Getting Some. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Getting Some

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротика, Секс


isbn: 9781408906545


СКАЧАТЬ question catches me off guard—but the slight upturn of the rapper’s mouth, plus the way he’s rested his thumb in the loose waistband of his jeans above his crotch, makes it clear I didn’t misunderstand the inflection in his voice.

      He’s just propositioned me.

      “Excuse me?” I ask. I try to sound appalled, but the truth is, I’m not. In fact, my panties just got wet at Rugged’s words. There’s something about a guy who goes for what he wants that is a huge turn-on.

      “I’m a fan, Miss Jennings. I like you. A lot.”

      “And how old are you?” I ask, my tone much like that of an adult questioning a child who’s been caught throwing rocks at her window. “Nineteen? Twenty?”


      “Oh.” I force a laugh, trying, I guess, to hide my sudden sexual anxiety. “Like that’s old enough.”

      “It sho’ is,” Rugged tells me confidently.”

      My entire body flushes with carnal heat. My nipples ache and my pussy starts to throb. And I realize that the thought I had, that I wasn’t interested in a meaningless fling with some guy, is a lie. I’m more than interested.

      Suddenly, my body needs sex.

      I steal a quick glance at Rugged’s crotch, try to judge by the bulge how big his cock is.

      I like.

      “Old enough fo’ what you need,” Rugged adds, this time drawing his bottom lip between his teeth when he finishes his statement.

      “And how do you know what I need?” I ask. My body is attracted to his, but I’m unwilling to let go. I don’t know why.

      “I heard about how that guy played you.”

      Great. “And you’re offering me what? Your penis as a way to solve all my problems?”

      I expect Rugged to be offended by my comment. Instead he says, “If that’s what you want…”

      Wow. This guy is really serious.

      So I decide to call his bluff. Play with him a little. “What am I supposed to do? Suck it or drop my pants?”

      “Whateva gets you off.”

      Either could get me off…

      The knock on the door has us both sitting up straight. I clear my throat, then say, “Come in.”

      Linda opens the door, grinning. She enters the room, her hand outstretched. “Hello, Rugged. It is so great to meet you.”

      Rugged shakes her hand. “Same here.”

      “I guess I’ll cut right to the chase,” Linda says. “Have you come up with any great ideas?”

      “Actually,” I begin slowly. “We’ve come up with an excellent plan. I’m really excited about it.”

      I fill Linda in on Rugged’s fantastic suggestion, and by the end of my spiel, she can hardly contain her enthusiasm.

      “I love it!” she exclaims. “You think we can make this happen?”

      “I’ma try my best. Rap artists are always gettin’ bad press. We do this, it’ll show America we got good hearts, too.”

      Rugged glances my way with that statement, like he’s trying to prove a point to me. Does he have a good heart? Or is he willing to ‘give back’ just because that’ll get him good press, and therefore sell him more records? Not that it matters to me. I just want people to support the cause, by whatever means necessary.

      I tune out for the next few minutes while Rugged and Linda discuss possibilities, thinking of how he propositioned me and wondering if he was serious. And fuck, I can’t believe how wet I am. How much part of me wanted to lock the door and offer him my pussy. It is still throbbing, so much so that I ache to stroke my clitoris.

      I ponder the possibility of fucking Rugged when Linda’s gone, because I’m pretty sure he won’t reject that idea. A quick fuck, or a blowjob—guys don’t say no to an offer like that, even if the woman is a stranger. Why would Rugged?

      And that’s exactly the problem. Because Rugged is a star, women probably line up to do that for him now, whereas before they’d have smacked him for daring to be so crude.

      I don’t want to be as pathetic as one of his crazed female fans.

      He might have me thinking about sex, but I’ll get myself off like I normally do. Or I’ll find someone else to fuck.

      I hear Linda say something about Rugged having his manager call her, that they can go over some preliminary details.

      “How does that sound, Lishelle?” she asks me.

      “Sounds like a plan,” I say, though I haven’t been paying close attention to their chat. I’ve been lost in my thoughts about Rugged.

      “All right, then.” Linda shakes Rugged’s hand once more. “We’ll be in touch. I’m really looking forward to this.”

      “Me, too,” Rugged concurs.

      When Linda disappears, Rugged gets up and closes the door, then turns his hot gaze onto me. One side of his mouth lifts in a grin. “Now, where were we?”

      “Finished,” I tell him, and smile sweetly when he looks a bit surprised.

      “But I thought—”

      “Thought you were gonna get some? You want to impress a grown woman, you have to step to her in a different way.”

      “Ah, you’re gonna play hard to get.”

      “I’m not playing anything.” I pause, let my rejection sink in. No, I’ve made up my mind. I’m not going to act like one of his groupies. “I hope this isn’t going to affect your willingness to see this fund-raising effort through to its fruition.”

      “’Course not,” Rugged tells me, but his voice is clipped.

      Oh, he’s not a happy man. Inwardly, I beam. Honestly, did he expect me to drop to my knees just because he’s a star?

      “Great,” I tell him, and place my hand on his arm. He throws a quick glance at my hand, then meets my eyes—as though he’s hopeful that my touching him means I’ve changed my mind.

      I lead him to the door and waste no time in opening it. “Thank you so much for coming in to meet with me and the station manager,” I tell him, all professional. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got work to do.”




      “Mmm, baby.” I writhe against СКАЧАТЬ