The Christmas Target. Shirlee McCoy
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Название: The Christmas Target

Автор: Shirlee McCoy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474064125


СКАЧАТЬ cleaner and making Stella’s head swim. “I was working on the pediatric floor and heard Beatrice had been admitted. What happened?”


      “Tell you what,” Chance interrupted. “How about we hash it all out after Stella sees her grandmother?”

      Karen frowned. “Of course. I was just so relieved to see her, I wasn’t thinking. I was going to visit Beatrice, but there’s a guy outside the door who says she can’t have visitors. I told the nurses, but they said you want him there, Stella.”

      “I do,” she responded, the words echoing hollowly in her ears. She felt light-headed and sick, and she wanted to grab Chance’s hand, hold on tight so she didn’t float away.

      “Why? Are you worried that Beatrice wandered off? Do you think she’s getting worse? I heard she left the house without a coat or shoes.” Karen’s words came in quick staccato beats that slammed into Stella’s head and made her want to close her eyes.

      She liked Karen.

      The young woman was smart and helpful, and she’d been wonderful with Beatrice, but right at the moment, Stella wanted to tell her to go away.

      She needed to think.

      She couldn’t do that with someone talking nonstop, asking questions she had no answers for.

      “Karen,” she began, but Chance’s hand settled on her shoulder, his thumb sliding against her neck, and she lost what she was going to say. Felt herself just give it over to him, because he was there, and he could handle it and she was more than willing to let him.

      She’d think about what that meant later.

      When she wasn’t so tired, so scared, so concerned.

      “It seems like you’ve heard a lot of information in a very short amount of time,” he said, his tone conversational and light.

      * * *

      Chance waited for the young woman to respond. Karen Woods. That’s what her name tag said. He’d seen her before. Probably at the funeral. He remembered the brown hair and the big smile. If she remembered him, she didn’t let on. Just offered a quick shrug.

      “The entire hospital is buzzing with the news. Beatrice and her husband helped fund the pediatric wing. They’re a big deal here.”

      Stella looked like she was trying to think of a suitable response, her brow furrowed as if she couldn’t quite come up with the words.

      Chance figured no response was necessary.

      “Big deal or not, Beatrice isn’t to have any visitors unless they’re approved by the police or by Stella. You know that, right?”

      “I’m not stupid.”

      “It’s not about stupidity. It’s about knowledge. Were you informed?”


      “Then you’ll understand that Stella is going to have to say goodbye for now. She wants to see her grandmother, and—”

      “I’m not invited?” Karen smiled, but there was something hard in her eyes. “No need to hit me over the head with it.”

      “I’m not trying to. I just want to make certain we’re all clear on the rules.”

      “Because you’re so big on them,” Stella murmured, and he smiled.

      She was right.

      But that was why they got along so well.

      “Only when they matter. We’ll see you when we come out,” he said, pushing the chair past Karen.

      He wasn’t asking permission, and he didn’t wait for a response. He wanted Stella to see her grandmother, and then he wanted her back in the hospital bed.

      She was two shades too pale, red hair falling lank against her neck and cheeks. Her hand trembled as she tucked a strand behind her ear, and he wanted to turn the chair around and go straight back to her room.

      He knew Stella, though.

      She’d find her way back.

      With or without him.

      Family was everything.

      She’d told him that dozens of times when they were on a mission together. She’d proven how much she meant it when she’d tried to give up her job to take care of her grandmother. Chance hadn’t been able to let her go. She was too valuable a team member. And the team was its own sort of family.

      He pushed her through the hallway of the ICU, Karen following along behind despite the fact that he’d made it really clear that she wasn’t going in Beatrice’s room. She looked well-meaning enough, but there was a glimmer in her dark eyes that bothered him. A little bit of excitement that shouldn’t be there. He’d seen it before—some otherwise harmless person determined to get the juiciest bit of gossip and spread it to the four corners of the earth.

      He imagined she had a nice little group of friends that she’d love to give all the details to. She’d be the star, have her five minutes of fame because she’d brushed shoulders with a couple of people who’d almost died.

      She wasn’t getting any information from him, and he doubted Stella would share anything. Not if she was thinking clearly.

      Several closed doors lined the hall. Boone was in front of one, sitting in a chair, his legs stretched out, the bag of cookies in his hand. He’d eaten half. Chance was surprised he hadn’t eaten them all.

      “I see you finally made it up here,” he said, his gaze on Stella. “You look like death warmed over, Silverstone.”


      “It wasn’t a compliment. It was a hint that you should go back to bed.” His gaze shifted to Karen, and he frowned. “Are you here to try to kick me out again, Karen?” he asked, and the young woman blushed.

      “I wasn’t trying to kick you out. I just didn’t understand why you were sitting here.”

      “I told you why,” he said with typical Boone patience. The guy was almost never bothered by anything or anyone. “Next thing I knew, hospital security was trying to kick me to the curb.”

      “I know, but—”

      “Karen,” Stella cut in. “I appreciate you wanting to visit with Beatrice. Tomorrow will probably be a better day.”

      It was a dismissal, and Karen seemed to get it.


      She patted Stella’s shoulder. “Of course. If you need anything, you know how to reach me. I have classes tomorrow and Friday, but I’m free Saturday and Sunday if you want me to clean the house and do some shopping.”

      “I’ll let you know.”

      “I can also stay here with Beatrice, СКАЧАТЬ