A Family Found. Laura Abbot
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Название: A Family Found

Автор: Laura Abbot

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474032117


СКАЧАТЬ her when she opened the door. “I’m Jackson Tyler, and me and the missus, along with our son and his wife, are here to help.” He turned toward the yard, where Sophie saw the others waiting in a wagon. “Soon the Harper clan’ll be along, too. I imagine you have walls to chink, a roof to mend and a garden to dig. My wife, Martha, thinks maybe she could help with some fixin’ up inside to make the place homier.”

      Sophie reached out to shake the man’s hand. “I’m Sophie Montgomery, and I don’t want to inconvenience you, but I’d be much obliged for your assistance.” She marveled once again at the neighborliness good people exhibited, both in the Kansas Flint Hills and now here. “I imagine Mr. Lockwood must’ve told you about me.”

      Looking puzzled, Tyler stroked his bearded chin. “No, ma’am. Don’t know nothing about Lockwood. It was Grizzly. He stopped by our place after meeting you and allowed as how you might need a hand. Said you were a determined little woman, but he thought things might go smoother if some of us pitched in.”

      “Please invite the womenfolk in. Maybe you men could start on the chinking. The wind whistles right through this place. I’ll put on a big pot of salt pork and beans for a midday meal.”

      Mr. Tyler ushered in his wife and a young woman. “This here’s my sweetheart Martha and Dolly, my purty daughter-in-law. My son John and I’ll be outside if you need anything.”

      Dolly was tall and slight, but Martha was as plump as her husband. With her dark hair coiled in a bun and her brown eyes snapping, the older woman looked the picture of health. “Sophie, our friend Grizzly couldn’t stop talking about you. He doesn’t know whether to think you’re brave or foolish comin’ here on your own.” She grinned at her daughter-in-law, then turned again to Sophie. “But Dolly and I know. We think you’re mighty brave and are gonna prove any naysayer wrong. One thing about the frontier—it may be rough and tough, but it won’t put a good woman down.”

      Dolly’s flushed face glowed. “What you’re doing is something special.” She glanced around the room. “Now, then, set us to some chores.”

      Martha put an arm around Sophie’s waist. “Before we start, we brought you somethin’ we think you need. Grizzly said you didn’t have one. C’mon. It’s out in the wagon.”

      Sophie threw a shawl around her shoulders and followed the women. Dolly went to the wagon bed, leaned over and freed a wriggling mass of black-and-white fur. “Woman on her own needs company,” she said. The dog leaped from the wagon and ran in excited circles before coming to stand beside Sophie, as if the animal had known the identity of its mistress all along.

      “She’s not much of a watchdog yet, but her shepherding instincts will protect you some,” Martha said. “We reckon she’s about a year old.”

      Sophie was dumbstruck, not only with her lack of foresight in procuring a watchdog, but at the generosity and kindness of this family. She knelt on the ground beside the dog, scratching her behind the ears. “You are a beauty,” she whispered. “I’m sure we will be great friends.”

      In answer, the dog’s tail beat a tattoo on the firm ground.

      “Beauty.” Dolly looked speculative. “That has a nice ring to it.”

      Sophie laughed. “It’s perfect. No ugly beasts for me, only this Beauty.”

      The dog nuzzled her hand as if in agreement.

      “I brought along some scraps for you to feed her,” Martha said.

      Did these people think of everything? “Come in and give me suggestions for the cabin, and then I’ll set the beans on the stove.” Sophie was glad that she’d set beans to soak last night. After circling the interior of the cabin several times, Beauty plopped down in front of the fire and dozed. To Sophie, she looked as if she had always belonged there. The dog would serve as a welcome companion.

      The women worked all morning altering, mending and washing curtains and bedding. Dolly had brought along some bright blue paint. She suggested painting the frames on the windows and the door to liven up the place. After the men had thoroughly chinked one wall, Martha and Sophie were able to hang a Montgomery family photograph, a sampler Caleb’s wife, Lily, had stitched for her and a small, colorful quilt made by her sister-in-law Rose. “Thank you,” Sophie breathed. “Having these things from home around me is a blessing.”

      “We hope you will soon regard Estes Park as your home,” Dolly said quietly, looking at Sophie with affection.

      Just before lunch, Beauty leaped up, ran to the door and began barking. Dolly grinned. “See? She’s useful already.”

      “It’s the Harpers,” Martha said, turning to Sophie. “Harriet and Joe are a wonderful young couple, and I know you’ll enjoy Joe’s sister Belle. They operate the community store.”

      Before Sophie knew it, all the chinks and the roof had been attended to, and everyone pitched in to prepare the soil for her garden. Later after the two families had disappeared into the twilight, Sophie reflected that rarely had she encountered such genuine helpfulness or met such enjoyable people. Particularly Belle. The moment she’d clapped eyes on the young woman, Sophie felt as if they’d always been friends. Belle was tall, with a ruddy, raw-boned face, a magnificent crop of black curls and dark eyes that sparked delight. Her first words to Sophie had been, “You’re my kind of gal, Sophie. All guts and nerve.”

      “Thank you for that vote of confidence,” Sophie had said with a smile.

      “You just wait. We’re going to have so much fun.” She turned to face the mountains. “See that one there?” She pointed to Longs Peak.

      “Yes, you and I are going to climb it,” Sophie said before Belle could complete her speech.

      “Girl, you took the words right out of my mouth.” She gave Sophie an assessing look. “You’re little, but full of grit. We’ll show those men what determined women can achieve. I’ve been waiting for a hiking partner. I’m glad God sent you to me.”

      Sophie laughed. “I told Mr. Lockwood when I first clapped eyes on that peak that I would climb it. I don’t think he thought I was serious. But I am. I’ll enjoy doing it with you.”

      Before the group finished their chores, Martha invited Sophie to ride over the next morning to their home for services. “We don’t have a real church or permanent pastor, but we all gather at our place when there’s a circuit rider. Tomorrow a reverend is coming from Lyons to preach.”

      Figuring that would be a good start to familiarizing herself with the territory, Sophie got directions and agreed to come. She didn’t know quite how she felt about church. Ever since Charlie’s death, she’d had a tenuous relationship with God, but perhaps He had sent these kind people to her. Regardless of where they came from or why, they were a gift. As was Beauty, who lay beside her providing warmth and companionship.

      * * *

      It was a cool spring Sunday as she rode to church, and Sophie reveled in the scenery. Back in Kansas, she had continued attending services with her family in the hope that one day she would understand God’s purpose in taking Charlie from her. She continued to go through the motions of worship and daily Bible reading, but with no real expectation of receiving answers. So far, none had come, nor were they likely to come here. Yet her deeply ingrained faith made it impossible to turn her back on God.

      It had been a joy to awaken СКАЧАТЬ