What’s a Girl to Do?:. Aimee Duffy
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Название: What’s a Girl to Do?:

Автор: Aimee Duffy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротика, Секс


isbn: 9780007540280


СКАЧАТЬ I can’t not want you. Believe me, I’ve tried.’

      She swallowed.

      ‘And you want me just as much.’

      Unable to speak, she stared at him.

      That was when he rose, stalked around the table, and offered his hand.

      God help her, she placed her hand in his and then she was off the chair and pressed against his chest. Lost in the darkness of his eyes. Lost in the crude words that made her want to spread herself out on the table in offering. He ran a finger up her spine over the silk dress, enticing a shiver and igniting a sharp need at her core.

      But that was the problem, wasn’t it? Losing control was dangerous. It led to bad things, like the end of a career and accidental pregnancies. The thought gave her the strength to pull away. His mouth opened in disbelief, but she wasn’t giving him a chance to let him talk her around again. Shey grabbed her bag.

      ‘Thank you for lunch, but this is a bad idea.’

      Her heels clicked urgently across the floor. Just as she was about to turn the lock, he spoke.

      ‘I never would have guessed you’d be uptight about sex.’

      Her hand froze on the key and her teeth clenched. She wasn’t uptight, just careful.

      Then Friday night’s conversation flashed into her mind. Safe and controlled relationships were all she allowed herself. Ever. But every cell inside was screaming to turn around and let him kiss her, and maybe more. And why not? She could do crazy, just once, couldn’t she? As long as she kept her head, it didn’t have to go too far.

      Shey turned. Calvin’s expression was closed off, but he couldn’t hide the heat in his eyes. She dropped her bag, then walked back to him slowly, with an extra sashay in her hips.

      ‘I’m not uptight about anything.’

      The grin was back as he rested his hip against the table. ‘I’ll believe that when you stop running from this.’

      She stopped right in front of him. ‘I’m not running anywhere.’

      ‘What changed your mind?’ he asked, but his attention was on her lips.

      ‘I had to prove you wrong.’

      He chuckled again, and the noise shivered through her. Grabbing her hips, he maneuvered her until her ass hit the table, and he closed in. Her heart rate spiked, her breath coming in short gasps.

      His palms rested on the table either side of her. ‘I’m happy to be proven wrong in this case.’

      Calvin’s head lowered slowly. She closed her eyes, totally lost in the unique scent of him, but still retaining control of herself. His body pressed so close to hers she could feel his erection prodding her stomach, his hard pectorals buffering the soft flesh of her breasts. She was sliding into the erotic moment with him; the urge to let go and enjoy was overwhelming.

      His lips brushed her earlobe, soft as a whisper, and she made an incoherent sound in her throat. ‘Is this what you want, Shey?’

      Shey was trembling so hard she didn’t know how to answer. She was wired to him, barely hanging on to reason. All she wanted was to be closer. To have his hands on her. For him to stop talking and fulfill the promises he made earlier with actions.

      As if reading her mind, his palms made contact with her outer thighs. The charge that ran through her ignited her senses. She was aware of every one of her pulse points, especially the one aching between her legs. Knees weakening, she grabbed onto his shoulders for support. His lips brushed her collarbone, and her head rocked to the side to give him better access. That seemed to be the reaction he wanted, because slowly he slipped her dress up her hips as he nibbled her throat.

      The pull towards him intensified like gravity. The closer she got, the closer she needed to be. His breath tickled her neck as one of his hands slid around to her backside. He squeezed hard and she moaned her approval. Pleasure sparked anew and gathered momentum as it crashed through her. His other hand got to work, sliding beneath her thong, and immediately a long, thick finger entered her. Instinctively, she squeezed her muscles to pull him deeper, ground her hips to get a better angle, and he rewarded her by slipping in another. Though she felt full, it wasn’t enough. Shey tried to tell him, then his lips pinched her ear sending a blast of shuddering currents through her body and all she managed was a mewl.

      Thrusting his fingers, he squeezed her backside, pulling her into a rhythm that made the burning inside morph to an achy pleasure. The orgasm swelled with the force of a train going full out, and she couldn’t bite back the desperate sounds coming out of her throat. His fingers swirled, over and over, barely skimming a spot inside that made heat flash through her. She was panting so hard she couldn’t tell him where she needed him to focus, but as she looked at him with pleading eyes, she hoped he understood.

      Calvin’s jaw was tense and the feral need in his eyes cranked her up higher. She gasped as he hit that spot inside again, and he grinned. Shey let out a wordless protest when his fingers swirled again.

      ‘The anticipation will be worth it, Shey. Trust me.’

      She couldn’t form a coherent reply, not with what he was doing to her. Taking her body to the edge, then slowing. Finger-fucking her faster as she felt the monumental orgasm slip away, then using lazy strokes right before she could come. She was sweating all over, and with every ragged breath she got another shot of his amazing smell. It was hard to believe that it would be better this way. When he brought her to the edge again and stopped, Shey wanted to weep. Her emotions were as raw as her body, held at the brink, her pleasure and what felt like so much more in this man’s control.

      This time Calvin slipped in a third finger and started pumping hard. With her nails digging into his shoulders to keep herself upright, she begged him with her eyes for more. Whatever wall he’d put up to restrain himself cracked. His thumb found her clit and his mouth sealed over hers with a growl.

      Her control crumbled as everything doubled.

      The sensations, the mounting pressure, the electric connection. He thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same tempo as his fingers, and kept that punishing rhythm on her clit until she couldn’t breathe. As he sucked her lower lip into his mouth, the pressure exploded in wild spasms, and she grabbed onto his hair to pull him closer, so his mouth could swallow her cry of relief while her body shuddered on.

      Shey went limp against him. She felt too open, too raw, more vulnerable than she’d ever been, but she couldn’t let him go. Calvin’s gentle kisses eased her, reassured her that everything would be fine even though she couldn’t think straight. His free hand rubbed up and down her spine softly.

      As her mind sharpened, she realized her head had slipped down to rest against his chest, and he still had his fingers inside her. Wedged between the table and him, she was held upright. Shey tested her leg muscles and decided it was better he supported her, but the thought of his hand between her thighs, fingers inside her, made her face heat. Made everything too real. Especially when she realized the pull to him was stronger than ever.

      She tried to speak. Her throat was clogged so tight nothing got past except little puffs of air.

      Slowly, Calvin withdrew his fingers and her inner muscles tightened on instinct. When they had slipped out all the way, she felt cold and bereft which, she told СКАЧАТЬ