Bones of the Hills. Conn Iggulden
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Название: Bones of the Hills

Автор: Conn Iggulden

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007285419


СКАЧАТЬ but he sensed someone close behind him and turned, always alert.

      It was Kachiun who stood there, his face showing nothing. Yao Shu bowed briefly to the general, still listening for the sound of Chagatai coming at him again.

      Kachiun bent his head close, though the noisy crowd could hardly have overheard.

      ‘Will you give him nothing, monk?’ Kachiun murmured. ‘With his father watching and men the boy will command?’

      Yao Shu looked up at the Mongol general blankly. He had trained from a little boy to master his body. The thought of letting a blustering child like Chagatai strike him was a strange concept. If it had been a more modest warrior, one who would not crow about it for months, Yao Shu might have agreed. For the khan’s spoiled second son, he only shook his head.

      Kachiun would have spoken again, but both of them jerked as Chagatai attacked from behind, desperate for any advantage. Kachiun firmed his mouth in annoyance as he watched Yao Shu step clear with smooth strides, almost sliding across the ground. The monk was always in balance and Kachiun knew Chagatai would not touch him that day. He watched coldly as Yao Shu blocked two more blows, then attacked harder and faster than before, giving Kachiun his answer.

      All the warriors heard Chagatai’s ‘oof as the stick thumped air from his lungs. Before he could recover, Yao Shu struck him on the right hand so that it sprang open and the stick fell. Without pausing, the monk passed his weapon through Chagatai’s legs, so that the boy went tumbling on the frozen ground. The crowd did not cheer as Yao Shu bowed to the prostrate son of a khan. They expected Chagatai to return the gesture, but instead he rose with his cheeks flaming and stalked from the open space without looking back.

      Yao Shu held the pose longer than necessary, showing his own anger at having been ignored. It was his habit to discuss the bouts with the young warriors, explaining where they had failed and done well. In five years with the tribes, he had trained many of the men Genghis commanded and kept a school of twenty of the most promising. Chagatai was not one of those, but Yao Shu had learned enough of the world to understand his permission to remain came at a price. Today, it had been too high for him. He passed Kachiun without even glancing at the general.

      Though many in the crowd looked at Genghis to see how he reacted to his son’s rudeness, the khan showed them the cold face. He turned to Temuge and Khasar after watching the monk pass Kachiun.

      ‘That goat will be ready by now,’ he said.

      Temuge smiled for an instant, though it was not at news of hot food. In his innocence, the monk had made enemies of violent men. Perhaps they would teach him humility. The day had turned out rather better than Temuge could have hoped.

      Yao Shu was a small man, but he still had to duck low to pass into the ger of the khan’s second wife. As he entered, he bowed to Chakahai, as befitted a princess of the Xi Xia. In truth, he cared nothing for the titles of men, but he admired the way the woman had made her place in Mongol society. It could not have been more alien to the court she had once known, but she had survived and Yao Shu liked her.

      Ho Sa was already there, sipping the black tea her father sent to the camp. Yao Shu nodded to him, accepting a tiny, steaming cup from Chakahai’s own hands before settling himself. The camp was a small place in some ways, despite the vast, sprawling size of it. Yao Shu suspected Kachiun would know exactly how many times the three of them met and perhaps even had listeners outside. The thought made the tea seem sour in his mouth and Yao Shu grimaced lightly. This was not his world. He had come to the camps to spread the gentle teachings of the Buddha. He did not know yet if that had been the right choice. The Mongols were a strange people. They seemed to accept whatever he told them, especially if he phrased the lessons in stories. Yao Shu had passed on much of the wisdom he had learned as a boy, but when the war horns sounded, the Mongols shrugged off his teachings and rushed to kill. There was no understanding them, but he had accepted it as his path. As he sipped, he wondered if Chakahai was so accepting of her role.

      Yao Shu hardly spoke for a long time, as Ho Sa and Chakahai discussed the welfare of Chin soldiers in the khan’s tumans. Perhaps eight thousand men in the camp had once lived in Chin cities, or been soldiers for the emperor himself. Yet as many had come from the Turkic tribes in the north. The Chin recruits should have had little influence, but Chakahai had seen to it that all senior men were served by her people. Through them, she knew as well as Kachiun himself what went on in the camps.

      Yao Shu watched the delicate woman as she assured Ho Sa she would speak to her husband about the death rites for Chin soldiers. Yao Shu emptied his tea, taking pleasure in the bitter taste and the sound of his own language in his ears. That was something he missed, without a doubt. His drifting thoughts were dragged sharply back at his own name.

      ‘… perhaps Yao Shu can tell us,’ Chakahai said. ‘He has been with my husband’s sons as much as any other.’

      Yao Shu realised he had not heard the question and covered his embarrassment by holding out his bowl to be refilled.

      ‘What do you want to know?’ he asked.

      Chakahai sighed.

      ‘You have not been listening, my friend. I asked when Jochi would be fit enough to take his place with his men.’

      ‘In another turn of the moon, perhaps,’ Yao Shu replied immediately. ‘His wounds have remained clear, though his legs and arm will always be scarred from the hot irons. He has to rebuild the muscles there. I can work with him. At least he listens, unlike his foolish brother.’

      Both Chakahai and Ho Sa stiffened slightly as he spoke. The servants had been sent away on an errand, but there were always ears to hear.

      ‘I watched the practice, earlier,’ Ho Sa said. He hesitated, aware of delicate ground. ‘What did General Kachiun say to you?’

      Yao Shu looked up, irritated at the way Ho Sa’s voice had dropped to barely above a whisper.

      ‘It is not important, Ho Sa, any more than it is important to guard my words in this ger. I speak truth as I find it.’ He sighed. ‘And yet, I was once fifteen years old and stupid. Perhaps Chagatai could still grow into a strong man, I do not know. As it stands, he is too much of an angry boy.’

      For the monk, it was an astonishing outburst and Ho Sa blinked in surprise.

      ‘That “angry boy” may lead the tribes one day,’ Chakahai said softly.

      Yao Shu snorted into his tea.

      ‘I think sometimes that I have been among the tribes for too long. I should care nothing for which man inherits the horsetail standard of his father, or even if these new enemies see it trampled into the dirt.’

      ‘You have friends here, Yao Shu,’ Ho Sa said. ‘Why should you not care what happens to us?’

      The monk frowned to himself.

      ‘I thought once that I could be a voice for reason in this camp, that I might have an influence on the khan and his brothers.’ He made a dismissive sound in his throat. ‘Such is the arrogance of young men. I thought then that I might bring peace to the fierce hearts of the sons.’ Yao Shu’s cheeks flushed slightly under his skin. ‘Instead, perhaps I will watch as Chagatai comes to lead his father’s people and takes them on to more destruction than any of us could imagine.’

      ‘As you said, he is yet a boy,’ Chakahai murmured, СКАЧАТЬ