The Principle of Evil: A Fast-Paced Serial Killer Thriller. T.M.E. Walsh
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Название: The Principle of Evil: A Fast-Paced Serial Killer Thriller

Автор: T.M.E. Walsh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Полицейские детективы


isbn: 9781474046541


СКАЧАТЬ Not now. The gash on her ankle had seen to that. Nothing left now except the time before he killed her.

      He’d desecrate her body, but not her soul. A soul that had already been ripped to shreds and lain broken, slowly dying a piece at a time since the day of the accident. The day her life broke down into nothing meaningful, just something wretched, languishing in self-pity.

      The man who was tracking her would be following the trail of blood, seeping from the wound on her ankle. For all she knew, he could be standing right behind her now, watching in silence, waiting to strike the final blow. The great calm before the storm.

      Her bruised ribs prevented her from rolling on her back. She sucked in a deep breath against the dank earth, soil creeping inside her mouth, between parched lips. She dug her fingers in deep, nails raking through the mud.

      She pulled.

      Just a little further towards the bushes. I can make it. I have to. Ignore the pain.

      Then she heard it. She froze with the fright and the possibility that death was coming even sooner than imagined. She wondered if it was delirium or if the noise close behind her was as real as the hot tears falling down her face.

      No, the sound of crushing twigs was much closer now. It was as real as the heat of his breath now upon her neck.

      He appeared almost from nowhere, creeping through the oily blackness.

      He was determined.

      He would kill her.

      The hairs on the back of her neck rose, gooseflesh puckering her skin. There was a moment there in the darkness when she thought he might speak to her. She heard his sharp intake of breath… but nothing more. She hadn’t the courage to look into his cold dark eyes again. The weight of his boot pressed down on her neck, burying her face deeper into the soil.

      Sweet Jesus, just let this be over quickly.

      He stooped down close, replaced his boot with an icy hand. She braced herself. Her eyes squeezed shut when she felt the sharp tip of the blade, the cold edge of steel.

      She felt no pain at first, just a forceful punch to the neck.

      Then came the pain.

      She felt her warm blood pouring down her neck, onto the ground, drenching the earth. Then the rain came. Icy fat droplets, pattering over her bare skin.

      As her mind took her beyond the pain, spiriting her away high above the violence below, the last thoughts that ran through her head were of her husband and their two children.

      She could see them clearly, as alive now as they had been a year ago. They were playing in the cornfield behind the house where she had grown up. A year without them had felt like an eternity, but she knew they had always been with her and would be until the very end.

       Isabelle and Jasmine, my beautiful girls. And Anthony. I’ve missed you all so much. I’m coming back to you.

      The vision of her husband blurred with reality but she was sure he was walking towards her, hands reaching out, lips greeting her with a smile. Her fingers splayed and ached for the touch of his skin, just as the darkness carried her away.

       PART ONE

      Present Day

      5th November

       ‘Don’t run… don’t run from me.’

       There, deep in the wood, she hears the voice again. The same voice that had haunted her, followed her desperately. Relentlessly for months.

       ‘Don’t run, wait for me. I can offer you so much more if you’d only let me.’

       But she cannot stop. She cannot learn to walk through this world again, not while the fear has a hold of her body, heart and soul.

       She runs down the track through the trees. She cannot place the voice, nor tell if it’s male or female. It rings like a cacophony of sounds in her head.

       She risks a glance down at her feet. They are bare once again, deep in the snow. The forest floor beneath the ice scratches at her skin, and she leaves drops of blood in her wake.

       She panics.

       Someone will follow her home, chasing the scarlet trail left behind. But where is home? She cannot find it. Ahead, there is nothing but forest.

       The mist circles the trees around her, the same as every time she sees them.

       This world is stripped. Void of colour. Void of time.

       Her heart pounds in her chest, but she can never understand who or what she runs from. Inside, the only thing that is always certain, is the fear. It relentlessly courses through her veins.

       She sees the clearing ahead. She wants to turn the other way. She has been here time and time before, but never understands why. A force is driving her forward, which she cannot control. She runs as if the hounds of hell were at her heels.

       She reaches the clearing… stops.

       The voice is there, behind her.

       She turns; ready to confront whatever it is that hunts her…

       It’s Him.

       As she feared it would be; a ghost from the past.

       She’s almost afraid to look into his eyes, but when she does, she sees there is nothing there but darkness. Hollow pits where brilliant eyes once shone.

       He reaches out, and before she can stop him, his hand grabs her hair, ripping clumps out by the roots.

       Then fingers are at her chest. They tear through icy flesh, nails scratching against bone, against ribs, hungry for her heart.

       As she cries out, his mouth opens in a silent scream, blood pouring out from within.

       CHAPTER 1

      Detective Chief Inspector Claire Winters bolted upright, eyes snapping open.

      She was shrouded in darkness and it took her several seconds to realise where she was as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings.

      Her head was spinning but soon the shadows stopped moving and became solid shapes, pieces of furniture she soon began to recognise in her living room.

      Her hands grabbed at her chest, which was slick with sweat despite the chill of the room. A sigh of relief shuddered through her body when she realised her skin, flesh and bone were still intact.

      She pushed back the stray strands of blonde hair from СКАЧАТЬ