Heiress to a Curse. Zandria Munson
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Название: Heiress to a Curse

Автор: Zandria Munson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408928967


СКАЧАТЬ gaze strayed to her face as she leaned over to refill his glass. He could tell that she suppressed much of her feelings. If it was as she said and she had no one, then she had no shoulder to cry on. Strangely, he found himself filled with the need to reach out and draw her into his arms. His father had warned him to expect cunning and deceit, but that was not part of the woman who stood before him. No one, not even the heiress to a curse, deserved to suffer alone.

       Chapter 3

      Dinner had gone amazingly well, Alexandra surmised a few nights later as she lay in bed. Her usual thing would have been to thank her new neighbor for his assistance then bid him a good evening, but April’s criticism had replayed in her mind, and she knew it would have been a sin to allow him to slip away without even trying to get to know him a little. And she was certainly glad that she had. She’d really enjoyed herself. Marius Drakon wasn’t only very appealing to look at, but he also possessed the degree of wit and intellect she craved in a male companion.

      Of course, all that talk of her parents had left her feeling a bit embarrassed and alone. She wasn’t sure why she’d bared herself to him that way. She didn’t like talking about the deaths of her parents with anyone. On the surface, the pain had eased, but the hurt still lurked deep inside her heart.

      Marius had listened intently, and after she’d finished her sad story, they’d debated history, particularly that of Romania. Alexandra had always been intrigued by the legends and mysteries surrounding the place. Marius had proven to be quite knowledgeable about the subject, to the point where he could name all the kings in order of succession.

      His mind captivated her as much as his tall and lean body did. He exuded wisdom and absolute masculinity. She grew hot just thinking about him, and a sudden image of his powerful form pressed between her thighs flashed in her mind. An unwanted breathlessness assailed her.

      With an impious groan, she rolled onto her back, squeezing her thighs together in a vain attempt to subdue the rapidly spreading heat that seemed to emanate from her most intimate place. Silently, she scolded herself for allowing her thoughts to wander in that direction. She’d known him only a few days. Although he’d given her no reason, she felt the need to be wary of him. Something dark lurked behind those beautiful eyes, yet she feared that was the very thing that most attracted her to him.

      With a sigh, she reached onto her night table for her bottle of prescription sleeping pills. She slipped one into her mouth and, after a thought, took another. If she wanted to get any kind of sleep tonight she was going to need some additional help. The double dose worked quickly and within minutes she was falling helplessly into the world of dreams.

      Marius flexed his hand over the hilt of the fourteen-inch Romanian knife. He stood at the foot of Alexandra’s bed, legs braced and massive wings erect as he gazed down at her. After completing the first step of the ritual so effortlessly, he’d found no need to delay the second. He’d come to harvest a lock of her hair.

      She slept soundly with the sheet at her waist and entwined about her slender legs. The room was dimly lit by the street lights spilling in through the window, yet he could see every satiny inch of her naked body. His eyes devoured her, taking in the soft and ripe curves of her breasts, hips and thighs. She was perfection.

      Regardless of his efforts to remain focused on the task at hand, he felt himself swelling with desire. He couldn’t discern why she had such an effect on him, for during his many years of life, he’d seen and had some of the most beautiful of women. There was just something about Alexandra—something that called to the more primitive nature within him.

      Shaking himself, he moved to stand at the side of the bed. He would do it quickly—she wouldn’t even awaken from her sleep. His gaze crept over her a second time. Such a waste, he thought. A woman like her was every man’s dream—she was made for loving. Another surge of desire shot through him and his grip tightened on the hilt of his knife. He should be done with this task before he lost himself to witless thinking.

      He lifted a long tendril of ebony hair from the spill that covered her pillow. It was soft, weightless gossamer threads of shimmering silk. One quick flick of his blade and the smooth length fell away from the lock that remained in his hand. Carefully, he placed it within a leather pouch at his waist.

      In her sleep, Alexandra sighed softly. A flash of silver between her breasts caught his attention. She wore a small amulet attached to a rope chain. With the tip of his blade, he lifted it then took it between his fingers to examine the outline of the falcon at its center. The symbol was unmistakable, for it had haunted his family for hundreds of years; it was the Dancescu crest.

      Slowly, he replaced the amulet against her chest, his fingers grazing her soft skin. His hand lingered in that spot, gently circling the circumference of the heirloom.

      Again she sighed, her full breasts rising and falling with the effort. Marius stilled and his gaze crept back up to her face, fixing upon her lush lips. She was so enchanting. He would taste her just once before leaving.

      He placed the blade to the right of her pillow and lowered his hard mouth to graze her lips in a tender kiss. When he withdrew he noted that his pulse had quickened and his breathing was slightly labored. And what was worse, he yearned to taste her a second time. Before he could justify this desire, his head fell again, bringing his lips against hers with increased intensity.

      Alexandra groaned beneath him and her lips parted to welcome his hungry kiss. He devoured her, tasting every inch of her mouth. When her soft, wet tongue grazed the tip of his own, he retracted as if seared by hot iron.

       What vile witchery is this? The woman is intoxicating!

      Blood surged through his veins and he could feel his manhood strain against the material of his pants. With a predatory growl, he dipped again and his mouth found the delicate curve of her neck and shoulders. In her sleep she gasped, her soft breath warm against his ear.

      Marius worked his way along her shoulders then found the ripe mounds of her breasts. His fanged mouth enclosed one at a time, sucking greedily while his large, clawlike hands moved to encircle her slender waist.

      With a wanton cry, Alexandra arched from the bed, offering herself to him. “Yes,” she breathed. “Please, don’t stop.”

      With this encouragement, Marius traced a path of fiery kisses down her flat midsection. A haunting voice at the recess of his mind screamed at him and he knew he should take heed and cease this blasphemy, but it was too late. His self-control had fled and he could think of nothing save possessing the soft and beautiful woman beneath him.

      He spread her legs wide then slipped his hands beneath her rear, lifting her off the bed. He took only a moment to gaze upon her smooth softness before his mouth descended upon her hot, moist core. He ate greedily, his studded gargoyle’s tongue thrusting deep as he drank of her sweet nectar. Tender flesh began to writhe beneath him in shameless and suggestive undulation, urging him to complete his onslaught.

      He lifted her higher, allowing his tongue deeper invasion into her secrets and a moment later, her entire body began to tremble with a climatic orgasm.

      Marius fought to catch his breath. He couldn’t understand what had just happened. He’d come with only one task in mind, yet somehow he’d found himself driven to touch and taste her. Even now he battled the urge to pin her where she lay and appease the ache in his loins. He’d allowed himself to be weakened by her, his enemy. He was unworthy of the Drakon title.

      She dreamed of a sensuous heat that engulfed her, seeping in and out of her mind and body. She was helpless against СКАЧАТЬ