Protect And Serve. Terri Reed
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Название: Protect And Serve

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474049757


СКАЧАТЬ the city,” Ellen said with a sympathetic smile.

      Carly left Gina to go stand beside her mistress.

      Appreciating Ellen’s attempt at levity, Gina returned her smile. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

      Gina grabbed her suitcase from beneath the bed, gathered her toiletries and dumped them in the bottom of the suitcase. “Your mother must be very proud of you for having completed your training.”

      Ellen made a noise halfway between a laugh and a scoff. “Mom’s never been behind me being a police officer.”

      “I’m sorry to hear that. I think you’ll make a great one.” Gina pulled the rest of the clothes from the laundry basket, figuring she’d wash everything at the condo. Her pulse skipped a beat as she thought of sharing a living space with Shane. She ruthlessly squelched her reaction.

      And James, she reminded herself. She wouldn’t be alone with Shane. And she’d have her own suite. Thankfully.

      “Thanks. But it’s the story of my life.” Ellen’s gaze took on a faraway look. “There’s a lot that Mom and I don’t see eye to eye on.”

      Sensing something painful behind the other woman’s words, Gina put a hand on Ellen’s arm to offer what comfort she could. “But you have her and you two love each other.” Gina would give anything to have her mother back. Even for just a moment.

      Ellen nodded, but doubts lingered in her blue eyes. “Yes. You’re right. But I’m looking forward to being assigned far from Desert Valley. You know that old saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I’m hoping that will prove to be true.”

      Gina hurt for the apparent rift between Ellen and Marian.

      “Ladies?” Shane called from the bottom of the stairs. “Do you need some help?”

      Gina rolled her eyes. “Impatient much?” she muttered.

      Ellen smiled. “It’s a guy thing.”

      “Or just a Shane thing,” Gina quipped as she zipped the suitcase. She’d noticed during training that he wanted things to progress at a swifter pace. She’d had to remind him training was a process that couldn’t be rushed. She supposed he was anxious to get back to the city. Apparently country life wasn’t to his liking.

      Gina picked up her suitcase and followed Ellen and Carly down the stairs. She retrieved her cell phone from the charger sitting on the hall table. The one she hadn’t had time to grab before running for her life.

      Once they were out of the house, Gina thanked Ellen for her help. She climbed into James’s truck along with Shane. The two dogs hopped into the canopied truck bed and lay down. James latched the tailgate in place but left the windows open for airflow.

      Sandwiched between the two men, Gina could hardly believe her life had taken such a drastic turn in such a short amount of time. Her brother had attacked her, her boss had been murdered, and now she’d been displaced from her home and put under the protection of two handsome men. One who made her heart flutter despite how much she tried to quell her attraction.

      Could her life get any more complicated?

      A loud thunk echoed inside the cab of the truck, sending a jolt of fear through Gina. “What was that?”

      James brought the truck to an abrupt halt and jumped out, leaving the driver’s-side door open.

      Shane’s heart hammered in his chest. He gripped Gina’s hand. His gaze raked over her. “Are you hurt?” He had to yell over the frantic barking of the two dogs in the truck bed.

      Her hazel eyes were wide and her pretty face pale, but otherwise she appeared unharmed. “No. I don’t think so.”

      Ellen’s vehicle pulled up behind them, her headlights shining through the window.

      James jumped back in the cab of the truck. “An arrow,” he said as he hit the gas. The truck shot forward.

      The two words sent a shiver down Shane’s spine.

      James drove quickly to the police station, with Ellen close behind, and parked in front of the doors. Shane jumped out and hustled Gina inside. Bucks was manning the desk.

      “Keep an eye on her,” Shane told the officer before running back outside just as James dropped the tailgate and both dogs jumped out. Bella ran to Shane’s side.

      Shane moved closer to see what had struck the truck. Protruding from the front of the truck bed, just below the rear window, was indeed an arrow. But not the kind found in archery. This was steel, a long bolt with yellow fetching. The kind meant for killing.

      The blood drained from Shane’s head. He gripped the edge of the truck bed. A couple of inches higher and the bolt would have gone through the window, right into Gina’s skull.

      Or the projectile could have easily hit one of the dogs. But thankfully, both were uninjured.

      Was this the work of Gina’s brother? Why would he change weapons from a gun to a crossbow? Hadn’t Gina said he’d had a knife, too? They had a well-armed fugitive in their town.

      James hooked Hawk to his lead. The bloodhound lifted his nose to the air and howled. “We’re going hunting. The keys are in the ignition if you need to move the truck. Hawk and I will meet you at the condo.”

      “Be careful,” Shane advised.

      “Roger that.” James and Hawk took off, trailing a scent, and disappeared from view.

      Ellen approached from where she’d parked her vehicle. “Did you see the shooter?” Shane asked.

      “Shooter?” Her blues eyes darted to the arrow then back to him. “Is Gina okay?”

      “Yes, she’s inside.” Shane moved back to the cab and ran a hand over the back of the seat. Applying a little pressure on the backrest, he could feel the sharp tip of the arrow where it had gone through the metal of the truck. So close. He breathed out a prayer of thanksgiving.

      Another inch and the arrow absolutely would have skewered Gina in the back.

      Clearly someone wanted her dead. It seemed her story about her brother was true.

      Gina came out of the police station with Bucks hot on her heels. “Someone tell me what’s happening.”

      Shane glared at Bucks.

      He raised his hands. “Hey, I couldn’t stop her.”

      Gina spotted the arrow sticking out of the back of the cab and gasped. The moon’s glow shone on her face, creating shadows in the contours of her cheekbones. “Do you think... Did Tim do this?”

      He wouldn’t sugarcoat the truth. “Unless there’s someone with a vendetta against the trainers, which I doubt, I can’t think of anyone else who wants you dead. Can you?”

      She wrapped her arms around her middle. “No. And I didn’t СКАЧАТЬ