Games Of Desire. Patti O'Shea
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Название: Games Of Desire

Автор: Patti O'Shea

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781472051240



      There was no point in asking more questions and Olivia might not have come here at all despite what her message said, not given the situation. In the voice mail her sister had left, a demon had angered her at the club last night and she’d dropped a potion in the drinks he’d ordered for himself and his friends. A potion that temporarily turned skin green.

      According to Olivia, the two young males affected were furious, and why wouldn’t they be? But the situation hadn’t been beyond repair. What her sister should have done was waited for the demons to calm down, then offered an apology and the antidote.

      That wasn’t the course of action she’d chosen, though.

      Chloe loved her sister, but she saw her faults. Olivia wasn’t the type of person who dealt with the consequences of her actions head-on, and returning to the club to find the demons she’d messed with and resolving the situation definitely counted as handling her own issues.

      Knowing her darling little half sister as well as she did, it was much more likely that she’d decided to lay low until Chloe had solved the problem for her.

      With a frown, she tucked her phone back into her purse. It pained her to admit it, but Olivia was conniving enough to leave a voice mail saying she’d be here just so Chloe would come out. Then, if those teenage demons were present tonight, Chloe would spot them.

      Her sister knew she’d step in to take care of it, and why wouldn’t she believe that? That’s exactly what Chloe had always done. It wouldn’t be simple this time, though. She didn’t have a clue which potion Olivia had used to create the temporary skin discoloration, and without that, she couldn’t concoct an antidote.

      She sighed. Chloe was tired of being the responsible one, the one who never did anything without thinking it through first. Just once she’d like to go with her impulses the way Olivia did and do something completely crazy.

      Crazy, yeah. It took her about five seconds to locate her demon in the club. He stared at her. She stared right back. A one-night stand fell into the wild and irresponsible category. It was probably more insane than she was ready to tackle yet. She should start out smaller—say, with jaywalking—and then work her way up to the truly deranged ideas.

      But there was middle ground. She could dance with him—nothing more. Why not try that?

      Before she could talk herself out of it, Chloe crossed the distance separating them and stopped in front of him. His eyes were blue. With his coloring, she’d expected brown, but behind the irises there was a red glow, a sign of high emotion that demons couldn’t hide.

      Run, the logical, careful part of her screamed, but she could barely hear it over the pounding of her heart. “Dance with me,” she said.

      One side of his mouth quirked up, flashing a single dimple. “Yes, we can begin with that.”

      The deep rasp of his voice sent her pulse into double time. It was just a dance, she reminded herself. It wasn’t as tame as jaywalking, but it wasn’t as if she was skydiving, either. He held out his hand. Chloe paused for a fraction of a second before reaching out and taking it.

      Her breath caught as sensation rocketed through her. Startled, she looked up at him and saw the red glow in his eyes had deepened. Only their palms were touching, nothing more. She might have miscalculated. This might be more like jumping out of a plane than she’d thought. His hesitation was brief and then, with a gentle tug, he led her to the dance floor and drew her into his arms.

      It felt right. Perfect. Chloe linked her hands at the back of his neck and swayed with him. They were close enough for her breasts to rub against his chest, for his semi-hard cock to brush her hip. The ache between her thighs increased, prodding her on. She wanted more than this teasing.

      A lot more.

      Control your emotions, Chloe, don’t let them control you. Her mom had repeated that over and over until it had embedded itself in Chloe’s brain. Okay, so she understood why she needed self-command, but surely it wouldn’t hurt to let go just once. His hand ran down the curve of her waist, then settled in the small of her back. The throb between her thighs became insistent.

      One night. One night to be impulsive. Why not?

      Crazy, that inner voice whispered, but maybe it wasn’t. She’d heard it said that every woman should have a demon lover once in her life. What would one night hurt?

      His nostrils flared and Chloe had no doubt he’d scented her arousal. She could feel how much that turned him on.

      “What’s your name?” she asked because suddenly that seemed important.


      “I’m Chloe.” She wanted him to know that, too.

      “Chloe,” he repeated, but in his deep, rumbling voice it was more than her name; it was a caress.

      The lights dimmed and music segued then, going from sultry to something meant to be played in the bedroom. One man, one woman, no clothes—their bodies moving together, using the rhythm to time their thrusts. For one endless moment she imagined him over her, felt him moving inside her.

      Marax pulled her closer and she allowed it. He was fully erect now and his hard-on pressed into her. With a soft, serrated moan, Chloe ground her hips against him. She wanted him. Now.

      Having sex with a demon she’d only just met—that was more than skydiving. That was closer to jumping out of the plane without any parachute. It made her pause for an instant, and then his cock head nudged her sex and Chloe decided this was one of those things that was meant to happen.

      To hell with playing it safe.

      * * *

      Marax looked down into the big brown eyes of the redheaded wizard he had pressed against his body and desire surged. He fought to tamp it down. Demons had trouble thinking clearly when inundated by strong emotions, but someone in his position had to maintain control.

      He rested his chin next to her temple. Lust was the strongest of his emotions, but concern was there, too. He’d sensed her presence the instant she’d walked in the club, his eyes scanning until he’d found her. It had been the form-fitting white dress and the body under it that had captured his notice first, then he’d moved on to appreciating the rest of her, like her incredible legs.

      Her red hair was long, ending at the top of her breasts and her features were clean and classic. He’d admired the full lips, the high cheekbones, and then their gazes had locked that first time. In a nanosecond he’d gone from attracted to wanting to drag her to his home so he could take her.

      Chloe snuggled into his chest, her breath warm against his throat. He tried to put some space between them, but she resisted and arched her hips to keep his cock against her. Marax surrendered to her wishes, and putting one hand on her ass, drew her nearer.

      If she were demon or even half demon, he’d be running the other direction as fast as he could move. This out-of-control desire usually indicated a demon had met his mate, and Marax wasn’t ready for that, not now. Not when he was still trying to come to terms with the new responsibilities heaped on him at the same time as he dealt with grief over the disappearance of his father and older brother.

      But while demons could have sex or fall in love with anyone, they could only mate СКАЧАТЬ