Kristofine was talking to was unlike anyone Kjellrunn had seen before, and the wry smile she wore was evidence she knew it. All of Cinderfell were acquainted with the occasional sailor from Shanisrond, but there was something truly different about the stranger, not simply the tone of her skin. She was lighter than the dark-skinned sailors of Dos Fesh, and the cast of her eyes marked her as a descendant of Dos Kara; the hair that hung to her waist was raven black. Kjellrunn found it impossible to guess her age. She wore a deerskin jerkin with matching knee-length boots and her shirt sleeves were rolled back to the elbow, revealing wrists encircled by copper hoops, bright with verdigris, bangles of shining jet and polished ivory. A sabre hung from one hip and the scars on her forearms proved it wasn’t for show.

      ‘Hoy there,’ said Steiner, a touch of uncertainty in his tone.

      Kristofine grinned and the woman beside her rolled her eyes.

      ‘I don’t bite. I was just asking your friend here if there’s a room I can take for the night.’

      ‘Ignore my brother,’ said Kjellrunn. ‘Unusual women make him nervous.’ Kristofine and the stranger burst out laughing and Kjellrunn found herself laughing along with them. Steiner scratched the back of his head.

      ‘I was just surprised to see Kristofine is all,’ he replied and looked away.

      ‘How are you, Kjell?’ asked Kristofine. ‘Been to Håkon’s? Make sure you wash that meat. You never know where his hands have been.’

      Steiner pulled a face. ‘I think I’ve just lost my appetite. Possibly for the whole week.’

      ‘The man is a pig,’ said Kjellrunn, ‘A dirty great pig. Imagine a pig running a butcher’s, how absurd.’

      Steiner and Kristofine frowned at her observation, but the stranger smiled and held out her hand.

      ‘I’m Romola. I like the way your mind works. Like a poet or a madman.’

      ‘Uh, thanks,’ replied Kjellrunn. ‘I’m not sure I’m so keen on being mad.’

      Romola pouted. ‘In a world this strange, madness seems like a good option, right?’

      Kjellrunn wasn’t sure what the woman meant, but drank in every detail of her. ‘Are you a pirate?’ she asked.

      ‘Kjell!’ Steiner stared at his sister and glanced at Romola. ‘Forgive my sister, she, uh, well …’

      ‘Some days,’ replied Romola.

      ‘Some days what?’ said Steiner.

      ‘Some days I’m a pirate.’ Romola turned a smile on Kristofine. ‘But not today and not recently.’

      I was right, mouthed Kjellrunn to Steiner, and smiled.

      Steiner began to laugh and stifled it with a cough behind his hand.

      ‘Why don’t you two come to the tavern,’ said Kristofine. ‘I was going to show Romola around and we could have something to eat.’

      Kjellrunn caught the way Kristofine looked her brother and felt some unknown feeling course through her, swirling dangerously.

      ‘I should get back,’ said Kjellrunn. ‘Father will be waiting.’ These last words were pointed at Steiner, but he was too busy smiling at Kristofine to notice.

      ‘It was nice to meet you,’ said Romola. ‘You take care of yourself now.’

      Kjellrunn nodded and stalked away, angry with Kristofine but unsure why.

      ‘Tell Father I’ll be home in a while,’ Steiner called after her, but Kjellrunn pretended not to hear and bowed her head.

      ‘Not sure I care for a half-wit brother who abandons me halfway through a trip to town,’ she muttered to herself. ‘And I’m not sure I care for being called mad by an ex-pirate.’ A passerby on the street glanced at her and crossed to the other side. ‘And I certainly don’t care for the way Kristofine stares at my brother. What is going on between those two?’